If Miaomiao left, an shengxia would not live here.

No one knows this better than Quan Yao.

"She's my ex-wife at least. Do you want her to be a servant?" Thin night cold how all refuse to bear.

"When did Miaomiao become a servant?"

Without waiting for an shengxia to ask, Quan Yao has pushed Bo Yehan out.

"Bo Shao, if an shengxia leaves me, you don't want to have a good life." He didn't want to let an shengxia know that he paid Miaomiao to take care of her.

"Well, my ex-wife, at least, was born in the family of Miss Qianjin. Why do you ask her to take care of an shengxia? Can she take care of her well? My name can be written backwards. " If you don't let an shengxia take care of Miao Miao in turn, thank God.

"My woman, why take care of Xu Miaomiao?" Quan Yao was the first to refuse, "I'm not willing to let her do the rough work!"

"When Xu Miaomiao followed me, although I didn't like her, I didn't let her do any rough work!"

In this way, two tall men actually fight.

At the moment, the most panic is song September.

The two most important men in her life are fighting because of an shengxia and Xu Miaomiao?

She won't allow it!

It almost showed up

Miaomiao is very flustered. Mom, it's not easy to earn extra money.

"Don't pay attention to Bo Shao. He's with song Jiuyue. He's very blind. There's something wrong with his eyes." I make complaints about the summer of the summer.

"Well, don't worry. Even if there is only one man in the world, I won't follow him." Under the comfort of Miaomiao, an shengxia is at ease.

"Xu Miaomiao, I know you promise to take care of an shengxia for the sake of money." Miao Miao turns pale with fright when she unexpectedly receives Bo Yehan's call.

"But don't worry, I won't tell you. Just give me some good." He didn't want to continue to beg for Xu Miaomiao's dislike.

"What do you mean by that?" Miaomiao can't wait to ask.

"When I call you, just answer it. I won't disturb your life." Thin night cold's request, only this?

Is he crazy?

"Call once a week, and if you want to make an inch, don't talk about it." With that, Miaomiao hung up.

"Miaomiao, whose phone was that just now?" With the eyes of examination, an shengxia questions Miaomiao.

"It's not who, they have the wrong number!" Miao Miao seldom lies, and an shengxia believes it.

Three days later.

Quan Yao won the position of chief executive of Quan's branch.

An shengxia had to go to the branch office for a meeting.

When I went into the meeting room, I found that she was the only one.

That's strange. What about the rest?

"You look much better."

Enchanting voice line, from the French window, an shengxia surprised to see, but only see the man's broad back.

"It's not a meeting. What about the others?" So she is very formal, a white suit skirt, with elegant makeup, people can't move.

someone else?

Oh, no one else.

Just her and him!

"Have you had your hair done?" It's not the black long straight in the past, but the lazy big wave, revealing the charm in the purity. Quan Yao can see that she is different at a glance.

A woman looks like a person who pleases herself. She knows how to dress up when she hasn't seen her for only three days.

For whom?

"Well, I think it's mature." All in all, she thought she was good-looking.

"Women come to that, can't they do their hair?" He even investigated this detail clearly?

No wonder women are men's universities.

"I made it myself." An shengxia went to the seat and sat down, "am I going the wrong way?"

"You're not going wrong." Just let her three hours ahead of time, Quan Yao thin lip micro pull, "I haven't seen you for several days, I miss you very much, this is just right, no one disturb us."


Say something, miss her or something.

Think she can believe it?

"Quan Shao, how did you hang the color on your face? Was it a woman who caught you?" The irony is very strong. An shengxia squints her eyes, but she doesn't expect that the man suddenly approaches her, and her handsome features are in her hands.

"An shengxia, can't you see that this is the last fight with Bo Shao. It's also for you. I guarantee Miss Xu that it's all for your smile." But he knew that she didn't care if he was hurt.

"But I think it's all women's arrest. Why bother to count this on me?"

After all, he didn't see Quan Yao and Bo Yehan beating him. An shengxia didn't believe him.

Do you know the story of the wolf coming?

She gave him too many opportunities.

She didn't believe him at all.

"It's not a woman. There are no women around me during this period. Even if I can't help it, I just rely on my own hands. After all, I'm a cleanliness addict. After all, I don't want to disappoint you any more." He's not. When he sees a woman, he jumps on it.

"I don't want to know if there are women around you." To put it bluntly, they are separated now, that is to say, they are separated. It's normal for him even if he has a woman near the time of divorce, but an shengxia suddenly suffers because her chin is held by the man.

"But I want to know if there is a man around you..."

Otherwise, why does she dress up so showily.

Even a man with such a strong will will not mention other men.

Fingers, a little bit from the woman's chin, moving down, right Yao that deep eyes, wrapped in the woman's face panic.

"What do you mean An shengxia asked anxiously!

"I just want to check if someone has moved my things."

Said, the man's hand has fallen on the woman's belly, but still slowly down.

"Your aunt's!"

This is the conference room. She's here again. What's this man doing?

"Tell me, do you have a man?"



"I, no!"

If you keep silent, you still don't know what this abnormal man is going to do. An shengxia grits his teeth and says, "Quan Yao, you are a abnormal man!"

"Why, I'm not rubbish now, I'm a pervert?" Hands on the table, but the petite woman around in his arms, right Yao languid tone, and even chin, point on the woman's shoulder, but no force, just gently, want to smell the aroma of her body.

"You're rubbish, you're a pervert!"

This psycho actually made her arrive three hours earlier. This is his territory again. An shengxia tried to push a few times, but he couldn't push the man, so he had to stress, "don't touch me!"

"I'm sorry. Maybe I've been too thirsty lately." So see her, want to do something, Quan Yao with the tip of the tongue top side face, but still did not resist, a bow to kiss the woman's delicate red lips.

"Well An shengxia's eyes are wide open, garbage, dare to kiss him!

"Oh, you are so sweet..." a man gasping like this is not a pervert, what is it?

"Mrs. Quan, you don't sleep beside me at night, which makes me sleepless."

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