"But I don't want to. Why do you want to remarry? Do you think my opinion doesn't matter?" Shen Jiang half narrowed her eyes. She had long hated Si yejue's arbitrariness. Previously, she loved Si yejue with all her heart, so any shortcomings seemed to be nonexistent. But now, she felt that Si yejue was full of shortcomings, so she couldn't ignore them. Since she could do it again, Shen Jiang didn't want to hurt herself, She just wants to find someone who is good to her. If she can't find one, she will live with her son. If she can find one, she doesn't mind marrying again, but anyway, that person is not Si yejue.

Shen Jiang doesn't want to fall on the same person twice.

"Choosing me is your best destination. You don't think it's important now. It's because you are young and don't understand. When you are old, what choice do you think you have?" Si yejue had too much confidence in himself.

"Do you mean that we women have to live for men? In the past, I did, but what did I get? So in the future, I have to live for myself. I will not easily put my future on a man, because I can live well, or even better, by myself, Even if people who like each other live together, they will get tired of it, not to mention that there is no emotional foundation between us, just for the sake of our children, we will still make the same mistake, so I really don't want to do this... "Shen Jiang is too clever to hate everything, so he will refuse Si yejue.

"If you think my refusal makes you lose face, I can also take the initiative to be rejected by you once. Anyway, I think face is nothing to me, I just want to be more comfortable and happy." Shen Jiang's peaceful way is to dispel the idea of Si yejue's remarriage, and also take care of Si yejue's face.

"That's how you women think about things in such a negative way every time. Why do you think that after you are with me, you will have a bad life? Will I not let you spend money or eat?" Of course, Si yejue couldn't figure it out.

"You don't give me love. As for money, I can earn it myself." Shen Jiang just said it!

"Love?" This word, for Si yejue, is nothing but illusory. "A lot of people can live well without love. Even between husband and wife, it's more about responsibility and habits. Otherwise, why don't you love me now? Because love will come into being and disappear at any time. I never believe it, just you women, I have to believe in this thing. Sometimes love is just a kind of intuition and illusion, which will make people lose their sense, so I don't think it's a good thing. "

"But this is what I want. If you can't give it to me, forget it. Anyway, someone will give it to me." Shen Jiang couldn't help laughing. She didn't like to make do with it for a long time. It's better to love herself than to force others to love her. When it's appropriate, she'll go to the right person.

"You said that if you love this thing, it will definitely go bad in the future. What do you want this useless thing for?" Si yejue asked sarcastically.

"I just like it. There is only one life in my life. Why do I have to treat myself badly?" Shen Jiang tilted his head, "I think, I am so excellent, not everyone is qualified to be loved by me."

"I'm really honored." Si yejue laughed a little. Once he got the love of this woman. Even if it was once, since this woman can fall in love with him once, there is still a second time.

"Shen Jiang, I'll give you time to think about me." Si yejue calmed down this time. He never thought that Shen Jiang would want to love this kind of thing.

"You still don't wait for me, I won't reconsider you..." Shen Jiang is also speechless, she has fallen once, there will be no next time.

"Sometimes people are like this, they can't escape the law of true fragrance." Si yejue pinched Shen Jiang's chin and said, "when you think clearly, you can come to me at any time."

"Don't worry. I won't come to you." Shen Jiang is still thinking too simply. He didn't expect that Si yejue would attack Shen. It's too low-level to do so.

"You're not afraid that Shen Jiang will come to you to settle the matter?" Cold night is also really convinced, division night Baron is really what all do out.

"I'm afraid she won't come to me at such a time." Si yejue was not afraid at all. On the contrary, he was afraid that Shen Jiang would still swallow his words.

"There is a limit to anyone's patience. They will come to you for sure." Cold night points to Si yejue, "at that time, when you are bored."

"You know what she said to me. She said she wanted love. What do you want me to do? I don't know what it is and how to give it to her. I really don't understand. Do you understand lengshao?" Si yejue couldn't help looking at the cold night.

"It's useless for me to understand this kind of thing. I can't help you. You'd better understand it yourself." Cold night pressed eyebrow, pick eyebrow to, "when Shen Jiang to find you, I can't help."“ In fact, it's very good, isn't it? If she comes to be soft, I won't do anything. " Si yejue is making fun of the company.

"You think it's nothing if you make such a noise, but those shareholders must have some ideas in their hearts. Don't play too much." The cold night hinted.

"Don't worry, I know it myself." Si yejue nodded slightly. Of course, he knew where the bottom line was. He didn't joke about the performance of the whole company. Even now, it was just a strategy to really attack Shen.

"You know, Leng Muran is staring at you all the time. You'd better not give him this opportunity if you make any mistakes..." lengye reminds him again“ Well, I got your reminder. " Si yejue nodded slightly.

"I hope you don't mess with me." The cold night sighs deeply.

"You're just because of an shengxia, so you're afraid that Shen Jiang will suffer losses here. Hehe, now she is. If she doesn't trip me, I'll be thankful." Si yejue half narrowed his eyes, funny way.

"As you know, Sheng Xia told me, so I can't watch Shen Jiang being bullied by you, and I can't explain it back." If there is anything to be considered in a cold night, it must be an shengxia, including the people he cares about.

"Well, I won't embarrass you. After all, you've helped me a lot." Si yejue made such a promise, but Leng Yeh was still worried.

Until the phone rings.

Si yejue immediately looked down. Sure enough, it was Shen Jiang.

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