It is undeniable that the phone call of Si yejue was timely.

But Shen Jiang doesn't know whether the phone call of Si yejue is due to his wife or this case?

Shen Jiang looks down at the screen of his mobile phone, but he doesn't answer immediately.

"Whose phone?" Mrs. Si's vigilant questioning.

"It's the same as you think. It's from Si yejue. I don't know what his intention is. I guess I know. Let's talk together." Shen Jiang's way is light.

"I hope he doesn't know if he can. We are together now." Mrs. Si's face turned pale obviously. "He doesn't like me to talk to you. After all, you've been together before. He always thinks I'm aiming at you on purpose."

"Yes? Did he really tell you that? " Shen Jiang is surprised. Unexpectedly, Si yejue still cares about her.

"You don't have to believe it. I don't have to lie to you." Mrs. Si said sarcastically.

"I always said that, this case, I will not give up, because the truth of that year should have been brought out." Shen Jiang said with a light smile, "since you have said that the real planner is not you, I don't think you need to be too nervous."

"But I still can't get rid of the relationship. Shen Jiang, look at my age, I'm so old. I don't want to dream too much. I just want to live the life I want." Mrs. Si's mood was a little excited.

"Auntie, I said it wasn't aimed at you. Even if I don't investigate now, there will be people who will bring this up again." Shen Jiang's kind reminder.

"So I've been looking for you so many times, but you're still unmoved and have to continue to investigate, aren't you?" Mrs. Si took a deep breath and asked.

"Actually, I don't mean to aim at you. I just want to do what I want to do..." Shen Jiang said with a light smile.

"Well, I hope you don't regret..."

When Mrs. Si just walked out of the door, she ran into Si yejue.

"Mom, you saw her again just now. What did you say? She didn't answer my phone." Si yejue looks very anxious.

"Why, are you worried about my trouble with her?" Mrs. Si only thought it was funny, "now she won't let me have a good life. You are so kind and devoted to helping Shen Jiang. Have you forgotten the fact that you have divorced?"

"Of course I didn't forget, but as you know, I was thinking about remarriage, and didn't you like her before?" Si yejue shook his head and said, "now, you are just a little contradictory for the time being. Let her look down first. I don't think there will be any new clues."

"What did you tell me before? You said that you won't let her check. Now it's good. It really helps her. " Mrs. Si looked disappointed. "Also, after your father left, in fact, you can ignore my life and death. Anyway, I'm just a redundant person now. You won't listen to what I say to you any more."

"How hypocritical is that? From small to large, when did I care about you? If I didn't care about you, how could you be so carefree until now? I spent a lot of time on that matter, and then I put it down. Mom, you have to admit that. " Si yejue didn't want to mention the old story again. However, his wife forced him to do so.

"You are my son. You should have been facing me. I'm just worried that Shen Jiang will really find out what and who are you going to help then?" Mrs. Si asked tentatively.

"She won't hurt you. After all, she knows that you are the child's grandmother, which is an unchangeable fact. In her heart, she won't do too much." Si yejue believes that Shen Jiang will leave a little bottom line.

"Some words just sound good, but they may not be really good for me." Mrs. Si white Si Ye Jue one eye, she knows, Si Ye Jue's mind, is not in own body.

"You go in, she should be waiting for you." Mrs. Smith is sure of that.


"So you deliberately refused to answer my phone. I thought that you were bullied. Just after meeting my mother, you asked about it and made my mother unhappy. Shen Jiang, are you happy now?" At least, Si yejue said that in order to win Shen Jiang a smile.

But unfortunately, Shen Jiang's face was still very cold, "why should I be happy, or do you think that if you do this, I should be very moved?"

"I'm joking with you. You look like this, aren't you a little over the top?" The division night Jue picks eyebrow to ask.

"I'm sorry, you can't hear anything nice here. You'd better go out and find those women who like to coax you." Shen Jiang's face was extremely indifferent.

"You are really good at learning. It's an shengxia who told you not to be nice to me?" Si yejue always thinks that it's an shengxia's ghost idea.

"I don't want to talk to you myself. Don't always think that this is the pot in midsummer. She just hates you." Shen Jiang is not polite.

"If she wasn't cold night's wife, I would have been unhappy with her." Si yejue is more direct.

"You can say that in front of the cold night." Shen Jiang rewarded Si yejue with a big white eye.

"Our two companies have cooperation. At this time, I don't want to make trouble with him. Moreover, I don't care much about how an shengxia treats me. I'm just worried that she will speak ill of me in your ear. Maybe you will miss me by then." Si yejue constantly beautifies his image.

"There is no misunderstanding between us. It's just that we have ended a relationship, or for you, it's not the end, because we haven't really started. In the past, it's almost me who is supporting it alone..." as long as he thinks of this, Shen Jiang closes his eyes and always feels that he is really stupid, even pathetic. He knows that he is not the right person, But also hard to support, wasted these 20 years.

"But it's different now. I said that I wanted to remarry with you, so I gave you the chance to refuse me. After all, you did pay more than me. You should be dissatisfied with me now. I also bear these white eyes, but I hope you can give me some sweetness and make me think it's worth waiting for you." Si yejue almost began to doubt life.

A woman really ruthless up, is really merciless, there is no bottom line.

"Si yejue, why do you think I can give you a chance?"

He had to give up her.

So now she finally, let him get what he wanted.

"When you don't want me, I have to disappear. You regret it now, and I may not come back, Si yejue..."

Pause a few seconds, Shen Jiang this just resolute way, "between us, good gather good scatter."

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