Xiu Qiqi will never forget that those outsiders, seeing that she was a daughter and not born to Han Enya, had all kinds of disdain for her.

Holding hands tightly, Xiu Qiqi disdains to smile. She will rewrite her destiny and get everything she wants

Whether it's a company or a man

"Seven seven elder sister, who are you chatting with? You have to hide in such a place. I just called you several times, but you didn't answer me." Leng Jianjia asked curiously, "is it your boyfriend, whom I haven't met, who is hiding so deep? Are you worried about being dug? Can I see this man's true face only on the day I get married? "

"Of course not. He's just busy with his work, so he has no time to come back. Soon, I'll take him and meet you." Xiu Qiqi's proud way.

"I heard that your relationship has gradually become bad, but now I feel that you are still very loving. You are so happy with your smile..." Leng Jianjia said enviously.

"When two people are together, it's inevitable that they will quarrel. However, as long as we open our hearts, there will be nothing. After all, he and I still have a long way to go. I won't let go easily. It's not easy to meet such a man I like. Leng Jianjia... Now I understand your feelings. Yes, for the man I like, Why do you want to let go? Maybe if you insist on it, you can change him a little. Then, he will be willing to come close to you... "

Xiu Qiqi said with a smile.

"Seven seven elder sister, when you advised me to leave Chu Hannian, you didn't say that. It seems that you don't believe in men. Now, you have become a little woman, and you have to wait for that man to come back to promise you..." Leng Jianjia shook her head helplessly. "Sure enough, once a woman talks about feelings, her IQ will become negative."

"What nonsense? The relationship between him and me is different from that between you and Chu Hannian. We love each other, but you are different. That's why I urge you to come out quickly. But I want to get married seriously." Xiu Qiqi raised his chin haughtily, "you know, lengjianjia, we are different."

"What do you know when you're not married? I'm married now." Cold Jianjia angry way.

"Leng Jianjia, your marriage is like seeing life and death at a glance. Don't you dare say that?" Xiuqiqi wants to wake up lengjianjia.

"I didn't feel it at first, but now, I always feel that you are showing me a sense of superiority. Don't you have a boyfriend who is good to you? What's great? You don't have to get married. What do you do to encourage me to divorce? I think I'm fine now. Why should I let Chu Hannian go?"

Leng Jianjia breathed, "I don't want to divorce, not because I still have a lot of fantasy. I just don't want to let go of their family easily. I'm sure it's only because you are my closest person that I will show you this vulnerability..."

"When you don't let them go, you also don't let yourself go. I just can't see you. Is it wrong for me to care so much? I didn't expect that you didn't even listen to me for such a man now... Leng Jianjia, do you remember before, no matter what I said, you would listen more or less, but now, you have changed, and I don't know you... "

Xiu Qiqi put his arms in his hands and said, "lengjianjia, you should reflect on yourself. Do you think I'm wrong or you've played a big game?"

"Well, I also know that I live here to make trouble for you. Why don't I move back now? I have to face it. Besides, it's not Chu Hannian who drove me away. It's not a shame for me to go back now." Lengjianjia is really the kind of person who does what he says.

"When it comes to this molecule, what else do you want to do? Are you not afraid of being laughed at?" Xiuqiqi immediately put out his hand to stop lengjianjia, "listen, you go back now, if you are driven out again, what will you do then?"

"I don't have nowhere to go. Besides, Chu Hannian and I are still husband and wife. He won't drive me out. If he does, I'll call the police directly!"

Leng Jianjia's words were resolute, even if he was repairing Qiqi, he couldn't stop it.

Seeing Leng Jianjia turn around and leave, Xiu Qiqi suddenly frowns

It seems to be true that she said something wrong

Repulse Bay villa.

Leng Jianjia left with her luggage. This time she went home, but she didn't bring anything. She just brought herself!

When Chu Hannian saw lengjianjia, he thought he was dazzled.

After a close look, it was determined that it was really cold Jianjia.

"You know where you've been and you'll come back. I thought you didn't need to come back..."

Chu cold years Sen cold tear thin lips.

"It's not that I have to leave, but specifically, I don't want to say that I have no place to go now. I can only live in this place. I can't always live in my friend's house. People will think I'm boring, so they can only hurt you and continue to live with me. Chu Hannian, others think I will divorce, but I won't, or let your mother continue to drive me away!"

Lengjianjia cold hum, immediately upstairs, the worst plan is to sleep in separate beds.

"Driving you away?"

Chu Hannian sneered, "I'm such a big man. I don't think you've made a mistake. She wasn't called by me..."


Cold Jianjia suddenly speechless, this man, is in the explanation?

But, in fact, it's not bad.

Even if it was not called by Chu Hannian, he did acquiesce.

"I didn't expect that you wouldn't go home for so many days. What do you mean? Did you do it for me on purpose? I know that a woman's temper can't be used to. When you don't come, I don't know where you are? I'm just too lazy to catch people. I'll wait for you to figure it out and come back. I'll save you and coax you home. I won't spend so much on a woman... "

Chu Hannian, with a wine cup in his hand, follows lengjianjia step by step.

"I didn't expect you to coax me, I won't, so naive..." Leng Jianjia just felt that she had no face. She came back by herself.

Suddenly, how much regret.

"Lengjianjia... I have to say that I'm a little happy when you go home... After all, this family is too cold and quiet, and I still need a hostess..."

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