"I just do what I think is right. As for face, of course, I don't want it. I've never been the kind of person to live for others."

Xiusi's incomparably calm way.

"Seriously, I really appreciate your attitude, but it's a pity that not everyone has the capital to live like this."

Xia Weian just smiles bitterly.

"In fact, you can. Some people misunderstand you on purpose. No matter what you do well or not, those people will still pick on you. Why do you want to make the general secretary feel bad for those people?"

Hughes hesitated for a long time, then continued, "don't worry, I will try to find a way, maybe, you don't need a second assessment, it was unfair to you originally."

"Chief xiuzong... What do you mean by that?"

Xia Weian asked in surprise.

"You know, because of my reasons, you are often misunderstood. I feel bad all the time. I will try to help you solve this problem."

Clenching his fist, Hughes was very determined.

"If it wasn't for your help, maybe I didn't even have the chance to come in. Besides, after this assessment, I already have full confidence in myself, and I'm not the kind of person who can design only after graduation. At least, I have no problem in my life now, and I won't plagiarize in this kind of thing."

Xia Weian happily said, "if you want to break some rules for me, I'm afraid you will be embarrassed in the future, and this is not what I want to see."

"You are so stupid. It's actually me who made you suffer some unfair treatment."

Hughes hesitated several times, but still reached out and pressed on Xia Weian's head. "If you encounter any problems, you can discuss with me. You know, in addition to your father, there are still people who care about you very much in this world."

At this moment, Xia Weian originally wanted to push away Hughes' palm, but she could still feel the man's care and care for her.

Xia Wei'an had to look up at Xiusi, but unexpectedly, he gave Xiusi a warm look.

Xia Wei settled down and said with a smile, "thank you for helping me all the time. Thank you very much."

"It's too bad to thank me at such a time. You may know that what I want is not this apology, but hope you can take care of yourself at any time in the future."

Hughes said, then he turned and left.

When it's time to get off work, Xia Weian, as usual, packs his bags and prepares to leave. However, as soon as he leaves the design department, he is intercepted by Yao Moli.

"Tell me, what means did you use in the end, or how could he have done such an outrageous thing for you?"

Yao Mo Li was very angry, and her face was certainly not good-looking, just like a sunny day, covered by dark clouds.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but you're always bothering me, and you don't feel bored, do you“

Xia Wei An helplessly looks at Yao Mo Li, she really does not want to continue to deal with this woman.

"Originally, you had to make another assessment, but Hughes protected you at the board of directors. That is to say, if anything happens to you in the future, Hughes will be held responsible. Why do you have to do that?"

Yao Mo Li can't believe it. Just a Xia Wei'an, she was taken care of by Xiu Si.

"What do you mean by that?"

Xia Wei'an stepped back and looked surprised.

"In order to protect you, he doesn't hesitate to talk to Mr. Xiu. If you make a mistake, this company will not be able to talk to Mr. Xiu in the future. Do you know what this means?"

Yao Molly reached for Xia Wei'an's collar and said, "he wants to protect you. He doesn't care about his current status."

But this is what Xia Wei'an did not expect.

"I've just heard about it. That's why you're bothering me now?"

Xia Weian frowned slightly, "then I would like to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I didn't know he had done so much for me."

"Xia Weian, please remember what you said at the beginning. You said it. You and Hughes are impossible. You also said it yourself. You know you are not from the same world at all. I hope you don't regret what you said and take responsibility for yourself. Do you think Hughes will give up everything for you? At the same time, I also hope you can let Hughes go. If he really gives up everything for you, what kind of life will you have at that time? You can't be more clear about it. Maybe Hughes is new for a while, so he is good to you. But with the reality of daily necessities, he will only hate you more. Never believe that a man will always be good to you, Or you're a fool“

Every word of Yao Mo Li is extremely hard, for fear that Xia Wei'an will not do it right.

"He's a good man." At that time, she was still a young lady. She had no worries about food and clothing. It was a pity that she was now in huge debt. All men would watch her hide. Only Xius was a fool, and he defended her everywhere, It's no wonder that he was taught a lesson in public by the general practitioner.

"Yes, he is a good man, but it's a pity that he is my fiance. Besides, you must hope that you will have a good life for these people. If you just want to play with a man and cheat some money, I advise you to find someone else. After all, Hughes is not a bully, and you can't afford the consequences."

Yao Molly looked up and down at Xia Wei'an, "I hope you do it yourself."

"I know what you're looking for, so please get out of the way. I'm going out."

It's time to get off work. Xia Wei'an doesn't think he's shorter than Yao Mo Li.

"Xia Wei'an, how much money do you want, as long as you can leave the company."

But Xia Wei'an didn't pay attention to Yao Mo Li's words.

"It seems that your appetite is really great. I can wait for your news, but my patience is limited."

Yao Molly put down her cruel words again, and then she was willing to leave.


Xia Weian walked out of the company and looked up at the bright starry sky.

"Xia Weian..."

A clear and bright voice came from behind, which made Xia Wei'an a little stunned.

Xia Wei'an turned to see, but it was Hughes's warm smile, "I just got off work, let's go, I'll take you back."

"It's too much trouble for you..." Xia Wei'an stopped.

"Anyway, I'm on my way. I just want to tell you something."

Xia Wei'an hears the speech and is relieved. At the moment when he is ready to get on the bus, he is surprised that another black car is driving dangerously. The speed is astonishing.

Xia Weian's heart has almost jumped out of his throat.

The man didn't even look at Xia Weian more, so he immediately took out his mobile phone.

"Xia Weian, come with me, and you'll see your father..."

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