Chu Hannian just felt funny. He just wanted to touch her face, but he was so ruthlessly avoided.

Lengjianjia didn't feel anything was wrong, just looked coldly at Chu Hannian.

Chu Hannian's mood was extremely complicated.

"You go out first. What I need now is rest, but I can't rest at all when you are here. Chu Hannian, just because I accept having children now doesn't mean I accept you."

Leng Jianjia's attitude is ridiculous to Chu Hannian.

"Now your wings are hard. It's nothing to annoy me."

Chu Hannian sneered.

"I don't want to annoy you. You know, I just want to have a peaceful life now. I don't want to be misunderstood by anyone. She came to see me before, but she was very angry when she left. I think it's necessary for you to know that she cares about my baby. I'm afraid she won't accept it easily. I hope you can think about it clearly."

Leng Jianjia took a deep breath, and then continued, "she's really nice to you. If you miss this, maybe it's hard to meet a woman who is so nice to you in the future. The only weakness of Qiqi is that she's so nice to you, even to forget her own existence. She's really a nice woman, and I don't speak for her sister, It's the truth. "

"Ha ha, you can talk."

Chu Hannian may really want to thank Leng Jianjia for thinking so much about him, and even what kind of woman he will marry in the future.

"Leng Jianjia, you are not qualified to ask about my private affairs. I will not be happy. As for xiuqiqi and I, it's not your turn to tell me what to do. You'd better take care of yourself."

Cold Jianjia smell speech, face slightly change, in short is not very happy appearance.

"You go out, I know this is your house, but I have nothing to say with you. I always face you, and it's very embarrassing. In the past, when I like you, I would like to stay with you every day, but now, I always feel very uncomfortable. Maybe this is that I lost the freshness at the beginning, but there are many fresh people, It's not bad for me

Leng Jianjia still has self-knowledge, and he doesn't mean to be joking in the whole process.

"If you don't want to talk, don't talk."

Chu Hannian felt that lengjianjia was deliberately making him unhappy.

Lengjianjia was sleepy anyway, so she went to sleep directly.

Chu Hannian went to the balcony and just stood quietly without saying a word.

When lengjianjia fell asleep, he turned and left.

An shengxia still hasn't left.

"Ms. an, you wait for me to come down on purpose. What do you mean? Do you want to talk to me?"

Chu Hannian looks at an shengxia unexpectedly.

"I just think that since my daughter is pregnant, I hope she can go home for self-cultivation. Otherwise, I'm really worried. I know you hate me, but at the same time, I hope you can understand a mother's heart. She is my daughter. I really have a bad feeling in my heart. You are divorced and she has decided to give birth to this child, which means that she has grown up, I'll have my own children, too. "

What an shengxia is suffering from is that the child's father is Chu Hannian, a man who doesn't love her at all.

"Since this child is also mine, I will not let her go back to give birth. I have to ensure that this child is born safely without any accident, so Ms. an will not agree to send the child to other places to raise. As long as this child is born, I will bring it back to raise it. It has nothing to do with your cold family. From the beginning, this is my agreement with Leng Jianjia."

Chu cold year a face earnest way.

"She agreed?" It's hard for anshengxia to imagine under what circumstances lengjianjia agreed to give up the child after she gave birth to her own child.

"Yes, she agreed directly. This is a matter between me and her. As long as she agrees, other people are not qualified to say anything more. I think when you came here, you advised her to move back several times, but she just agreed to live here." Chu Hannian shrugged“ Don't worry, Ms. an. I didn't force her. She volunteered everything. If you still don't believe me, I can't help it. "

"Chu Hannian, I don't know what method you used to persuade my daughter. I always warn you that my daughter is not easy to bully. Now she is too young to be bullied by you." Anshengxia hummed coldly, "I don't want to fight with you this time, but I hope you can be more or less like a man. Before you deliberately hide my daughter, it's not a man. Now that you have xiuqiqi, you need to know how to be responsible. "

"Of course, I will take good care of Xiu Qiqi. You don't need to pay more attention to this." Chu Hannian was just an accident. Unexpectedly, anshengxia was good at xiuqiqi.

"Xiuqiqi was brought up by me, just like my other daughter. I don't want these two daughters to be harmed by you." An Sheng Xia's whole body trembles.

"Anyway, I'm not a good man in your eyes, but as long as Xiu Qiqi is willing to believe me and still stands on my side." Chu Hannian said sarcastically.


"Leng Jianjia, I'll send you something to eat today. I know you still have some misunderstanding about me, but now I've accepted your baby. I know Chu Hannian wants this baby, so no matter how I resist, I can't do it. In that case, I might as well accept this baby. Anyway, in the future, you will be separated from this baby. For you, It's cruel enough to be separated from children, so I don't need to do anything more. "

When Xiu Qiqi came here this time, her attitude changed obviously. She seemed to really accept the child in Leng Jianjia's stomach. She just glanced at Leng Jianjia's stomach from time to time, and the look in her eyes was a bit unclear.

"Jianjia, you just come to see me. You don't need to bring food. Last time Auntie Enya wanted to cook here, she was rejected by me, because now I'm not hungry. Why don't you talk with me? I'm bored, so I'm short of a chat room." Lengjianjia reached out and touched his stomach, pretending to be full.

"After all, you are a pregnant woman, and you must want to eat sometimes, so I put it here. When you think about it, you can eat a little. It's all my heart, and it took a lot of effort to do it." Xiu Qiqi was very enthusiastic.

Leng Jianjia felt that it must not be so easy to repair the Qiqi

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