"In fact, you don't need to guard against anything. I'm just passing by. Do you think I came here on purpose for you?"

Leng Hao's words are full of irony.

"Of course I know, you won't come here for me. It's just a surprise. It seems that you can meet everywhere."

Xia Weian was just surprised.

"Who else do you want to meet?"

Leng Hao asked sarcastically.

"Anyway, the person I want to meet is not you." Xia Weian is too obvious.

"What's the matter, you still think about Hughes?"

Leng Hao kneaded his eyebrows helplessly and said, "this man, of course, is not what you can imagine now. He has a fiancee. If you make things big, I think your face will be ugly. Moreover, the monk is not very satisfied with you, and even repulsive. Do you think you can still stand firm in the monk? I advise you not to be paranoid

"You are really funny. I've never thought that it's just your idea to gain a foothold in Xiujia. Besides, I don't seem to pester him, do I?"

Xia Weian only felt funny. When did she pester Hughes?

It's just a ridiculous idea of these people.

She has never thought of studying at home.

"I hope you think so." Leng Hao's words, like his indifferent attitude, make people shudder.

"Come on, I don't need you to send me. I'll go myself." Xia Weian immediately stopped a taxi and left indifferently.

It really pissed her off.

She didn't think of it. Even Leng Hao felt that she wanted to study at home.


"It's said that you are living a life of wind and water, and still want to be with Hughes. You don't look at your own identity. Do you think it's a good match?"

Qian dai'er didn't want to contact Xia Wei'an, but the development of the whole situation has exceeded Qian dai'er's expectation.

She didn't expect that Xia Wei'an would put his mind on Hughes.

"I tell you, he already has a fiancee. You can't imagine it. Do you understand that?"

Chandler's rough eyebrows.

Xia Weian looked down at the bright screen of his mobile phone, and for the first time he had the impulse to smash it.

What do these people mean?

"Xia Wei'an, you don't want to pretend that you're not here on purpose, just as I didn't say these words. I think people around you will also remind you that you and Hughes are totally incompatible."

Chandler said sarcastically.

"Originally, I don't think I'm worthy of Hughes, but I'm not happy if you try so hard to let me know myself. I can only say that maybe I want you to do what you want. I just want to be with Hughes. What else can you do? You're just looking at me, aren't you

Xia Wei'an can't bear it any more. It seems that anyone can teach her a lesson.

"Xia Wei'an, if you have to challenge Xiujia, please help yourself, but you will always know in the end that you are not suitable by nature, and you will be abandoned in the end."

Chandler was ridiculed.

"If you are really so capable, you might as well put your mind on Leng Hao. I think you will get what you want, but it's a pity that you like to compare with me so much. Why do you have to?"

Xia Weian complacently raised the corner of his mouth, "I want to know, you and I, what the final result will be."

"You were abandoned, of course."

Chandler is very confident.


Xia Weian just went to work the first day, he received a news that he didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

Because of the cheating in the last assessment, Xia Weian needs to accept the assessment again.

"Mom, when you make this decision, should you discuss it with me, even if it's just disclosed? Now I'm the last one to know. Do you think I can accept it?"

Hughes looked up at Han Enya and said, "Mom, I'm your son and I'm not your prisoner. Why do you have to fight me when I make any choice?"

"You know you are my son, but why can't you think from my point of view? This woman is obviously using you. Why can't you understand? I've seen more women than you, so I know women, but you don't know. I'm worried that you will be cheated by other women? Why do you think that Xia Weian keeps a relationship with you? You should also know that her family owes a sum of money, although not a lot, but I always feel that this woman has ulterior motives“

Han Enya pressed down her eyebrow and said, "anyway, according to my experience, this woman is really not simple."

"Whether she is simple or not, I know better than you. It's useless for you to worry here. I know what she does to me. I have the ability to distinguish right from wrong."

Hughes said angrily.

"It's not because you're not easy to worry about, otherwise I won't take care of you like this. If you don't provoke these women, I don't care about you, and I won't even look bad at you in the company. Son, I hope you don't let me down“

Han Enya looked up and down at Hughes, "this is also your father's idea, you don't do things that you regret for a woman."

"Now I know that the thing I regret is to like someone I like..."

Hughes just thought it was funny, so he turned and left.

After Xia Weian came into the design department, he knew that he would be discussed.

"I really think it's wonderful. Why can Yao Moli copy and come back to the company again, but you have to take the exam again depending on your own strength? I think it's really unfair. This must not be the meaning of President Xiu. Maybe the board of directors suspects that someone is cheating this time, so it can't implicate you. I think you are the one implicated in any way..."

So Luo is very angry.

"There's no way to deal with this kind of thing. Besides, anger can't change anything. Maybe I just have a bad life. I thought I could really get to the design department after this assessment, but I didn't expect that there was a test ahead of me..."

Xia Weian is very helpless.

"It doesn't matter. I believe in your strength. You can pass the examination again by yourself..."

Luo Xiaoxiao is confident.

"You believe me so much. In fact, even myself, I don't think I can pass the examination again... Maybe I was lucky last time."

Xia Weian is holding his palm.

The phone rings.

Xia Weian was surprised first, and then he looked down at the mobile phone screen.

It was a call from Hughes.

"Xia Weian... It's not me..."

"... huh?"

"It's the board's decision to let you do the assessment, but it's not me."

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