"Shen Ao, I know you are a person who can do what you say, but sometimes you can't force your feelings. I hope you can be more open-minded. In fact, you are really excellent, but you are not suitable for Li Ruoxi. She is a very reasonable person, and what she thinks will not be changed easily. She said that she won't start over with you. This is not intended to annoy you, It's serious. "

Of course, an shengxia also knows that it's not easy to persuade Shen Ao, but she still wants to have a try. Maybe Shen Ao will suddenly want to open up one day and stop pestering Li Ruoxi.

"Anshengxia, if you say this, you won't feel tired. No matter how many explanations you have, I can't listen to you. Don't make trouble for yourself. I know exactly what I'm doing." Of course, Shen Ao doesn't want to pay attention to what an shengxia said.

Outsider, always stand to talk, do not backache.

"For you, if one day, cold night forget you, want to separate with you, at that time you can also do so chic leave, if you can't, you can't ask me to forget Li Ruoxi now, because the reason is the same, let me forget Li Ruoxi, really hurt."

Shen Ao stretched out his hand to hold his heart, "an shengxia, you women always feel that we men have no heart, but how can it be? My heart is also long. I don't want Li Ruoxi for face, but because I like her. A man of my identity doesn't pursue her because of face."

"I admit that I was almost convinced by you, but it's hard to make a fuss. Cold night and I are in love at least. But you are just forcing a woman who doesn't love you to love you. Do you think it's not too much? Don't you know that the greatest love is fulfillment? "

An shengxia impolitely pointed to Shen Ao's nose. "People like you who don't know how to love don't deserve Li Ruoxi to turn back."

"Anshengxia, you know that you came to accuse me, but I didn't do anything wrong. Even if I really drank too much and went to find her, it was because I couldn't help it, but I'm not an immortal. I can't control my feelings, but I won't scare her next time."

It's a guarantee of pride.

"You know, Li Ruoxi is not an ordinary person. She is a star now. If there is a scandal, her image will be discounted. If you want to destroy her career, you can do whatever you want. The premise is that if she really hates you for this, I hope you can hold on."

An shengxia explains very clearly. Next, it's up to Shen Ao to see if he is willing to listen.


"After such a long time, your fiance is calm enough, and he doesn't come to ask you what's the relationship between Shen Ao and you. He's either really at ease with you, or he's so disappointed that he doesn't want to prove it to you."

After listening to Miaomiao, Li Ruoxi suddenly realized that there was almost no interaction between her and her fiance recently.

"He is more and more busy, and his mind is not on me, but I am also busy. At the beginning, we often walk around, but later, we all care about our own career. After all, material is the basis of everything. He said that he would give me a good living environment, so I believe he must be working hard, because he is close to me, There are no unclean women Li Ruoxi still has this confidence.

"I know that he must be an honest man, otherwise you won't like it, but as for your future mother-in-law, I can see that she is not easy to deal with."

Miaomiao reminds coldly, "I advise you not to be too inflated. Maybe people have already become warehouses, but you don't know."

"It's impossible. How could he do this to me? It's just that I'm too busy recently and seldom take the initiative to contact him." Li Ruoxi shook her head abruptly.

"It's really important for two people to communicate with each other. Besides the first time, we need to meet frequently. If we meet less often, our feelings will really fade. If you don't believe it, you can wait and see if he will contact you again. Don't be dumped without knowing." Miaomiao's words are ugly, but they are also out of concern.

"No way." Li Ruoxi said firmly, "if he does this to me, then there will be no good man in the world."

"Since you are so confident, then I will not speak, lest you think that I was bought by Shen Ao." Miaomiao simply stopped talking.

"Originally, he was so good to me. When I was in the most difficult time, he still stayed by my side and accompanied me. What he valued was not my appearance, but my heart. He said that I was the best in the world. Even if I met a better one, I would not leave." So what Li Ruoxi wants is such a calm but long-term relationship.

"You don't say so absolutely. In fact, it doesn't matter. It's immutable. Even the closest people will be dissatisfied when they stay together. But you don't seem to quarrel very much. It's not like falling in love peacefully."

Miaomiao touched his chin and calmly analyzed, "when Bo Shao and I were together, we really quarreled every day at first. I had to say a little bit of unhappiness, but you didn't seem to have any requirements. Men really can't get used to it, otherwise they would be jerks."

"Not everyone is so noisy when they fall in love. I think it's better to be simple and happy." Li Ruoxi said, "I like not to fight."

"Maybe it's because you don't care about him enough, otherwise you will always want to meet and be jealous, even if the Secretary beside him is a woman."

"I'm not so overbearing, because I know better than you."

Li Ruoxi smiles gracefully.

"Women are not so sensible in love. You just don't love enough and won't admit it." Miaomiao didn't bother to argue any more. She just reminded him, "if you really want to be with your fiance so much, you should call him to see if he is working now."

"You think he... Can't be." Li Ruoxi still doesn't believe it.

"I'm just asking you to get in touch with him, maintain your feelings, and not doubt him." Miao Miao Du said, "your fiancee is really incompetent. I don't worry about not contacting you for such a long time."

As soon as Miaomiao left, Li Ruoxi took out her mobile phone and made a direct call.

But the first time, no one answered.

Li Ruoxi was slightly surprised, and then called again

This time, the phone did get through.

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