Shen Jiang just stood at the door, but she didn't want to go in at all. She didn't want to see the false face of Si yejue, and she didn't want to face his wife's groundless accusation.

"I came here specially after your mother left. After all, I don't want to make trouble. My aunt would like to kill me if she saw me now. Look at your injured appearance now..." Shen Jiang looked at Si yejue back and forth. The doctor said that he was hurt a lot, but he deserved it. He had to stay at the door of Shen public relations and refused to leave. He threatened to take her away, It's also funny. If Si yejue wants to have a child, he can say it directly. He still has to pretend it's for her.

Shen Jiang can bear anything, but he just can't bear one's hypocrisy.

"Fortunately, you didn't meet her. She's really angry now, but it's estimated that she'll be fine after a while... You know my mother's temper, that's knife mouth and bean curd heart. Besides, I won't let her bully you." Si yejue didn't expect that Shen Jiang had a good conscience. He came to see him in a hurry, probably because of heartache.

"I think you live here very well. You will be taken care of by doctors and nurses. Besides, you are not seriously injured. Pay more attention to rest and you will get better. I hope you don't get me wrong when I come to see you. I just don't want to make you hate the Shen family for this. All this is just your own fault. Don't call me if you drink too much in the future, And don't come to my house to make trouble. If you don't feel ashamed, I still feel ashamed. "

From the beginning to the end, Shen Jiang didn't show any concern for Si yejue. Instead, he was careless. He just didn't hope that Si yejue would be involved in the Shen family if he was ill.

"You even disdain pretending to be in a relationship, don't you?" Si yejue looks at Shen Jiang sarcastically.

"I don't want to do things so absolutely... But I don't think it's necessary to act at this stage. Even if I really pretend to care about you, do you believe it?" Shen Jiang sneered, "besides, compared with you, my acting skills are nothing."

"I'm so sick that you don't have to talk sarcastically about me." Si yejue even thinks that Shen Jiang is not as good as not coming. At least, he can imagine that Shen Jiang just doesn't know how to face him, but he is not contemptuous at the moment.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak well, which makes you unhappy. But it's not me who caused you to become like this. It's you who refuse to give up your heart. No matter when you come to me in the future, you will get such an end, and I won't feel sorry for it." Shen Jiang's way is light.

"Shen Jiang, I really want to know what your heart is made of?" Si yejue even felt that Shen Jiang had no heart.

"Well, once I offered something to you, but you didn't want it, so I threw it away and crushed it, because sometimes emotion is not worth mentioning." Shen Jiang's only belief is that his son and his family will leave at any time except for them. Even if they were good, they will take it back at any time.

What's more, Si yejue brought her only hurt all the time.

"Cough..." Si yejue coughed suddenly, and his face turned pale slightly. It seemed that he was very uncomfortable.

He pressed his neck several times to say something, but swallowed it.

"Are you all right?" Shen Jiang didn't hold back and asked in doubt.

"Call a doctor for me, I'm not feeling well now..." Si yejue was very weak.

"Aren't you out of danger, but now I see you like this, it seems very uncomfortable. What's wrong with you?" Shen Jiang asked uneasily.

"You won't care about my life or death anyway." Si yejue looked up and said with a smile.

"The doctor and nurse will be there soon..." Shen Jiang frowned.

After a while, the doctor and nurse finished the examination for siyejue.

"What's the matter with him? Is it getting worse? " Shen Jiang asked hesitantly.

"There's nothing wrong with the young master's health, as long as you pay attention to recuperation and calm down." The doctor said respectfully.

"So Shen Jiang, I hope you don't deliberately annoy me now, unless you want to see me die." Si yejue did not look at his face, but looked out of the window.

"Well, in order not to annoy you, I'll leave now." Shen Jiang's tone is decisive.

"Shen Jiang!" Looking up at Shen Jiang's lonely back, Si yejue finally said, "in fact, most of the time, what people want is a company. I don't know who my beloved woman is, but if you want to ask me who I want to be with, until the end, I will hope that person is... You..."


"Big brother, how did you hurt yourself so well? Now wake up and say nothing. I think you must have been beaten silly." Leng Muran specially came to deliver the meal.

"Who asked you to come?" His face was painted and he was injured in many places. Si yejue felt that he had no face.

"Of course, it's me, big brother. You are all hospitalized. Of course, I will care about you." Cold silent sweet way.

"What he said is true. He is really worried about you when he knows you are in hospital. After all, you are brothers. There's nothing wrong with it." Han Anxin stands on the side of Leng Muran and says softly.

"I don't want your concern." Si yejue just wants to lie down quietly now.

"Brother, I've heard that if you haven't eaten all day, you don't want to get better early?" Cold and silent pick eyebrow to ask.

"Oh, I'm afraid I'm going to be sick all the time, so that someone can worry all the time. But unfortunately, I didn't see Shen Jiang. I heard that he just came and left. You're very disappointed, aren't you?" Han Anxin really is, which pot does not open, must mention which pot!

"You two, wherever you come from, wherever you go, you're tired of seeing it." The last thing Si yejue wants to see is Leng Muran and Han Anxin.

"In fact, Shen Jiang is willing to see you for the sake of Shen family's face. She doesn't want to offend you completely." Han Anxin suddenly reminded.

"So you mean..."

"Women's hearts are all made of water. As long as elder brother insists, I believe Shen Jiang's heart will melt slowly. Every woman who pretends to be strong has a soft heart. If you don't believe it, elder brother has a try..." Han Anxin's words really arouse the attention of Si yejue.

"What do you mean by helping me so much?" Of course, siyejue didn't think that Han Anxin was just a simple kindness.

"Well, in fact, from a woman's point of view, I don't like Shen Jiang. She has a good family background and looks good. I can't stand such a woman, but... For Leng Muran, he wants you, so I hope you too." Han Anxin's intimate arm is cold and silent, but he looks at Si yejue, "Si Shao, if you really want a person, you don't want to pay in return."

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