Even if lengjianjia doubted anyone, it would not be Chu Hannian.

After all, Chu Hannian wanted the child to be healthy more than anyone else.

"If you don't like her coming to see you, I'll tell her."

Chu Hannian is a good talker.

"No, I know about Qiqi's personality. The more you don't let her come, the more she cares about me. It's better to let her come to me often to chat. After waiting for a long time, she will know that she is bored and won't come again."

Cold Jianjia indifferent way.

"Leng Jianjia, you like to fight against me. Do you think you will have a great sense of achievement after you make me unhappy?"

Chu Hannian looks at lengjianjia sarcastically.

Cold Jianjia smell speech, simply no longer speak.

"Don't always feel that only you are the victim. I'm sorry for my mother."

Chu Hannian sneered.

"So you have to take revenge on me? Am I not innocent? "

Leng Jianjia was too lazy to argue about who was right and who was wrong. She just felt that she regretted knowing Chu Hannian. Some people just met him.

"Leng Jianjia, you'd better give birth to this child. You know the importance of this child... Don't let me down."

Chu Hannian said, then turned and left.


"Chu Hannian, what are you going to do? I heard that Leng Jianjia has already had your child, so now you are hesitating and haven't got the certificate with Qiqi."

Hughes thought it ridiculous.

"It's between me and her. I don't think she asked you to come to me, Hughes... You'd better not interfere in some things."

The tone of Chu Hannian is even full of satire.

"Originally, I didn't think much of you. I always thought you were uncertain. Now it seems that my guess is true. Chu Hannian, no matter how you deal with lengjianjia's children, you should give us an explanation. Don't be reckless with my sister just because she likes you. She really likes you now, but if she gives up her heart to you, You won't get the support of the Xiujia. At that time, it's very easy for the Lengjia to kill you. "

This time, Hughes seemed to be warning Chu Hannian.

Unfortunately, Chu Hannian's attitude did not satisfy Hughes.

"I already know your attitude, and I also know that you and your sister have a good relationship, but some things have happened, and I can't regard them as nonexistent. Now I have a child, and that child is very important to me, more than everything. Therefore, some things have to wait for the child to come out, and no one can do anything under my eyes."

Chu Hannian also warned Hughes.

"Why can you accept Leng Jianjia's child? After you and my sister get married, you will have your own child. Do you really want that child, or is it because the child's mother is Leng Jianjia?"

The exasperated question of Hughes.

"What I want, of course, is children. This feeling is very strange. Maybe you can understand it after you have children. There's a saying that tiger poison doesn't eat children. That's what it means


What Chu Hannian hesitates now is that not everyone can play the role of mother, especially Xiu Qiqi, who will not accept Leng Jianjia's children.

"I heard a rumor before, but I don't know if it's true. It's said that when my elder sister was abroad, she had an accident, which happened to save you, but then she lost her fertility. Later, I learned that my elder sister's bad health was not because she was a little old, but because of you. She paid everything for you, even calculated me. So you think, Can I let you hurt my sister like this? "

Hughes said with a smile, this man may not be worth repairing seven seven to pay everything.

"I really regret that I didn't stop Qiqi from being with you. In fact, for people like you, the person you love most is always yourself. You won't hurt your own interests for anyone. You can't wait for Qiqi to pay everything for you. You even think it's right. You will only let women pay for you, and then tell her that only she is a fool."

Xiusi's whole body trembled.

"There's nothing to say between us. I can understand you. It's for your sister's sake, so you want to settle with me. However, what I can say has already been said."

Chu cold year a pair of indifferent appearance.

But Hughes suddenly laughed.

"Chu Hannian, I'll make you regret it."

At that time, Chu Hannian didn't know what he meant.


"Leng Jianjia, I've come to see you. You seem very surprised. But you should also know that we will definitely meet, and we will certainly meet. "

Hughes looked at lengjianjia in his spare time.

"In fact, I'm very happy when you come to see me. After all, we grew up together when we were children. I'm pregnant now, and it's not convenient to go out. It's rare that you can come to see me. I'm also very happy. It seems that you care about me. Before, I thought that my current status is embarrassing, and you won't come to see me..."

Cold Jianjia words indifferent way.

"Leng Jianjia, as you know, my sister and Chu Hannian are married. Although I don't think much of him, he is also my brother-in-law now, so I hope you can think it over carefully. You can't keep your baby in your stomach. Even if you keep it, it will only add trouble to you. As a woman with a good family background, you will have more opportunities in the future, There's no need to make yourself a stranger for the sake of this child. You and Qiqi are such good sisters, aren't you? Do you want to ruin her life? "

Xiusi's tone was polite, but this alienation was very unpleasant.

"Do you mean that my children will affect the practice of seven seven? So what do you want me to do? "

Leng Jianjia laughably looks at Xiusi, and she knows that Xiusi is not good at coming, but she doesn't think that Xiusi is so undisguised that Leng Jianjia's face becomes playful.

"Originally, I thought that you would not easily accept this child, but I didn't expect that your heart is big. Even if this child is his, you are willing to accept it, and even willing to give birth to him."

Hughes sneered, "seriously, I don't believe you really gave up Chu Hannian. Do you want to have anything to do with him through this child?"

"If you come to see me just to ask this question, then I think you can go."

Leng Jianjia just felt that it was ridiculous. She didn't want to have any relationship with Chu Hannian.

It was because she didn't want to have anything more with Chu Hannian that she chose to give birth to her own child.

Even this child can't get her back to Chu Hannian

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