No, absolutely impossible

Shen Jiang kept shaking his head hard. "Auntie, you can doubt anyone, but except my family, what kind of people they are. I know very well in my heart that my father would never plan such a thing, and even use you to hurt Han Anxin. At that time, my father didn't know that there was a woman named Han Anxin! Do you think my dad knows who I don't know? "

"It's hard to say. After all, he was in charge of the company and knew a lot about it. There must be people around him who gave him advice. You don't know how crazy you were in pursuit of my son. Almost everyone in the world knows that a father did something to make his daughter happy, It seems to make sense... "This is Mrs. Si's guess all the time.

"Auntie, you can eat anything, but you can't talk nonsense." Shen Jiang was very angry. "I don't quarrel with you because you are an elder, but it doesn't mean that your words are right. My father is such a kind person, he will never be a murderer!"

"I'm just guessing, but I didn't expect that your reaction would be so big. If you think about it carefully, your father seems to be really good to you. Everything you want will be taken to you. Even if you had to go to the army, he would allow you, even if others opposed it. So I think my guess is very convincing, Instead of arguing with me here, you'd better ask him if he really did something bad in those years. If he admits it, it's better to let you find out by yourself, and the scene will not look good at that time... After all, I'm also a participant. In fact, I really hope you can stop and don't continue to investigate... "

In Mrs. Si's voice line, half is warning, half is helpless.

"Since you slander my father so much, I won't give up easily. I don't believe it's him, and it can't be him. Now you just want me to stop, so that I can finish the investigation immediately. Auntie, your mind is really terrible, and I won't believe you." Shen Jiang's mood at the moment is very messy. Although she thinks that Mrs. Si's words are reasonable, she will never let her father be the last murderer, because she always thinks that her father is such a kind person. How can she have the heart to hurt another girl?

At that time, Han Anxin was just the age when she graduated from university. She was as old as her!

"I know it's hard for you to accept it for a while, but this is the truth that I can think of. Otherwise, why does the other party have my number and deliberately contact me as if they don't know me, and the tone of speaking seems to know me very well. Who else do you think besides your father?" Mrs. Si asked in a funny way.

"Auntie, it's not difficult to know your information. After all, you are still a high-profile person. As for your mobile phone number, as long as you are a little better in the shopping mall, you can also be contacted. This only shows that the other party should be a person with a head and a face, but there are so many people. Are they all killers?" Shen Jiang would never allow Mrs. Si to doubt her father like this.

"Since you still don't believe it, you can continue to investigate. I really sympathize with you. In case the final result will be on your Shen family, your face will be wonderful..." after that, Mrs. Si took her handbag and turned to leave.

Back in the office, Shen Jiang's face was very complicated. In his mind, he was always hovering over what Mrs. Si had said before.

Is it really dad?

Impossible, absolutely impossible

Also very upset, Shen Jiang after work, but did not directly go home, but about an shengxia a few people out to drink.

"Do you have any emotional difficulties when you are so drunk?" An shengxia asked curiously.

"Don't ask me anything. I don't want to talk now. If you are still my best friends, just drink with me, and then say something happy." Shen Jiang's eyes are full of satire.

"It seems that she is really uncomfortable. Is it because of Si yejue?" Li Ruoxi asked strangely.

"No, they have already ended. Maybe they are lovelorn..." Miaomiao felt her chin and said uncertainly.

"No, if Shen Jiang falls in love, I will know. I don't think it's lovelorn, but it looks like it's because of Si yejue..." an shengxia is very angry.

"No, you think too much. I'm not a man today, just for the case I'm investigating now. I'm worried about the final result, which I can't accept. But I don't want to wrongly the people around me, so even if I feel uncomfortable, I'll continue to investigate..." Shen Jiang firmly believes that my father is innocent.

"You say this, is it because..." an Sheng Xia can't help but take a cold breath, "no, uncle is so good, how can it be?"

"Yes, I don't think it's possible, so I have to investigate. Today, my aunt called me, and she suspected my father." Shen Jiang sneered, "a person who has been identified as the murderer, but told me so... I really don't know where she got the news. She said that she didn't know the identity of the other party, but told me so sure. In fact, she wanted me to stop. But the more she thought about it, the more I couldn't be knocked down."

"I absolutely support you in this matter, and I also want a truth." An shengxia also raised his glass and said, "if it's something we haven't done before, we can't admit it easily. Otherwise, people think that we are really good bullies."

"I didn't expect that there was such a secret in those years..." Li Ruoxi shook her head, "so Han Anxin really offended a lot of people."

"I didn't know Han Anxin at that time, and my father probably didn't know him either. Besides, how could my father plan such a terrible way for a girl who didn't grow up?" Shen Jiang did not believe, "my father, who also has a daughter, will never be so disgusting."

"I believe in my uncle, too." Miao Miao took Shen Jiang's wrist and said, "don't be sad. We all support you and will help you."

"Well, I know..." Shen Jiang's heart was very happy, but after all, he drank too much, so he had to find a driver to take him home.

At first, when an shengxia called lengye to pick her up, she sent Shen Jiang along the way.

But as a result, it's not just the cold night.

Including him

Si yejue!

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