"Chu Hannian, you don't understand people's words, do you?"

I don't know. Does she want to kill now?

Actually thought that she was just fighting, a gift can buy her.

"Leng Jianjia, I give you the qualification to go crazy now. After all, it's really a grievance to let you stay here. You used to be an invincible little princess, but now you are just a toy here."

In Chu Hannian's eyes, lengjianjia is the character, a dispensable toy.


Repeatedly chewing these two words, cold Jianjia heart, do not know what it is, bitter, humiliation, let her eyes more and more fierce!

"I don't like the way you look at me... Leng Jianjia, don't always find food for yourself. If you live here, at least I won't treat you badly."

On the cold Jianjia's eyes, Chu Hannian just feel irritable, then turned around, even did not eat breakfast, turned away!

"Miss Leng, Mr. Chu seems to be angry. You'd better say something nice. In fact, Mr. Chu is nice to you..."

"Housekeeper, you are really old. Don't you know I am controlled here?" Lengjianjia saw that Chu Hannian was in a bad mood, but she was happy.

"Miss Leng, it's not smart of you to provoke Mr. Chu. As long as Mr. Chu is happy, maybe he will send you back..."

The housekeeper said that Leng Jianjia had not thought about it.

But she really can't help it. She is kind to Chu Hannian.


"Cold year, who caught you on your face?" It's just a day gone. Chu Hannian's face is covered with a new wound. Xiu Qiqi is about to reach out and touch it, but Chu Hannian's motionless trace dodges.

"It's nothing. It might have been hit by a button." Chu Hannian pressed down his eyebrow and said, "I didn't have a good rest yesterday. I had a lot of things at work."

"No matter how busy you were, you didn't hurt your face... If you are really under too much pressure, you should relax occasionally." Xiu Qiqi said with a smile, "I'll go to your place today and cook dinner for you. Your secretary said that you haven't had a good dinner these days, and you didn't go home yesterday."

"You went to my house?"

Otherwise, Xiu Qiqi would not know these things.

"Since I'm your fiancee, of course I need to know everything about you. It's convenient for me to take care of you." Xiu Qiqi seemed to regard himself as a serious Mrs. Chu.

"You don't need to worry about these things. There will be servants in the future." Chu Hannian is indifferent to Xiu Qiqi, but his action is gentle. He makes Xiu Qiqi eat more.

"You can eat more. I can't eat these. On my wedding day, I'm going to wear a wedding dress. I'm afraid I'm too fat to look good." Xiu Qiqi is really on a diet recently.

"No, you're already thin like this." Chu Hannian raised his eyes and glanced at Xiu Qiqi. But this action made Xiu Qiqi see more clearly. His face was obviously scratched.

"Did Leng Zheng hit you?" However, men's nails, it seems not so sharp?

That's a woman?


There should be no other women around Chu Hannian.

"It's not him, it's my own fault." Chu Hannian slowly chewed the food in his mouth, but shook his head. Indeed, lengjianjia probably scratched him on purpose, so that xiuqiqi could suspect something.

She thought that this way, she could help Xiu Qiqi find her?

What a fool!

"Cold years, you seem to have something to hide from me recently, we are going to hold a wedding, at this time, I really don't like, you have something not to tell me." Xiuqiqi is always worried that something will happen on the wedding day.

"Even if there is, it's just work. I can't explain everything to you, eh?" Chu Hannian just lowered his head and drank a mouthful of red wine. To be honest, in his current state, he had more work to deal with and no extra time to drink and eat.

So Chu Hannian ate very little, so he wiped the corners of his mouth and went to work in the office.

Tu Liuxiu, sitting at the dining table, couldn't eat.

Which afraid of cold Jianjia missing, not in, can repair seven seven but still feel uncomfortable in the heart.

I always feel that something is going to happen.

When Xiu Qiqi found Leng Zheng, even Leng Zheng was an accident.

"Have you ever been looking for a cold year? And hit him? " It is impossible for Leng Zheng to admit the question of Xiu Qiqi.

How do you admit what you haven't done?

"Xiuqiqi... Don't you think it's funny? If I do move my hand, I won't hit people in silence. I'm sure I'll make some noise. " He is cold and never timid.

"But I can't think of any other possibility except you..."

"Ha ha, it's normal for Chu Hannian to have his personality beaten. You may not know how many enemies he has outside, and how many people he has. If you want to see him fall to pieces, you, as a monk, have to help him. In the end, everything is gone. That's uncle Xiu's company..." Leng Zheng just thinks it's a pity.

"What's the use of your persuading me at this time?" Xiuqiqileng snorted, "when lengjianjia and Chu Hannian got married, I didn't see you guys coming to object."

"If I had known Chu Hannian's face, I would not have let them be together." Especially Chu Hannian, the stinky boy, instigated Leng Jianjia to steal the Hukou book. Now Leng Zheng recalled that he hated his teeth!

"In a word, don't persuade me. Chu Hannian and I are sure to get married. This is my dream. If we can't marry the man we love in our life, then it's nothing for me. You don't know what this man means to me." Xiu Qiqi raised his eyes and gave Leng Zheng a cold glance. "If there is any news about Jianjia, please tell me."

"You are so happy to mention her now..." Leng Zheng half narrowed his eyes, "if it were not for you and Chu Hannian, she would not hide herself."

"You still think she's hiding herself?" Maybe it's a woman's intuition. Xiuqiqi always feels that she is not at ease. "Maybe she doesn't hide herself, but she can't show up."

"Xiuqiqi, what do you know?" Leng Zheng's eyes suddenly widened, as if it were a cannibal hole.

"I don't know anything. I just feel that things are getting more and more abnormal. I just hope that on my wedding day, she will either appear to bless me..."

Or, lengjianjia, you will never appear again in your life!

It's only three days before the wedding

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