Mrs. Quan, if you want love, I can afford

Even if he had already driven to the company, it was as if this was magic, pushing her into the abyss.

"Mr. an, where are you?"

From the handset, Qin Sheng's voice of resentment and anger came, "you don't come to the company these days, do you know that an's mess has become a pot of porridge?"

"Well, I'll be right there." Tangled grasp the hair, an shengxia immediately on the professional clothes, drive to an Shi.

"I heard that you and Quan Shao have quarreled these days? Oh, you can't. After all, it's the right to send less to your company. It must have taken a lot of effort to do so! "

He only hates that he is not a woman. Looking at an shengxia's business line wrapped up in a suit uniform, Qin Sheng envies and says, "what kind of luck have you taken? How much money have you lost because of the lack of power? Do you know

"Once a man is attentive, he will either cheat or have a ghost in his heart." An shengxia doesn't like it.

"I'm kidding. What's up and down you worth cheating on?" Qin Sheng asked jokingly.

"I don't feel like I'm going long with him." For him, an shengxia has no confidence.


"You don't think it's easy to control a rich man like him, do you?"

"But it's true that he's throwing money for you." Close tight lip line, Qin Sheng carefully way, "midsummer, in fact, you also have advantages."

"What?" With big eyes, an shengxia rubbed her hands and asked curiously, "what's my advantage?"

"After thinking about it, I think he is likely to like your second brother!"

After listening to Qin Sheng's words, an shengxia wants to kill the goods, "you talk nonsense again, I deduct your salary, believe it or not?"

"Come on, Qin Sheng doesn't dare to talk nonsense any more.

These days of work piled up, coupled with the business is not familiar, Ansheng summer busy dog.

"Mr. an, there's a dinner party at eight in the evening."

"What dinner?" She rarely attends the so-called dinner party.

"I've already prepared the dress for you. At that time, you can just show your face. It's a birthday party. If someone invites you, you can't help going." Taking out the invitation, Qin Sheng stands on tiptoe.

"Well, I see." For the first time to attend a grand dinner, Ansheng Xia took a deep breath and kept telling herself that she must be steady.

Eight in the evening.

The light of the stars, from the ceiling chandelier, let every corner shine.

Wearing a black dress, an shengxia only knew Bo Yehan, an acquaintance, when he came out with Qin Sheng in his arm.

Seeing an shengxia, Bo Yehan immediately leaned over and said, "how did you come here alone?"

"Am I not human?" Qin Sheng is depressed.

"Who are these goods, an shengxia? Are you stealing?" Thin night cold incomparable shock!

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm innocent!" Qin Sheng's cold hum.

"He's my brother." It seems that I don't know how graceful the body posture wrapped up in the dress is. An shengxia hooks Qin Sheng's neck, which is a good posture for the two brothers.

Second floor location

Slightly shaking the red wine in his hand, Quan Yao's careless eyes suddenly tightened. Before, he didn't think that Qin Sheng was a hindrance to his eyes, but now, he found that he couldn't tolerate any opposite sex around her!

"What's the matter?" Aware of the change of Quan Yao's mood, song September was slightly surprised, "are you not happy?"

"Nothing." Looking up to drink all the red wine, Quan Yaokuan went downstairs leisurely with a wide suit and coat.

"Is there nothing to say between us? It's not easy to meet. "

Holding the man's wrist, song Jiuyue looks up and looks at the man's handsome facial features.

"..." seeing that the situation is not right, Si yejue is ready to turn around and leave.

"Si Shao, stop." He said that he would not meet song September alone, and he was not just talking about it.

"What do you mean?" Suddenly read right Yao's deep meaning, song September only feel whole body Lengzheng, he even and her alone to speak, do not give?

"You brought me here." If it wasn't for song September's pressing step by step, he didn't know that because he was afraid of losing a woman, he would make such a guarantee.

Don't meet song September alone.

Even if it's just a meeting.

"I'll go to the bathroom." Accidentally sprinkle red wine on the dress, an shengxia passes by in front of thin night cold.

"I'll eat it myself, and there are beauties to see!" Don't bother to manage an shengxia, Qin Sheng and several beauties together, chat like fish in water.

"I know how to eat!" Stomping, anshengxia runs to the bathroom.

But I don't want to meet Han Enya.

"An Sheng Xia!" Knowing that an shengxia had run away from home several times, Han Enya could not help sneering, "you are so beautiful. The whole Quan family is talking about you, saying that you are a witch, which puzzles Er Shao!"

"Oh." It's convenient. Yasunari is about to leave.

But unexpectedly, Han Enya is still blocked at the door, "an shengxia, what's so great about you? What are you proud of? "

"I don't think I'm great." An Sheng Xia frowned, "you don't get out of the way, do you?"

"..." raised his chin, Han Enya just refused to let him.

"I don't know." Hold Han Enya's hand and push hard. An shengxia turns to go, but unexpectedly Han Enya falls to the ground instantly!


The fierce cry provoked people in the corridor to watch!

"Miss an, I know you hate me, but why..." when she stood up, she subconsciously touched her back. Han Enya didn't expect that an shengxia had scratched her dress, and the thread on her back was all loose.

The dress is hanging!

"Didn't she give Miss Han a push?" Someone came out and said.

"I saw that she cut Miss Han's dress with a knife!" It's not other people who speak, but Li Jiajia!

"It looks so beautiful. I didn't expect it to be so vicious..."

"Don't you apologize to Miss Han soon?"

"Yes, apologize quickly!"

More and more onlookers, some even don't understand the situation, come forward to ask an shengxia to apologize.

"It's not me. I didn't do anything." It's not a fool. Of course, an shengxia wants to explain. After that, she will walk away, but there are people in front of her, pushing and shoving her.

"You want to go without apologizing?"

A few of them happened to be good friends of Han Enya. They didn't know an shengxia.

Moreover, anshengxia's dress is not the latest style, so she thinks she is easy to bully.

"Get out of the way!" Holding the handbag in her hand, an shengxia grits her teeth in anger.

"Ha ha, let's get out of the way. It's better to take off your clothes, too. It's called treating people in their own way!" Those good friends of Han Enya said with a smile.

"Get out of the way!" I thought that they were just talking, but I didn't think that someone really put their hands on the zipper of Anson's summer dress.

Although they are all women, it's nothing to be seen at a glance, but she is wronged for bullying Han Enya, and some people take photos with their mobile phones, which is a kind of insult at all!

But there was a cold voice from the escalator.

"Who wants to see my woman's body? Stand up. "

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