"If it's wrong to love you too much, then I'm really wrong."

Fu Zisheng's bitter way.

"You really moved yourself, but I just feel sick."

No matter how ugly Li Ruoxi said, Fu Zisheng would not really listen to it.

"It doesn't matter what you think now. I will always stay by your side and accompany you. I think company is the most eternal advertisement."

Fu Zisheng not only thought so, but also did so.

He wants to give all he has to Li Ruoxi.

Although Li Ruoxi was moved, she couldn't bear it, especially in the form of kidnapping.

"If we were really together, would you treat me like this, forbid me to go out, and forbid me to contact with the outside world?"

Even if Li Ruoxi thought of these things, she felt terrible.

"That's also because you don't give me enough sense of security. Li Ruoxi, don't you think many things are mutual? You don't give me anything I want, but you want to get freedom and love from me. All I can do is look at you all the time."

Fu Zisheng's state makes Li Ruoxi think of herself. She chases Quan Yao desperately. But as a result, only letting go is the best choice. It's just like Fu Zisheng at the moment. Only letting go can she be free completely. It's a pity that Fu Zisheng still doesn't understand this truth and has been demanding.

"You're like me now. I'm so proud, but I'm humbly waiting for a man to look back at me. I used to think it was meaningful, but later I felt that it was useless. No matter what I did, I couldn't help it. Now when I see you, I know that I was really poor, and I'm dying..."

Li Ruoxi said helplessly, "in fact, after you let go of a person, you will know what you want. You will meet women like me, especially naive women, who can give you all love, but I can't."

Li Ruoxi said with a bitter smile, "it's me who doesn't deserve you, and it's not your reason."

"In fact, at the bottom of your heart, you always love others. When you were with me, it was just because you were moved. Later, you felt that I accompanied you through the saddest moment, so you didn't want to leave me. You were used to me, but you didn't love me. Now, with a better choice, you think that I was dispensable."

Fu Zisheng said sarcastically, "why am I so cheap in your eyes? What's wrong with me? For a man who is not good to you, you have to remember that I'm so good to you, but you don't know how to cherish it.... "

"Some things are really difficult to explain. If everything can be solved with rational methods, then there will not be so much helplessness in the world..."

Li Ruoxi said sarcastically, "take it as if I don't appreciate it. I know that I won't meet people who are kind to me like you in the future. But now, I'm really tired. I'm so tired that I don't want to walk with you any more. I failed you. You're actually very good."

"What I want is not your praise for me. If I really have such good qualities, you will not leave me. What you are saying now is all excuses."

Fu Zisheng sneered, "you've been leaving a way for yourself all the time. It's still possible between you and Shen Ao. If we are separated now, you may immediately throw yourself into Shen Ao's arms. Li Ruoxi, I really know you too well. You are not the kind of peaceful woman."

"You say I'm restless... But why do you think I've made a lot of choices when I'm with you..."

Li Ruoxi is in the entertainment industry. Of course, it's not necessary to say that there are many temptations. However, Li Ruoxi is still determined to follow Fu Zisheng.

If it wasn't for the wrong time, they might have been married long ago.

"If we get married as soon as we come back, that's good."

In the end, Li Ruoxi just said this.

"You are so afraid of Shen Ao, even I don't know why I have to be afraid of this man... Because I'm worried that this man will pester you, but it's really funny. Even if we don't get married, this man will pester you. In fact, I really gave him the opportunity to pester you. I'm stupid, I'm too stupid."

Fu Zisheng realized this meaning at the moment.

"In fact, I just hope that there will be such a woman who loves you more. I really don't deserve it."

Li Ruoxi's painstaking explanation.

"I said before, I don't mind your past, but how do you treat me?"

Fu Zisheng only felt that his enthusiasm had fed the dog.

"It's meaningless to say anything now..." if we really want to investigate, Li Ruoxi was also taken away by Shen Ao on the wedding day.

At that time, Fu Zisheng did not even dare to fight against Shen Ao.

So, no matter when you get married, the result is the same.

This is the most important reason why Li Ruoxi slowly gave up.

"I know that you must think it's my fault, so I'm willing to admit you all my life now."

Fu Zisheng raised his eyebrows. "But Ruoxi, it's you. You won't give me any chance."

"Seriously, if they do come, you're not afraid?" Li Ruoxi questioned.

"What have I been afraid of?"

Fu Zisheng laughed sarcastically, "I haven't been afraid of anything yet!"

"I know you can do everything, but I don't want you to ruin yourself... It's not worth it."

Li Ruoxi wants to show her heart that she is really thinking about Fu Zisheng.

It's just a pity

Fu Zisheng didn't really care about these things.


"I've found some clues. Maybe they're in the city next door. Now I've arranged for someone to search. If you're interested, come with me."

Since it's the news from the cold night, Shen Ao is sure to take heart. It's not just a matter of heart, but will definitely put it into action.

"I'm on my way now. Please contact me when you arrive."

After seeing the news, Shen Ao left the company immediately and drove to the company.

"You should not have too much hope. Up to now, I'm still not sure, but Sheng Xia said that you are qualified to know about it."

Cold night is not rational, "if you don't find it, I hope you don't be disappointed, as long as people are still there, you can definitely find people."

"I know, I'm not so vulnerable yet..."

Even so, Shen Ao's heart still can't be restrained

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