"Of course, Xiu Qiqi. If you get married, I will give you a big gift to make you the happiest and most beautiful bride in the world. You see, I'm married, and you're not engaged yet. I hope that day will come soon. I think it's better for an excellent woman like you to get married earlier..."

Cold Jianjia a hand to press repair seven seven wrist, excited way, "also don't know who, can have such blessing can marry you."

"In fact, I'm just a mortal. What I want is just a normal marriage." Xiu Qiqi sneered, "I really don't want to hurt anyone if I can, but I always feel that my father won't agree with this marriage."

"That's why you don't want to take your boyfriend home. I always feel that you seem to be in a dilemma." Leng Jianjia sighed, "is it the man who doesn't have much money? Now we all pay attention to the freedom of marriage. We don't attach so much importance to the right family. If a man really treats you well, in fact, his uncle won't object to it. "

"It's not that... I just don't think my dad will like his personality." Xiu Qiqi said with a smile, "my boyfriend is not very good at taking care of people."

"Every time you mention him, I think you laugh very sweet. It seems that you really like him. Since you really like him, don't let go easily. You must grasp him hard. It's not easy to find a person you like in this world." Leng Jianjia said with a smile, "not to mention you, so excellent, after a long time, he will like you more."

"Maybe I'm afraid, because I can't live without him any more. In the past, I was not like this. Even last year, he proposed to me, but I gave up. I don't think it's the right time. I don't want to get married so early, but later, I seem to regret it. I think it's not bad to get married earlier and make up my mind. After all, the future is not good, There are too many uncertainties and temptations... "

Xiu Qiqi pressed his eyebrow and said, "I really regret it now... The happiness is in front of me. I just need to hold it gently, but why do I have to give up?"

"If it's really yours, it's yours. If it's not yours, you can't get it. If the man really loves you, he will come back to you. Because for men, as long as it's true love, self-esteem is not important." Leng Jianjia tilted his head, naive way, "seven seven elder sister, you really should have married earlier, so you now, maybe can be pregnant."

"You seem to like children very much, Jianjia... Are you ready to have children now?" Xiu Qiqi asked sensitively.

"I want to, but he won't, you advised me before, can't use children to bind a man, so now, I have given up the idea of having children..." Leng Jianjia shrugged, "children, whenever you want, but, can't be good at the wrong time, otherwise it's unfair to the children, I and he, maybe we will really separate, when the time is right for the children, It's also a kind of injury. "

"Yes, there are many people around me who got married early. They divorced a few years later, and most of the children around me had a bad life. Of course, it's just from the people around me, but you like children. Maybe you can discuss with Chu Hannian and raise them yourself after you have children." Xiu Qiqi looks down at the coffee in his hand and says indifferently.

"Ha ha, why should I give birth to a man like that? When I look back, he still refuses to admit it. Am I not ridiculed to death?"

Leng Jianjia hummed coldly, "even if I really like children, even if I go to buy one and have it myself, I don't want to leave it to the Chu family for nothing. His mother doesn't like me either."

"Have you met your aunt?" Xiu Qiqi asked unexpectedly, "what's Auntie's attitude towards you?"

"What else can he do to me, because of his mother?"

Leng Jianjia sighed, "their whole family, in addition to my uncle, treat me as an enemy. What else do they say? His mother becomes disabled because of my mother, so I won't live well."

"There is no one to testify about it. They have to insist that it's aunt Sheng Xia. I think they have gone too far. At least they have to show evidence. They can't just say it casually!" Xiu Qiqi is really angry. In her impression, an shengxia doesn't know how gentle she is. She won't target Zhang Huifen.

"Oh, they talk one by one and try to brainwash me, but I know what kind of person my mother is. She and uncle Chutian are innocent." Lengjianjia has been too lazy to continue to talk nonsense, "I don't want to talk about their family, upset."

"If you get divorced, maybe you won't feel tired." The seven seven seven road.

But Leng Jianjia didn't want to hear the word divorce at the same time.


"When did you divorce and get married together? It's been a while. It's not good for you if you continue to procrastinate. It will affect your work. I heard that you even live together... What do you mean? Are you trying to get back at her and ruin your own life? " Zhang Huifen worried, "I've become like this now. It doesn't matter whether I live well in the future, but I don't want you to pay so much for me."

"We're just living together for a while. Don't worry." Chu Hannian's speech is perfunctory.

"How can I not worry about it? You are married for me, and then you have to divorce. Now you are still entangled by the daughter of the cold family. I love you so much!"

During her speech, Zhang Huifen was unavoidably excited.

"Mom, I'm a man. I'm not at a loss for this kind of thing." Chu Hannian's words are too straightforward.

"I've heard that you've suffered a loss in the shopping mall. It's the cold family who do it. They look at you everywhere and they don't like you, so you get divorced quickly. In this way, I'm also at ease."

Zhang Huifen kept reaching out and patting her heart.

"I won't let them go so easily." Chu cold year gloomy way, "I will fight back, but need time."

"Son, I believe in your time, just, Leng Jianjia..." Zhang Huifen always does not like Leng Jianjia, she and anshengxi are too similar, but more charming.

"She's nothing, mom, I know what I'm doing..." Chu Hannian frowned.

"If she's pregnant... You'll be soft hearted then?"

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