It's the first time to see Quan Yao lose his mind and roar madly

Chu Tian stepped back.

He is a man who doesn't believe in love, otherwise, Chuge and Quanyang would not be like this.

But Quan Yao

When Chutian recovered, he saw that the man, who was high above him, almost didn't want his own life and jumped to the sea.

"Let all the sailors go down to the sea to find someone!"

In a hurry, Chu Tian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "especially, to ensure the safety of Quan Er Shao!"


Everyone, go to sea one after another!

"Second sister-in-law, I've come to save you!" Summon up the courage, Chu Ge even regardless of his own life, jump to the sea!

"Song of Chu!" Anxious stare big eyes, Chutian immediately also jump down!

"..." the people on the dock are speechless, one by one. Is this a rush to commit suicide?

Chuge was the first to be rescued.

"Sister, let me tell you what's good about you. You can't swim yourself..." Chutian snorted coldly. "If you want to marry someone from the Quan family, why did you dump them at the beginning?"

"..." Chu Ge is just silent and does not speak.

"He saw you jump just now, but he didn't see it. Sister, you'd better give up." Pause a few seconds, Chutian then continued, "men are action oriented, will not see their own women in danger, still so calm."

"Brother, I can understand what you said, and I can't understand it." Immediately stood up, Chu Ge holding a white bath towel, jump to Quan yang side, "you can rest assured, your second sister-in-law will be OK, I just tried, I can't swim people, fall will be OK, my brother saved ashore."

"Some words I didn't want to say before, but, Chuge, even if you die in front of me now, I'm afraid my eyes won't blink."

After listening to Quan Yang's words, Chu Ge raised his cheeks, but he laughed, "well, I knew you would say that, but I didn't really show you just now."

"It doesn't matter." What doesn't matter, right Yang eager to go to the dock, watching a calm sea, heart up and down.

But in the next second, I heard the water crash!

People follow the voice to see, only right Yao holding unconscious an shengxia, finally surfaced the sea!

"Doctor! Get a doctor

It's the voice of men's crazy extravagant blood, which vibrates into the eardrum.


When I wake up again, I just feel heavy eyelids.

An shengxia opened her eyes little by little, and was stung by the strong light. After a long time, she could see everything in front of her.

Strange room layout, an shengxia's mind buzzing, where is this?

Why, so strange?

"Miss an, you finally wake up..."

"Who are you?"

"I'm a nurse. Wait a minute. I'll go and ask Quan Shao to come here now!"

Almost at the same time, Quan Yao came in with his feet raised. He just went out to wash his face. Unexpectedly, when he came back, an shengxia was awake!

Knowing the news of an shengxia's awakening, the rest of the people also came.

"Who are you?" Blinked an eye, an shengxia's face was dazed, which surprised everyone.

"No, second sister-in-law, you don't know anyone?" The song of Chu is depressed.

"... who are you?" An shengxia glances at the song of Chu by accident.

"I am..." Chu Ge speechless, and then pointed to Quan Yao, "your husband, you should know?"

"I'm married?" With big eyes, an shengxia asked incredulously, "how is it possible?"

"You are not only married, but also the mother of my two sons!" Sitting beside the bed, Quan Yao was surprised at first. An shengxia may forget everything for a while, but as long as she can wake up safely, it's OK!

"Don't be so close to me. Who are you?" At the beginning, an shengxia rejected Quan Yao, but Quan Yao just sat still and stared at her with deep eyes, so an shengxia didn't struggle any more.

"Anshengxia, have you lost your memory?" Thin night cold suddenly asked.

"..." without a word, that's acquiescence.

"She's just woken up. She must have a rest. Let the others go first." Chu Tian finally spoke.

"Well, let's go first." Si yejue waved his hand.

But just as song September was about to turn around and leave, an shengxia suddenly went down from the bed, then reached out and pointed to her, chirping and didn't know what to say.

But Quan Yao heard one word: fear.

"Are you afraid of her?" Pulling anshengxia into his arms, Quan Yao frowned and asked, "anshengxia, you talk!"

"..." he just buried his face in the man's arms. An shengxia was shaking all over. It seemed that he was really afraid of song September.

"What's the matter?" Everyone's face has changed.

"Miss Song, I remember a time when you seemed to go to the bathroom alone and disappeared for a while. Why did you go?" Cold hum, Chu song this question, guide everyone's attention.

"I'm just going for convenience. What else can I do? It's just miss Chu, you sound like I've done something. I won't admit anything I haven't done." Hold on to the skirt of the dress, song September looks very ugly.

"Ask casually, don't be nervous, and don't be so angry..." but Chuge sneers.

"September..." Si yejue suddenly looks at Song September. The next second, he shakes his head again. No, song September is not. What should he do to an shengxia at this juncture.

"Not me." Song Jiuyue firmly said, "it's just that those who believe in me, even if I don't say it, will believe it. If they don't believe me, no matter how I explain it, they won't believe it."

"Well, let's go out first and let her have a good rest." But this time, when Chutian asked everyone to leave, everyone was hesitating.

Because, Quan Yao's deep eyes, looking straight at Song September, did not move a second!

"Don't rush off first." Quan Yang said abruptly, "just now, we all saw that there is a guardrail on the wharf. Even if an adult is too fond of playing, he can't fall down by himself. Instead, he may be pushed down."

"What do you remember? Did someone push you?" Looking at the woman in his arms, Quan Yao was stunned by the strange look. He suddenly clenched his teeth. Then when he saw something to eat at hand, he tore open a piece of bread. "Midsummer, I'll give you a bite, and you answer me."

"..." when she was really hungry, an shengxia nodded her head cleverly.

"Why are you afraid of song September?" He said, feeding a small piece of bread into the woman's mouth.

After eating a mouthful of milk and bread, an shengxia licked her little mouth, then nodded, "well, I'm afraid of her!"

In a daze, song September suddenly looks at Jin'an's Midsummer

He shrinks his neck and hides it in a man's arms. An shengxia also calmly looks at Song September

"Why are you afraid of her?" He continued to feed.


An shengxia ate the bag, bowed his head and thought for a while, then said, "I only remember that she pushed me down and made me unable to breathe..."

This directly implies that song September pushed her.

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