"A few meanings, Si yejue, you are suspecting me now, have something to do with the murder of my aunt?" Han Anxin didn't expect that Si yejue would suspect her.

"Whatever you think, I just don't want to make trouble. It's the best way to make me feel at ease. I don't want anyone to disturb my mother, everyone, including you." Si yejue's face was expressionless, and his words were even colder.

"Si yejue, you can doubt anyone, but don't doubt me. Even if I know that there is no future between us, I don't have a bad idea for you. It's also because I chose to forgive her. In fact, she should be punished..."

When Han Anxin just fell, he realized that she had said something wrong.

But what is said is like water thrown out. It is impossible to take it back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said just now. If you're not happy, I'll apologize to you now..." Han Anxin and Si yejue didn't look up or down, and they didn't want to make the relationship too stiff. Besides, she was kind-hearted.

"Han Anxin, go back first." Si yejue said, then turned and walked into the ward.


"She didn't stimulate you just now, did she?" Si yejue slightly frowned and looked at his wife.

"Who knows what she thought and gave me something to eat, but I didn't touch it. What I see now can't arouse my appetite, and I don't know who will poison what I eat." Mrs. Si's face was pale, and the corners of her mouth were even paler. She could hardly see any blood color.

"Don't worry, mom. I'll find out for sure. As for your food, I'll check it myself so that you won't be hurt at all." Si yejue promised.

"Well, I believe you, my son must have a way to protect me, but I always dream about your father... Now I don't even know how he went." Every time Mrs. Si thought of her dead husband, she would burst into tears.

"Dad's death, I will give you an account, but now, the most important thing is your body, no more accidents." Si yejue squeezed the back of his hand tightly.

"Don't worry, there are doctors and nurses to take care of you. You'd better put your mind on your work." Mrs. Si pressed the center of her eyebrows. It seemed that she was a little sleepy, so she waved her hand and was ready to have a rest.

"Mom, you have a good rest. No one will disturb you any more." Because Si yejue ordered that no one was allowed to come in and disturb his wife. Even at the door of the ward, several bodyguards were arranged to forbid anyone to enter.

"It's a pity. I wanted to go in and see her, but now I'm late." When Leng silently goes straight to the hospital, he bumps into Si yejue, but he also sees the bodyguards.

"If I were you, I would not waste my time on this kind of thing now. Instead, I would worry about whether I would be directly driven out of the company one day. I'm afraid the scene would not be good at that time." Si yejue's sarcastic cold hum.

"Brother, no matter whether you admit it or not, I am your brother and one of the legal heirs in the will, but I can't help it. Dad is too eccentric and gives you more shares, so I can only be a second in command. However, this result is very cost-effective for me. After all, I can get those shares without any effort." At first, I thought dad would not give me anything. From then on, I will be trampled on by you, but now, I am very satisfied

"Even that doesn't change the dirty blood in your body." Si yejue's ridiculous irony is just an illegitimate child. Where's his face?

"Well, half of my blood is the same as you, so you don't go anywhere." Cold silent a few steps approach the division night Jue.

"Of course I'm different from you. You're just rubbish." Every word of Si yejue was gnashing his teeth with a chill.

"Brother, I recognize you as my brother, but you seem to refuse to admit it all the time. However, people from the outside world have recognized me and we are brothers." No matter whether Si yejue admits it or not, they are brothers all the time. I'm afraid that's what makes Si yejue crazy most. He is very proud and has a satirical smile on his face.

"You wait, I'll let you get out of the company and never stay at home again." Si yejue has many ways to let Leng quietly get out of the country again, just as he used to.

"Sometimes, I really don't like foreign countries. It's really not easy to live in a strange place. Besides, I know that people who have elder brother have to go out to experience miserable life. Elder brother, one day, you have to accept me. On that day, I hope you won't be beaten in the face." Leng Muran also feels funny. He and Si yejue are the murderers, but they are also the last relatives in the world. At least for Leng Muran, he has lost enough.

"You don't want me to admit you, do you?" With this kind of cognition, Si yejue sneers. How can he accept it?

Absolutely, there won't be such a day.

"Don't be too full, Si yejue. That's why you can't control me..." Leng said quietly, then grasped the car key and turned to leave.


"Sorry, Miss Shen, you can't go in. The president ordered that no one can go in..."

Being stopped outside the door, Shen Jiang looks pale. It's good that she doesn't even have the right to visit Mrs. Si.

Although she also knew that Mrs. Si might not be happy to see her.

But Shen Jiang just wanted to be worthy of his conscience.

"You all get out of the way, and I'll be responsible for it." Shen Jiang's irritable explanation.

"Miss Shen, I hope you don't embarrass us, otherwise, we'll have to be rude..."

In the face of a few big bodyguards, Shen Jiang is serious and will suffer.

"Oh, you don't know my identity, don't you know the Shen family?" The Shen family gnashed their teeth.

"I just know that you are Miss Shen, so I can't let you in... This is specially ordered by the ancestral temple."

"Rely on..." Rao has a good upbringing, and Shen Jiang can't help being rude.

It's really... Disgusting!

"Well, then I won't go in..." Shen Jiang forbeared for a long time, and then said the complete words.

"Please help yourself, Miss Shen."

Shen Jiang was gnashing her teeth and wanted to kill Si yejue. She was so angry that she was shaking all over her body. She cursed Si yejue in her heart.

But there was a magnetic sound coming from behind.

"So are you cursing me to die now?"

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