If Quan Meiyuan is willing to sell her shares to Quan Yao, Quan Yao will win over Quan He.

Just, divorce?

"I know that you don't want to get divorced. Why don't you stay with me..."

Red fingertips fall on the man's handsome face, Quan Meiyuan does not hide her infatuation with Quan Yao, "Quan family, don't you have such a lesson, I can be a little girl."

Miss Tang Quan went to be a little girl, but she couldn't say it. Besides, she still gave it to her brother

"I think you are crazy."

Holding the center of the eyebrow, Quan Yao just turns his head and avoids the touch of Quan Meiyuan, even a trace of disgust flashed through his eyes.

Originally for the sake of shares, Quan Yao always tolerated Quan Meiyuan.

But now, even if he was just playing, he didn't bother to talk to Quan Meiyuan.

"Is she that good?" Quan Meiyuan then patted Quan Yao on the shoulder. "Second brother, I advise you to think about it seriously. After all, I have what you want in my hand..."

"I don't want your shares."

Men's voice is extremely overbearing!

"Second brother, you will regret it!"

Rao is Quan Meiyuan did not expect, Quan Yao will look down on her shares!

Looking at the interaction between Quan Meiyuan and Quan Yao in the whole process, those shareholders were slightly surprised.

No wonder Quan Meiyuan refused to accept the marriage. Originally, it was Quan Yao.

The rich and powerful always have some secrets that are unknown. At this moment, even if someone sees them, no one dares to talk about them!

"Lawyer Zhao, you continue to announce..." hold down the eyebrow, Quan he completely lost patience, want to immediately take over the successor's position, don't want to make trouble.

However, right now


The door is pushed open!

"Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Mr. Quan, I come to announce the second will!"

It's Quan's lawyer. He has a lot of weight.

It's just

No one thought that Quan had a second will!

It seems that Quan Xi is really crafty!

The will was divided into two parts!

Two more announcements!

People dare not make a sound, everyone is curious to death, the second will, in the end, what is written?

"I now read out the second will... Mr. Quan Xi, voluntarily transfer 10% of Quan's shares to miss an, an shengxia!"

When the lawyer's voice fell, everyone felt incredible!

An shengxia, who is the immortal?

It's about Cao Cao, Cao Cao!

"Miss ANN, it's your turn to play now!"

A white dress sets off a woman's pure and incomparable temperament.

An shengxia with a blank face walked into the conference room and twisted her fingers at a loss.

"Miss ANN, this way, please."

Hearing the speech, an shengxia walked slowly to the rostrum.

"Miss an, Mr. Quan will transfer 10% of the shares to you!"

In the lawyer's reminder, an shengxia suddenly glared, "for, why..."

"If you read this letter, you probably know why."

Hesitating, he reaches out and takes the lawyer's envelope. After looking down for a while, an shengxia returns to his mind silently

I don't know what the letter says. An shengxia almost broke down and cried.

No wonder Quan Xi looks at her like that?

It's no wonder that when everyone objected, only Quan Xi acquiesced that she entered Quan's family and became Quan Yao's wife.

It turned out that he has been quietly like his mother.

That's why he would admit her.

Therefore, he would allow her to go home alone when she was wronged.

Therefore, Quan Xi gave her 10% shares.

Because she's my mother's daughter.

In the mother was wronged to do false accounts, suicide jump before, unexpectedly gave her paved the road.

An shengxia still doesn't know what his mother will pay for in exchange with Quan Xi.

In short, her mother helped her win 10% of Quan's shares.

With this wealth, she will have enough food and clothing for her whole life.

Tears rustle and fall, anshengxia do not know, with what mentality to accept the shares.

At the moment, the most panic is Quanhe.

Unexpectedly, an shengxia was killed on the way and took 10% of Quan's shares.

If she gives the shares to Quan Yao

The position of heirs

He can't sit still.

"It's impossible. Dad won't give the shares to a stranger at will!" He shook his head in disbelief. Quan He finally understood why 10% of the shares had disappeared and evaporated. It turned out that Quan Xi had left the shares to an shengxia!

But it doesn't make sense. An shengxia is just an outsider!

"I don't believe it! Dad won't do this to me. It's impossible to give shares to an shengxia. What is she! It's just a piece of garbage that depends on my brother. I don't believe it Quan Meiyuan doesn't believe it. She dotes on her father and gives an shengxia equal shares!

Why, it's an shengxia!

"Security! Ask Miss Ann out at once No matter what you say, you can't let an shengxia sign and get shares. Quan He is crazy!

"Master Quan, since it means Mr. an, no one can move miss an!"

At the command of the security manager, stabilize the situation immediately!

The security guards at the door dare not rush in at all.

"Anshengxia, what kind of ecstasy soup did you give my father? Why did he give you shares?" Gnashing her teeth, Quan Meiyuan wants to kill an shengxia!

No wonder Quan Yao won't accept her, and won't look at her more. It turns out that it's because of an shengxia!

There are many people, so we should press an shengxia under our feet and crush him.

Especially Quan He and Quan Meiyuan.

"Miss an, please sign it." With the signature pen at the hand of an shengxia, the lawyer strictly reminded, "this is also your mother's last legacy."

In this way, my mother left the money to her for fear that it would be embezzled by my father and Li Meiyu.

Without hesitation, an shengxia signed.

"Second sister-in-law, I didn't expect that you also have shares..." finally relieved, Quan Yang stood up and walked to an shengxia, "as long as you, second brother won't lose!"

Mrs. Quan, as long as you help me, I can win the inheritance.

That's what Quan Yao said.

It seems that he has known for a long time that she owns 10% of the shares.

Scene, chaos!

No one knows who will win the last!

Step by step to Quan Yao, an shengxia's clean face is light make-up today, so it's particularly beautiful. Coupled with the white skirt, the whole person looks like a fairy falling from the sky, and can't see the mother of two cute children at all.

Finally, standing in front of this superior man, Rao Shi an Sheng Xia has more advantages. Even if Quan Yao just sits and watches her silently, he still has a strong aura, which makes people gasp.

"What do you want to say, Mrs. Quan?"

"Quan Yao, you already know that I have shares. That's why you married me, isn't it?"

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