The change of Si yejue's look is exactly captured by Han Anxin.

In principle, this is also good for Han Anxin.

As long as Si yejue always held this hatred towards Shen Jiang, he would not be involved any more.

But it's Shen Jiang, who can easily affect the mood of Si yejue and make Han Anxin feel uneasy.

"Yes, even if aunt is the last one to see your mother, it doesn't mean anything." Han Anxin didn't know about this before.

But with Mrs. Si's personality, maybe she did something.

Just at this time, Han Anxin certainly hopes to win the favor of Mrs. Si and Mr. Si yejue.

"I won't admit what I haven't done. I'm calm. I know in your heart, you are very unconvinced with me. Even for so many years, you think that it's just the old man's idea that I stopped you from going home. As for the end, you can enter this house only by Shen Jiang's false advice. In a word, I won't admit you." Mrs. Si immediately got up and stood up straight, even went straight to the bedroom.

"Auntie, even if you are angry, you have to eat something..." Han Anxin's face is very warm.

"Han Anxin, I think it's ridiculous for you. People don't pay attention to you, but you like hot face and cold bottom." Cold silently up and down looking at Han Anxin, it is only her, so warm-hearted.

"I really believe in auntie, she certainly is not that kind of person..." Han Anxin bit the corner of his mouth, but it seems very weak.

"Well, don't act here. I'm tired of you." Cold silent also lost appetite.

Next, only siyejue and Han Anxin are left in the restaurant.

This kind of opportunity is really rare.

Han Anxin clenched the chopsticks, but several times he wanted to say nothing.

Comparatively speaking, Si yejue's face was very dark. For a moment, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Take your time. I'll go out."

As soon as he heard that Si yejue was going out, Han Anxin was on guard. He put down his chopsticks and went to the door. "Now, are you going to see Shen Jiang?"

"No Si yejue was surprised that Han Anxin would care about this.

"Isn't it true?" Han Anxin doesn't seem to believe it.

"Why should I go to see her?" Si yejue asked again.

"Because I think... You may have to go to her to settle the accounts, but I think we should investigate the authenticity of the will first. Maybe you misunderstood Shen Jiang." Han Anxin's kind explanation.

"Oh, even I was surprised that you could help Shen Jiang speak. Han Anxin, are you really saying that, or are you reminding me that Shen Jiang cheated me?" Si yejue's unexpected eyebrows.

Han Anxin was surprised and speechless.

"I'm not looking for her."

In fact, Si yejue did not know how to settle Han Anxin.

Bar, some quiet private room.

"Now it's really busy. They both live in the residence..." Bo Yehan points out that it's Leng Muran and Han Anxin.

"Well." Si yejue nodded, admitting.

"But there's no way. I can only say that the old man is too smart. Only by letting Leng quietly in can siyejue get the right of succession. Otherwise, even the company will give up." Shen Ao pressed his brow and said, "I really don't know what your old man thinks. It's just because he feels that he owes cold silence?"

"I don't know." Si yejue shakes his head. His relationship with Si Fu is always tense.

"You just never like to bow your head to that old man..." Bo yeleng snorted. "That's why he feels that he owes Leng silent."

"He's just a bastard. He can't fight me." Si yejue has this confidence.

"Well, that's what you used to say, but what about people now? They're not in the company, they're living in the residence... Si yejue, don't you feel your face hurts now?" Thin night cold has long been unable to see.

"I can only blame Shen Jiang, a woman who doesn't know how to die. She has to fight me..." Si yejue pinched the goblet in his hand, as if it was Shen Jiang's slender neck. "Sooner or later, I'll let her know the end of betraying me... It's absolutely hard."

"If that will is true, Shen Jiang didn't do anything wrong, but he did it according to the old man's instructions. So, Si yejue, do you want to find the reason from yourself?" Shen Ao is not helping Shen Jiang speak, but a rational and objective analysis.

"Shen Shao, what you say now, Si yejue can't listen to it. Now he just thinks it's Shen Jiang's fault." Although Bo Yehan can understand siyejue, he also thinks that siyejue really wronged Shen Jiang.

"You're all talking for that woman." Si yejue frowned slightly and felt unhappy.

"It's you who won't let Shen Jiang go..." the cold and silent night finally opened the golden mouth.

"You don't speak, no one thinks you are dumb, cold night." Si yejue was already irritable, and now he is.

"I'm just saying a fair word, but you don't like to hear it yourself." Cold night funny way.

"Take your time." Si yejue is about to leave.

Cold night but sneer, "Si Shao, today is you pay the bill."

"Put it directly on my account." Si yejue just took a step, but turned back. He took a look at Leng Yeh, and then turned around and went out.

But Si yejue didn't expect to meet a familiar figure in the corridor.

It's no one else. It's Shen Jiang.

But Shen Jiang didn't come alone. He went out to talk business with his father.

When seeing Si yejue, Shen Fu's face turned blue obviously.

"Did you come here on purpose?"

"Uncle, of course not. I also go out to talk business." Si yejue raised his haughty chin, looked at Shen Fu first, and then looked at Shen Jiang again. "Miss Shen, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to take over the family business, but I have to remind you that business is not as easy as you think. Especially, your current opponent is me. I may not let you go so smoothly."

"Mr. Si, you may have forgotten that I was in charge of two companies, Shen and Si, so you have to ask me for advice in some places." Shen Jiang says so, Si yejue is suddenly.

"Yes, after all, you have some strength, but that's interesting and fun." At the moment when Si yejue and Shen Jiang pass by, he suddenly presses Shen Jiang's wrist.

Shen Jiang, you have to fight me. I didn't give you a chance before“

"Si yejue, let go." Shen Jiang's face was calm without any fluctuation.

"Shen Jiang, don't regret..."

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