Xia Wei'an turned away in astonishment, but he didn't expect that it was a very familiar face

"Why, scared by me?"

Hughes originally just wanted to make a joke with Xia Wei'an, but he didn't expect that Xia Wei'an was very pale at the moment, and seemed to be scared.

"I just didn't expect that..." Xia Wei was relieved when he settled down. "General xiuzong, how can you be here?"

"Is it a bit polite to call me president Xiu?" Hughes frowned slightly.

"In the company, you can call me that, but now it's free time. You'd better call me by my name, otherwise it's too strange." Hughes' dissatisfied way.

"I'll call you by your name? Hughes Xia Weian always feels strange and can't say it.

"Just get used to it." Hughes said, "are you going to move?"

"Oh, I'm looking for a house, but I have a look. The rent is a little high near the company. It's too far away, it's not safe, and it takes a lot of time on the road." Xia Weian made a comprehensive comparison, but still found that she really should not move out, because she has no place to go.

"Are you looking for a house?" Xiusi originally thought that Xia Weian lived in Qian Dashan's house, but he had been driven out?

"I know a place where the rent is not very expensive, but it needs to be shared, and it's very close to the company." Xiu Si's one board one eye way, summer Wei an immediately stares big eye bead to ask, "is the price really not expensive?"

"As for me to cheat you, that house belongs to a friend of mine. It's just that he recently went abroad and got free, so he asked me to help him rent it out. At least he charged some rent money. Now there is a tenant, but she is a woman. If you are interested, I'll show you the apartment type."

Hughes grasped his palm and looked at Xia Weian.

Xia Wei'an thought that if the rent was cheap and there was a roommate, it would be better. Not only was it convenient, but they could take care of each other. He immediately agreed.

Originally, Xia Wei'an didn't expect much, but she didn't expect that such a large apartment was only one third of the average rent, which was really cheap.

"It's really too cheap. It's much cheaper than those in one room outside. Are you sure you're not lying to me?" Xia Weian asked pleasantly.

"Of course not. You and I are friends, so we give you a little discount, but I will still charge you." Hughes' proud way.

"But the tenant you mentioned seems to be absent..."

Xia Weian is questioning, but unexpectedly, the doorbell is suddenly rang.

"Wow, you are my roommate. Hello, my name is Xia Weian. I'll be your neighbor in the future. I'm just moving here today!" Xia Weian is very enthusiastic.

The other side is really confused.

What's the situation?

Who can tell her how she became a tenant here!?

Luo small helpless look to Xiu Si, President, this is a few meanings?

Or is the president really pursuing Xia Weian?

So deliberately let her live here?

So at this moment, should she hold Xia Weian's thigh?

"Ha ha, Miss Xia, you are so polite. In fact, I just moved here recently, and the chief repairman is really nice. I am also a staff member of the company."

Luo small positive way, "because repair always pity me, no father no mother, a person blame poor, so cheap my rent, let me live in.". We will be neighbors in the future! "

"I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect that there was such a good thing. In fact, I had no place to go..." Xia Wei'an paid the rent very easily.

In order to thank Hughes, he also made a big dinner with the ingredients in the refrigerator.

"Wow, Xia Wei'an, isn't it? Your craftsmanship is so good. I thought before that, if you are such a good-looking person, you should not be able to cook." Luo Xiaoxiao is undoubtedly amazed.

"It's all learned in it." Xia Weian said with a cheerful smile, referring to the past, but without any embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, shouldn't I have such a big mouth?" Luo small bite chopsticks asked.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's all over. Now that I've solved my work and rent problem, I feel that I can go through any big storm." Xia Weian gave a warm smile.

Hughes could not help but raise the corner of his mouth, he felt that no matter what he did, it was worth it.

"Mr. xiuzong, why don't you eat so little? Let's eat more. It's all made by Miss Xia herself. It's not sure when you can get it next time." Luo Xiaoxiao joked.

"If you don't dislike it, I'd like to come and rub my meal." Hughes wiped the corners of his mouth and said slowly, "it's worth a little rent."

"Why don't you come to dinner in the evening, and it's healthy to eat at home." As soon as he heard that the rent could be deducted, Xia Wei'an became more active.

"Not bad." Hughes nodded naturally. He was not such a smiling person, but today, he could not help it.


Leng Hao takes it for granted that after leaving the apartment, Xia Wei'an certainly has no place to go and will come back in the end.

But one night, Xia Wei'an seemed to evaporate, without any news.

Several times, Xia Wei'an raised his mobile phone and wanted to contact Leng Hao.

She wants to tell Leng Hao that she has found a new place and let him not worry.

But I think it's too troublesome to say that.

How could he care if she had a place to live?

When she chose to leave, Leng Hao looked like she was laughing.

With a smile, Xia Wei'an washed the bowl and went to his room.

This room is really big, and the decoration is also very exquisite.

Lying in such a room, Xia Weian always feels unreal.

It seems, back in the past.

But a lot of things have changed.

For example, she has nothing now.

But at least, she's alive, she's got food and a place to live.

I don't know where my father is and whether he has a bad life

early morning.

Xia Wei'an got up early and made breakfast in the morning.

"Wei An, do you cook breakfast for me yourself?" Luo Xiaoxiao doesn't dare to eat at all. How dare she offend the future president's wife?

I'm eager to give up Xia Weian.

"Yes, we are all neighbors and live together. We should take care of each other, and I don't think you are very exclusive to me."

Most people see her, will continue to discuss, but Luo Xiaoxiao did not, Xia Weian is very grateful.

"I think it's because they have broken mouths and are jealous of your good looks that they don't like you." Luo small dissatisfied way.

Xia Wei'an was immediately amused, then helplessly shook his head, just about to say something, but the mobile phone bell rang unexpectedly.

Who is it?

Xia Weian immediately looked down, but he didn't expect

It's him

Leng Hao!

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