The man wanted to walk in, but he hesitated. He just stood at the door and seemed to want to know what Leng Jianjia would say next.

"Miss Leng, as long as you give birth to this child with ease, I think your husband will definitely give you an explanation." The servant summoned up courage.

"Ha ha, how can it be? Besides, I don't need any explanation. I gave birth to this child just to fulfill my own mission. In fact, I thought about it carefully. If I really let the child go, it would be a life. As a person, I was timid. I was really worried that this child would want my life, But it doesn't matter, he said, he is willing to raise this child, and at the same time, it won't delay my later life. I think it's no big deal even if I have a child. " Leng Jianjia sneered, "take it as, for my wrong youth, pay the bill."

"Miss Leng, you are not going to contact this child any more. At least you are your own child." The servant was astonished.

"I'm such a person. I'm indifferent. I can't even have my own child. Besides, I didn't want this child. After all, it's Chu Hannian's. how can I like this man's child?"

Leng Jianjia suddenly sank her eyes, "I certainly don't need to worry about the child's future life. After all, Chu Hannian won't treat his child badly."

"You are really so relieved. I always feel that women's jealousy is very strong. I'm afraid miss Xiu won't treat this child well." The servant was very worried.

"I'm not worried about that either." Leng Jianjia said coldly, "this is everyone's life. I can only be responsible for life. In addition, I really can't think too much about it, because only selfish people can lead a happy life. For example, Chu Hannian, look at this man. How disgusting and selfish he is, but he can call the wind and the rain. The world is so unfair."

"Miss Leng, will you really miss your children in the future?"

The servant asked in surprise.

"Certainly not." Cold Jianjia suddenly shook his head, "I will not miss his children, say, I feel ridiculous, I hope, no one knows, I am the mother of the child."

"Yes, you are such a selfish woman, and you are also cruel. You certainly don't want to have half a cent relationship with this child." When Chu Hannian came in, his face was so blue that the servant immediately backed out.

"Why are you here? Oh, Mr. Chu, your face doesn't look very good. Should you be angry with someone else, so you are deliberately angry with me?" Lengjianjia's frown is not happy. She is a pregnant woman at least. Can't she be so upset?

"I came to see the children." Chu Hannian pressed his eyebrows and said, "this child is my first child. If there is any mistake, lengjianjia, I want your life."

"Don't worry, I still cherish my life. I know that for you, my life is really not important, but this child is really too important. It can even make you forget your hatred for Leng family. It's my only existence value." Leng Jianjia sneered, "since you are sure the child is still there, you can go."

"I've brought a doctor here to examine you." Chu Hannian explained, "since you can't go to the hospital for an examination, I'll prepare a doctor for your prenatal examination."

"Well, thank you very much. It's just that in the future, you can give me a direct order and ask the doctor to come. After all, you are a busy man. Just after the wedding, you must be busy with a lot of things." Cold Jianjia incomparably considerate.

"Do you think I really want to go here?" Chu Hannian just felt that it was her own woman, her own child, and it was necessary to accompany her with the prenatal examination.

The doctor saw a series of examinations and nodded, "Miss Leng is in good health, and the baby is also in good health."

"Of course, I live like a pig every day. I don't even have a cold. The baby in my stomach must be very healthy." With lengjianjia still young, it's easy to have children.

"In a word, the child in your stomach is related to Leng's family and your life." Before Chu Hannian left, he also severely warned lengjianjia.

"I know..." Leng Jianjia certainly knew her position.


"In the cold year, you should get the license with me. You had a wedding before, but now it's time to get the license. You can't wait all the time. I even got it from the company, but you didn't show your sincerity." After all, xiuqiqi asked Chu Hannian to get the certificate.

"I've been a little busy lately, but I forgot. Tomorrow. " Chu cold year also just a little Leng, then direct nod.

"I always feel that your mind doesn't seem to be on me. Moreover, you often go out at night. I don't know why you go out just after work." Xiu Qiqi asked curiously, "what's the matter? Are you going to meet someone or socialize, but I don't seem to know the clients you socialize with."

"So I need to report my whereabouts to you?" Chu Hannian immediately asked.

The atmosphere condenses.

"I just feel that I am not very comfortable. I always feel that you are hiding something from me. Since we are together, we should not hide anything from each other." Xiu Qiqi wronged the way, "moreover, the license is not what excessive requirements."

"I know. Tomorrow morning, let's get the license." Chu Han's way of light description in his youth.

He was proud of repairing 77.

But that night, Chu Hannian came out again.

Xiu Qiqi always finds it strange that she and Chu Hannian still rest separately. If Chu Hannian's determination is not too strong, she has lost her charm

Xiu Qiqi bit his teeth and drove behind Chu Hannian.

"Mr. Chu, our car is being followed."

"Well, I know." Chu Hannian was still at ease and drove to Chu mansion.


"So late, you know to come to see me..." Zhang Huifen was very surprised.

"Well, no matter where I come, Qiqi has come to see you." Sure enough, as soon as Chu Hannian's voice fell, Xiu Qiqi had to show up.

"Auntie..." Xiu Qiqi was very embarrassed. She knew that Chu Hannian had seen through her tracking.

"Now it's time to change your tongue..." Zhang Huifen said unexpectedly.

"We won't get the license until tomorrow."

Chuhan said with a smile, "it's not too late to change tomorrow..."

Without waiting for Chu Hannian to say anything more, he suddenly received a call from the villa

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