"These dishes are what you usually like to eat, and I don't know if you can eat them after reheating."

Leng Muran frowned slightly, as if he wanted to pour out the hot food and cook it again.

Han Anxin's eyes are full of tears.

It's the first time she's had a fever.

As long as she gets home, she can have a hot meal, which is what she always wants.

Isn't that what it's like to be at home?

"It looks delicious. You'd better not waste it." Han Anxin changed his shoes and went directly to the dining table to sit down.

In fact, there is no taste at all, because every bite is very happy.

"How delicious is it?" Leng Muran himself also tried to take a bite, which is the normal level.

But Han Anxin is satisfied with his food.

"Next time you cook, you should remind me that if I eat out this time, don't you do it for nothing?" Han Anxin said while eating.

"I just wanted to cook after work, and then I forgot to remind you while waiting for you and playing with my mobile phone." A cold silent pat on the head, seems to feel too stupid.

"Oh, by the way, you've met big brother..." Leng Muran said again, "I've heard a few people say that you and big brother were together before. Why do you still think about him?"

"He is your eldest brother and my eldest brother. We are all relatives. I should go to see him. Do you want to be jealous for such a simple thing?" Han Anxin is also speechless. Leng Muran has always been like this. She has no confidence in everything about siyejue. It used to be like this, but she can't understand it. However, at this moment, Han Anxin understands why, after marrying Leng Muran, every time she meets siyejue, Leng Muran seems to be a different person.

She didn't understand him all the time. She misunderstood him.

"After all, I've forgotten something. I always feel that I'm not good enough." Cold silent press eyebrow, bitter way.

"Of course not. Since I choose you, then you are the best in the world. Even if someone better than you appears, I guess I will become blind. Even if I have a look, I won't, because you are so good and good to me. I'm really happy." Han Anxin's mouth is not to mention how sweet.

"I really want to find the past." He sighed in silence.

"No, you're fine now. We'll live together and raise the baby in the future." Han Anxin frowned, "do you like boys or girls?"

"Girl, it's better to look like you." It's so cool that you hardly have to think about the detour.

"But I want to give you a baby boy so that you can carry on the family." It's not that Han Anxin prefers boys to girls. It's just that Leng Muran lost her mother when she was very young

"No, I still like girls. I want to know what the lover of my last life looks like." He said with a smile.

All of a sudden, Han Anxin's sense of happiness is even more explosive.

If it's a girl, it must be beautiful. After all, his eyes are so deep.

If it's a boy, he will be handsome and bring disaster to the country and the people. After all, their genes are so good.


"It's already ten o'clock in the evening. Go to bed early." It's the end of the day to take care of the young master. Shen Jiang just wants to go home and have a good rest.

"You'll just leave. If I have a good or bad case in the hospital, no one will take care of me." Si yejue frowned slightly, which means that he was really miserable. If someone wanted to harm him, it would not be very easy for him to stay in the hospital alone?

"How can it be? There are not only doctors but also many nurses in the hospital. If you need anything, you can call a doctor directly. You are in vvvip ward, and there is no shortage of anything. Unless you want to find fault, you will live in a beautiful place." First of all, siyejue's beds are all privately made, which are hundreds of times more comfortable than ordinary people's. Shen Jiang is sleepy when she sees such a soft bed!

"These doctors and nurses are very busy after all, and they can't do everything." Si yejue, do you want nothing to do?

"So you don't want me to take care of you 24 hours?" Shen Jiang thinks that Si yejue must be crazy.

"Of course not. I know it's too much, but you can stay overnight... Of course, I won't disturb your normal work. You can take your work to the hospital." Even if it's not human words, the look of Si yejue doesn't mean any guilt.

"I think it's because I've been so kind to you that you've started to give it to me." Shen Jiang smile, the face of the city, let the division night Jue can't help but look straight.

He used to live in bliss, but he didn't know it. How can such a good wife leave?

Oh, and his son, now a poor single parent family.

Well, it's all made by him, so he wants to go back“ I really don't feel well. I need company and talk to people. If no one takes care of me, maybe I will get depression. " The division night Jue is very eloquent of way, half don't look like a patient.

"But if it makes you comfortable, I won't feel comfortable. Si yejue, I advise you not to push an inch. I'm willing to take care of you this time out of humanitarianism." Shen Jiang hums coldly.

"In fact, I can leave you alone, but I can't help it. I can't let outsiders feel that the Shen family is too cold-blooded."

So Shen Jiang was forced to take care of Si yejue. He was very reluctant.

"I'm not asking too much. I just need someone to accompany me. I didn't expect that you refused so soon, and didn't think about it for a while." Si yejue was very disappointed.

"Because some things, are mutual, don't always think, let me pay, what you pay, want to get the so-called care from me?" Shen Jiang sneered, "I, after all, have no obligation to make you happy. If you want to be taken care of, as long as you are willing to pay, more sensible people than me will come and accompany you all the time."

"But I don't want to." Of course, he is not short of company, just to see who is accompanying him.

"I just want you to stay."

"Sorry, it's impossible." Shen Jiang cut the nail to cut off the iron, then turned around and left.

Si yejue was also worried for a moment, so he got out of bed suddenly

Shen Jiang heard the movement behind him, but he didn't turn around.

But Shen Jiang just opened the door of the ward, but his wrist was held down by someone.

But without waiting for Shen Jiang to shake off the clamp, the force behind her turned her body.

Shen Jiang stares big eyes at once, but has already been pressed tightly by a big arm.

"Please, come back to me."

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