"Cold silent, in fact, you can give me a chance, let me slowly approach your heart, and then you will know that I am also very good."

Han Anxin advised several times.

"Once a man wants a divorce, it's all considered, not joked, so don't think that just a few words with me can change anything?" Leng Muran sneers, Han Anshen's idea is too naive.

"I just believe that time can change a lot of things. What you don't like now, maybe you will like it later, just like I didn't like you at all before, but later, I don't want to live with you now?" Han Anxin tilted his head, with an indifferent smile on his face.

"I won't change back." Cold silence can't help laughing.

"Really..." Han Anxin pinched the back of her hand. She was just gambling. She still had the chips. After all, she is still a cold and silent wife, which can't be changed.

"Don't waste time on me. A woman's youth is very short. It's gone in the blink of an eye." Cold silently reminds a way.

"But I like to waste time." Han Anxin's idea will not be revised in a short time.

"Han Anxin, I'm really convinced." The world is ridiculous. The easier it is to get, the more it doesn't want, the less it can get, and the more it wants. That's what human nature is!

"I don't know why I became like this..." Han Anxin pursed the corners of his mouth, "why don't you live with me like this, and I don't want anything else."

"Han Anxin, it's really interesting to ask for nothing?" Leng Muran immediately went to the front of Si yejue, "brother, I've come to congratulate you, but I didn't expect that you seem to be today's hero. How, do you want to remarry?"

"It's not something you should worry about. Besides, I don't want you to be so familiar outside. Our relationship is not so good, right?" Si yejue's rejection of Leng Muran was almost written on his face.

"I just think that people like you are really not suitable for marriage. After all, you are so selfish and only think of yourself. Besides, Shen Jiang spent so much time on you and wasted so many years of youth..." Leng Muran just thought it was not worth it just for Shen Jiang.

"Originally I didn't believe it, but now I think it's true that you have to divorce, maybe it's just for Shen Jiang... Why don't I know that your relationship has become so close?" Si yejue suddenly realized this and couldn't help questioning the exit.

"When did I say I was going to remarry?" He doesn't have this idea, but almost everyone thinks so.

"If it's not... Then brother, why did you show up with a little grape and the Shen family welcome you so much?" It's a surprise to be cold.

"After all, I am the father of little grape. Of course, I will attend his hundred day banquet." Si Ye Jue said coldly, but it was not an explanation, just an explanation.

"I didn't expect that the Shen family were still very caring." Cold silence is even more ironic.

"Instead of caring about me, don't care about yourself." Si yejue sniffed.

"Oh, you mean, Han Anshen and I?" He is really planning to divorce, but all the people don't believe it.

"Is it true that they will divorce?" Si yejue asked tentatively.

"Yes, as long as she is willing to sign." It's just a pity that Han Anxin doesn't want to do it at all. He quietly raises his mouth slightly.

At the hundred day banquet of little grape, the most popular one is siyejue.

Si yejue was almost the host of the feast. When he received the guests, he was more active than the Shen family.

Seeing this, Shen's father almost didn't die of anger, but it was a good day. He could only endure it until the end. Then he talked to Si yejue.

"Mr. Si, I can understand what you've done today, but I hope it won't happen again. After all, the relationship between our two families is not very good." Shen Fu clenched his gums.

"Uncle, I attended rashly today and didn't say hello to you in advance. It's really that I didn't do it well enough, but I'm also the father of little grape. I can't think I don't know if I don't come, can I?" Si yejue explained patiently.

"I don't care about anything else. It's just that I'm not happy for you to show up like this." Shen Fu pointed to the tip of Si yejue's nose. "When I gave my daughter to you, I thought that you could live happily all the time. Even if you didn't have any feelings at first, you would gradually cultivate feelings. But later I learned that you were just not suitable, and you couldn't just be together because of your children. As for this child, After all, my daughter was born out of hard work. At the beginning, you agreed to give it to the Shen family... So now if you want to rob the children from us, is it too much? "

"Uncle, I think you must have misunderstood me. I'm not here to rob children. I just think children need not only their mother but also their father. Although I don't live with Shen Jiang, my love for children is not inferior to her." Si yejue's love for small grapes is certainly not less.

"In fact, I hope our two families don't move on before." It's just what father shen wants.

"Do you think it's possible?" No walking? How is that possible?

Now the child is still young, but when the child grows up, if the child really wants to ask, who is his father?

How do you explain that?

Are they divorced?

It must be some kind of blow for children!

Who doesn't want to have a healthy family?

"So, even if it's a divorce, the child wants to have a father and a mother." The words of Si yejue are true.

Let Shen Fugen have no way to refute.

"I admit this, but the harm you do to my daughter and our Shen family will not be zero because of the existence of this child..." Shen's father hums coldly. "I love this child because it was born by my daughter, not because this child belongs to the family."

"But everything I have now must belong to this child in the future, because my father's will says this, and it has legal effect, so you think, uncle, do you really think that I can let this child go easily?"

Si yejue continued to explain, "at first, when Shen Jiang and I divorced, her mood was very unstable. Even if it was to stabilize Shen Jiang's mood, I would say, let the child follow her, but in my heart, I really love little grape..."

How can there be fathers who don't want children in this world?

Si yejue lowered his voice. "Even, in order to give the child a healthy family, I can marry her..."

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