Just an hour ago, they were in the dressing room, having a lot of love.

She thought that she had found the happiness of her life.

But he suddenly disappeared, really hurt her face.

Let her become an abandoned woman in public, a laughing stock!

Crystal tears such as broken pearls fall from the corner of the eye, an shengxia looks up, forced the tears back.

After walking for two steps, an shengxia suddenly stops.

Is that the way to go?

Just ask, she for this man pay physical and mental, really willing to go like this?


She is not reconciled!

He still owes her an account!

Since he is her man, even if he becomes a corpse, he must appear in front of her and give her an account!

The man she identified is not missing

Only widows!

"Bo Shao, if you know where he is, please tell him. I will wait for him in the old house and wait for him to explain to me!"

Rao is thin and cold at night. At this moment, we should admire an shengxia's strong heart.

Even if you repent of marriage in public, you have to earn your head. Will you not die until you reach the Yellow River?

If it wasn't for song September who first fell in love with Quan Yao, he could not help but appreciate an shengxia!

"I'll have you sent."

Thin night cold voice falls, hand then small white and big white embrace go.

No doubt, he was worried that an shengxia would run away with his children.

Xiaobai and Dabai, who were woken up, looked at the situation in front of them clearly, and immediately cried miserably, "you guys, let me go!"

"Don't touch me, or daddy will beat you!"

"I want mommy! I want mommy! Ah, Wuwu... "

"Uncle stink, you come down quickly

No matter how strong Rao is, he is only a five-year-old.

Xiaobai and Dabai push their legs, but they are still held tightly by the man in black uniform!

"Xiaobai, Dabai, Shh, don't cry, we're going home!" An shengxia laughs and promises to Bo Yehan again, "don't worry, when I left half a year ago, I didn't steal my son. This time, I won't, you don't have to be so nervous."

"Bo Shao, let her take her son away..." Si yejue couldn't look down. "What is our ability to bully her like this?"

Want to say and stop, thin night cold feel for the first time, in front of an shengxia shameless!

"Anshengxia, didn't you cheat me this time?" The division night Jue coughs, this just asks.

"Si Shao, thank you for believing me."

After listening to an shengxia's words, Si yejue's ears were red and his mouth did not forget to argue, "who, who believes you? I just think that he doesn't look like a man because he bullies you less!"

"..." I don't know who had to fight and kill an shengxia before, and even scolded him for being a witch. The thin night is cold and speechless at the moment.

"Si yejue, you cheated in front of me. Do you like an shengxia?" Shen Jiang is very jealous.

"He's not my type." An shengxia is in a hurry to clarify.


Back to the empty bedroom, an shengxia forced himself to sleep.

"Second young granny, you haven't eaten in a day. This is the meal I cooked for you. You can eat some." Mother Zhang pushed the door in.

"Well, I will." For fear that Zhang's mother was worried and didn't want to abuse her stomach, an shengxia didn't choose at all, so she bowed her head and ate all the food.

Think back to a few days ago, I was dieting for the wedding. It was stupid.

"Don't be in such a hurry. There's something else in the pot. If you want to eat, I'll make it for you at any time!" Painfully touched an Sheng Xia's head, Zhang Ma can't help sighing.

In this old house, all women's lives are very hard, but an shengxia is the most unique one.

She married in for Xiaobai and Dabai. In addition, she also hopes for a love.

Can the man of authority family also have love?

"Zhang ma..." the cheek leans in Zhang Ma's palm, an shengxia calmly smiles, "you are very kind to me."

"Second little grandma, this is what I should do. It's too easy for you to be satisfied..."

Zhang Ma sighed again, pushed the door and went out, "second little grandma, you have a rest early."

But I couldn't sleep.

Pick up the mobile phone, an shengxia dials his number again and again.

No doubt, no one answered.

"Unexpectedly, you still have the face to come back?"

At the door, a woman's proud voice came.

"You don't seem to want me back." Anyhow, I'll wait for him to tell me that he doesn't want to marry me

"After all, you are Xiaobai's and Dabai's mother. My second brother just doesn't want to tear his face, but proves with his actions that he regrets holding a wedding with you!"

Quan Meiyuan's words, an shengxia completely did not listen, "if you are to come to see my joke, please go back, walk slowly."

She doesn't believe what others say!

Unless he says it himself!

"You know, when a person is sick, you have to get rid of those germs to live, and you are the germs on my second brother!"

Comparing an shengxia with germs, we can see that Quan Meiyuan hates her very much.

"Anshengxia, you are the pathogen. You are not worthy of him at all!"

Yes, everyone thinks that she is not worthy of Quan Yao.

But she has been working hard, trying to match him

There is no need to explain to Quan Meiyuan that an shengxia leisurely picks up the comb and combs the soft hair over and over again.

Well, even if she is satirized, she needs to be beautiful. This is an shengxia.

It is an shengxia who has been struggling in society for half a year!

"Anshengxia, do you take me as the air now? How dare you Anger points to the back of an shengxia's head, Quan Meiyuan has nowhere to vent.

"You go out. This is my bedroom. Who told you to come in without my permission?"

"Well, how long do you think you'll be proud?"

Make sure Quan Yao doesn't come back all night, let alone how happy Quan Meiyuan is.

The phone rings.

"Miss ANN, I think there's something I'd better let you know." Inside the receiver, song Jiuyue's subtle voice sounded.

"Actually, I contacted him at the wedding." After deliberately pausing for a few seconds, song Jiuyue continued, "I told him not to appear, so he just..."

"Have you finished?" An shengxia looks as usual.

"I know you're angry now, but I'm sorry..."

Feel sorry for her? I didn't realize I'm sorry, but I realized I was showing off.

An Sheng Xia hums coldly, "Miss Song, have you finished?"

"Don't hang up!" Grinding his teeth, song September suddenly pressed his heart, "do you know how much I pay for him? I fell in love with him first. Since he can leave the wedding for me, I think you should see clearly that he doesn't have you at all. Why don't you stay in Mrs. Quan's position and refuse to come down? "

"Even if it's not me, it won't be you."

Raise slender fingers, an shengxia gently blow, "after all, I left half a year, you have no progress, your action is not generally slow..."

Every word is the key of song September!

"Anshengxia, do you know what my relationship with him is?"

Song Jiuyue smiles gently, "let me tell you a secret..."

Curious about the relationship between Song September and Quan Yao, an shengxia clenched his cell phone and said, "what's the secret?"

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