"I said, Xia Wei'an, are you on purpose or not? You're quite good at bumping into me. As soon as we came in, you bumped into me. If you didn't come here for dinner, I really doubt that you installed GPS navigation system on my elder brother!"

Cold Zheng make complaints about Tucao.

"It's a place to eat, and it's not your home. It's not. You're the only one, but I can't?" Xia Wei'an didn't mean it. He was still positive in apologizing, but he was not happy with Leng Zheng.

Looking around, the white shirt in Leng Hao's suit was indeed contaminated with some red wine. She quickly took out a paper towel and wanted to wipe it, but her hand stopped again. She directly handed the paper towel to Leng Zheng, "you'd better come, otherwise, I might be wronged as a sponge."

"It's not that you don't have such a black history, but Xia Wei'an, how can you be here? Maybe you can't afford it? Who the hell are you with? "

The question of Leng Zheng's eight trigrams.

"Does it have anything to do with you? As long as I don't pester Leng Da Shao, you should be very happy, right Xia Wei'an felt that Leng Zheng was very hostile to him.

"This shop is my big brother's favorite. Maybe you just show up here on purpose to make this chance encounter. It's not impossible." Leng Zheng's analysis is right.

The key is that Xia Weian can't refute it. Indeed, she has always done such things.

"But people will always change, even if I was like this before, but now, after, I will not. You are not the only people in the world. Can't I have dinner with my friends?" Xia Wei'an is full of confidence.

"The question is, can your friends still invite you to such a place for dinner? It's not that I look down on people. I'm just curious. If your friends are so capable, why don't you help your father solve the crisis? " In Leng Zheng's eyes, Xia Wei'an has always been such a person who knows how to use.

"..." Xia Wei'an really can't answer. Whether it's xiuqiqi or Chu Hannian, they have no contact with her.

"Why don't you become a gossip reporter when you gossip like this? Don't you think you're a gossip reporter? At least you're the vice president of a big company. You care about me all day, OK? Or are you a little bit interested in me? " Xia Weian is deliberately disgusting Lengzheng.

Sure enough, Leng Zheng's face immediately became ugly. "Xia Wei'an, you are really shameless. Even if I'm blind, I won't take a fancy to you."

"It's hard to say. After all, it's really fragrant!" Xia Weian stands on tiptoe.

"Leng Zheng, Miss Xia, you seem to be very familiar. Why don't you have something to eat together?" Ruyi, standing on one side, spoke calmly.

"No, it's not very familiar." Leng Hao said silently.

"Yes, if I eat with people like you, maybe I will have indigestion. I'll leave first." When Xia Wei'an turned to leave, he hesitated.

She wanted to talk to Ruyi alone, but she was afraid of being misunderstood.

In the end, Xia Weian stopped Ruyi.

"Can we talk alone?" Xia Weian asked tentatively.

"Why, what do you want to do?" Leng Zheng is on guard.

"You're all here. What else can I do? Just talk to her about something personal." Xia Weian twisted his eyebrows, "I asked Miss Ruyi, not you lenger Shao."

"All right, but I can only stay with you for two minutes." Since Ruyi agrees, it is not easy for others to interrupt.

A quiet corridor.

"In fact, I'm glad you can leave the hospital and come out for a walk. It's good for your health." Xia Weian's sincere way.

"Well, thank you for your concern, but we should not be so familiar with each other. After all, what I am doing now is thanks to you, so it's really hard for me to have a good impression on you. I also know that people will change. Maybe you really have a change now, but it's based on my pain. It's very unfair to me."

Ruyi's simple words make Xia Wei'an's eyes twinkle.

"I know that you have the right to hate me, and you also have the right to never forgive me, but I will still wish you and Leng Dashao... I came to dinner with my friends before, and I ran into them today. It was just an accident. Although I explained it just now, I should explain it seriously."

Xia Wei'an's serious way.

"You don't have to explain so much to me, because I don't care much about what you think." Ruyi's crisp voice said, "even if you continue to follow him, he will not necessarily see you. I hope you can understand what I mean."


"You two, what did you talk about just now? Did she give you some hard words? I still know that between women Leng Zheng looks like someone who has been here.

"You think too much, but you really don't. maybe people will change. Miss Xia gives me a different feeling now." Ruyi is a light way.

"People are good at camouflage. Besides, she doesn't have any chips to be proud of now. Of course, she knows that the only way now is to keep a low profile and can't continue to make trouble. Otherwise, no one can help her." Cold Hao cold way.

"Maybe before, you have some misunderstanding about her, just a little girl, like you, so blind pursuit of you, make you unhappy." Ruyi's gentle way.

"But the last thing she should do is hurt you." Everyone knows that Ruyi is the bottom line of lenghao.

No doubt, Xia Wei'an is the bottom line of Leng Hao.

"Ruyi, you are just too kind, that's why you are bullied. If she hurts you like this, don't help her talk." Leng Zheng frowned. "Moreover, I always feel that she must have met someone here just now, and she would not say anything after asking. It's really strange."

Leng Hao didn't care much, but suddenly he thought of Hughes

Is it him?

"Excuse me“ Straight to the bathroom, Leng Hao is to take out the mobile phone, reluctantly press a string of calls.


"Xia Weian, it's me."

"Well, Leng Dashao, you are really leisurely. Aren't you accompanying a beautiful woman? You also have this time to talk nonsense with me." Xia Weian was quite an accident.

"I know you are very close to Hughes recently. Don't forget what I reminded you before. He may not be your support. Don't put all your hopes on him. His own wings are not hard enough to help you. Don't put yourself in the end, but you can't get anything."

Leng Hao's cruel voice, extremely cold.

"Oh, you mean, think I'm seducing him?"

Xia Weian immediately laughed and was born.

"Isn't it?"

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