"Mr. Si, I really don't know what kind of face you are holding to ask me about remarriage. Have you made any efforts besides talking about it in your mouth? "

Shen Jiang is Mr. Si now, but he keeps a distant distance and doesn't want to give him any chance.

But Si yejue didn't seem to realize it.

Or he has realized, but he just refuses to admit that Shen Jiang really doesn't care about his feelings.

"So what do you hope I can say to you? I can treat you well, even spend time with you and give you what you want most, as long as you don't give me a bad face. " Si yejue's request is not too much, but Shen Jiang's attitude of refusing people thousands of miles away makes Si yejue very mad.

He seldom flatters a woman like this. Even before, he has never been so gentle and patient with Han Anxin.

But Shen Jiang turned a blind eye, as if he didn't see it.

I'm afraid women can't be spoiled. The more they are spoiled, the worse they get.

"Ha ha, up to now you don't know what I want, you still keep remarrying?" Shen Jiang shook his head helplessly.

Let's forget about remarriage! She just wants to live alone now! In addition... The biggest wish is to bring up the child, so her life is not in vain.

"Si yejue, maybe the only thing I want to thank you for is... When I didn't want this child, you convinced me to give birth to this child smoothly." Shen Jiang sighed deeply.

The only relationship they have now is this child.

"Shen Jiang, you could not have this child at first, and now you can not have me. Do you really think you can live alone? Do you really not need another person to live with you? " The division night Jue doubts of ask.

"Yes, I don't need it now. I don't think I can covet a man's kindness to me. No matter how good it is, it will disappear at any time. It's all up to you. So now I've learned to love myself and live alone. " Shen Jiang gave a cool smile.

"Is it because of your father that you insist on not remarrying me? Or is it because of an shengxia? " Si yejue's supplementary question.

He wants to know what Shen Jiang really thinks.

"It's just that I won't remarry with you. It's nothing to do with others. Si yejue, you have too much confidence in yourself? You think I still like you, don't you? Please don't dream. I have no feelings for you for a long time. It's not because of anyone, but because of your past hurt, which makes me completely die. " Shen Jiang had already lost his heart, so he reached out and dialed the landline, "Mr. Si, if you go now unconsciously, maybe I'll ask the security guard to come in and drive you away. The scene will not be very good at that time. At least you are a bigger person. You must need face very much, so please help yourself. "

Si yejue had nothing to say, so he had to leave for a while.


"So you are angry with that woman now. Now you can only drink muggy wine here to vent your dissatisfaction?" Shen Ao ironically said.

"You can say a few words, you don't speak, no one looks at you as dumb." Si yejue looks at Shen Ao angrily.

"Come on, you're angry with Shen Jiang. You don't have to take it out on me, do you?" Shen Ao is extremely aggrieved.

"You have the most nonsense." Thin night cold cold saw Shen Ao one eye, "your own matter has not solved, fortunately meaning says others."

Thin wild cold a headache, only feel, division night Jue and Shen Ao are not what fuel-efficient lamp.

"You said that she deliberately investigated the incident of Han Anxin. Was it because she was jealous?" Si yejue came to such a conclusion after drinking for a long time.

No one thought that Si yejue could draw such a earth shaking conclusion by drinking muggy wine.

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned and had to admire the shameless brain hole of Si yejue.

Can he be more narcissistic?

Do you really think Shen Jiang can't live without him?


"You mean Shen Jiang is just jealous, so he will investigate Han Anxin." Bo Yehan thinks that Si yejue must be crazy.

And it's crazy.

"Otherwise, why doesn't she go to investigate other people and have to investigate Han Anxin?" "Si yejue continued," she must be eager to remarry with me now, but she just can't promise. But fortunately, I have a lot of patience, I can accompany her to continue to play, but if she plays too much, I'm afraid it will affect the reputation of the family, at that time, I can't protect her openly

"Actually, I think you must think too much. Shen Jiang's investigation of Han Anxin is just for Shen's family. She worries that Shen's parents are also involved in this matter." Shen Ao couldn't help telling the truth.

"Shen Ao, you are not married in the end, so you certainly don't know what women think, otherwise you won't be alone now." The speech of Si yejue is full of satire.

Shen Ao immediately retorted, "Si yejue, I think you must think too much. Everyone knows that Shen Jiang will not investigate Han Nanxin in order to eat your vinegar."

"Si yejue, I think the same as Shen Ao." Finally the cold night spoke.

This is probably the first sentence cold night said tonight, the spearhead is pointed at the night of the division.

"I really didn't expect you to have such self-confidence that this woman wants to eat your vinegar." Cold night sneered, "you'd better think about how to please a woman, rather than drink muggy wine here."

Seeing the stupid appearance of Si yejue, Leng Yeh was blind.

But without waiting for Si yejue to open his mouth, Leng Yeh continued, "I guess you've gone to see her. It's just that people don't pay attention to her. You really have to learn to understand women's hearts. "

Si yejue immediately felt that he was despised, so he took advantage of the strength of wine to grab the key of the car and went out.

Driving aimlessly in the street, Si yejue finally drove the car to the door of Shen mansion.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Si yejue's eyes were a little dim. He looked up, through the window, to the attic in front of him, but saw a woman's graceful figure.

You don't have to think it's Shen Jiang.

Si yejue smiles, but takes out his cell phone and calls Shen Jiang immediately.

When the phone was connected, Si yejue seemed to be a little hesitant and nervous.

The first time, of course, I didn't get through.

Maybe Shen Jiang didn't hear it.

Si yejue, however, keeps up his efforts. Shen Jiang won't answer the phone all night, will he?

Finally, when the phone was connected at that moment, Si yejue's mood was finally settled, and his tone also showed endless confidence.

"Shen Jiang, I seem to miss you."

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