"I don't know about Xia Wei'an in the past, but I think she is not as bad as the legend. Everyone will change. I believe Xia Wei'an has become different from what she used to be. As for Ruyi, she is willing to undergo surgery, so Ruyi will get better. You will get married and live a good life in the future. In this case, you should let Xia Wei'an go, Is a person's fault, to use their lifetime to repay it? The cost may not be too serious. "

Leng Jianjia just said, "brother, I think you always have a clear distinction between public and private. I don't want you to be so indifferent to Xia Wei'an. Since she came out, it's not easy for her to walk all the way. Don't bully people too much, so there's no way for her mother to explain."

"I'm not bullying people either. I just feel that some mistakes must be paid for. I can't feel that those in the past are not wrong just because she has changed now."

Leng Hao slightly frowned, irritable way.

"Time can change a lot of things, I think, with the change of time, your view of Xia Weian will also change."

Lengjianjia looks happy.

"That's just what you think. I'm afraid the Xius don't really want to accept Xia Wei'an. They just don't think they can do it now. How long can Xius treat her well? Can you promise?"

Leng Hao believed his intuition. "I dare say that Hughes may not be serious this time. Xia Weian may be the first woman he likes, but he will never be the last one."

"Brother, don't you know that the Xius have cleared most of Xia Wei'an's debts, so much money is taken out at one time, which is enough to prove that Xius is serious this time. When did you see Xius so thoughtless?" Cold Jianjia excited way.

"Even if they are really together, why are you so happy?"

Leng Hao asked unexpectedly.

"Xia Wei'an and I are good friends. Don't you know that?" Lengjianjia asked funny.

"I didn't see you had some friends. Unexpectedly, I got along well with Xia Wei'an." Leng Hao pressed his eyebrow and said, "don't get too close to this woman in the future. You know Ruyi has an awkward relationship with her."

"That's their business. What's the matter? I'm not qualified to make friends now? Are you and Ruyi too powerful? "

Lengjianjia is very dissatisfied.

"I just want to remind you that some people may not be so innocent on the surface. If they stab you in the back, you will have no room for regret."

As soon as Leng Hao's voice fell, Leng Jianjia laughed with disdain, "brother, according to you, isn't she a monster? You think that Xia Weian is too bad. In fact, she is not like this. She is a kind-hearted person. You will not know until you get to know her. You always exclude her, so no wonder you hate her. It's a pity that people may not still like you now. I think Hughes is very good, not only handsome, but also willing to pay for her. I think she will be happy in the future. "

Leng Hao was silent.


"I have been trying to find your father. Unfortunately, there is no clue yet. If I know, I will let him return home. After all, you just want to see your father as soon as possible."

When Hughes treated Xia Weian, he was still a little nervous. After all, he didn't know Xia Weian's mind.

"You really did a lot for me, in fact... I think..." Xia Wei'an was very embarrassed.

"It's just that the creditor has changed people. You just need to think like this. As for the gossip outside, I really don't care, but you should know that I'm willing to do it because of you. If I change people, I may not be so generous. In fact, you know, I've always been special to you, but I don't want these to be your pressure."

Hughes frowned, "it can be said that my kindness to you has no purpose, and I don't care how outsiders evaluate it, as long as you feel happy."

"In fact, I'm really surprised that you would do this. It's a good thing for me, but it's also a pressure. I didn't expect that you would..."

Xia Weian kept shaking his head, "in this way, I owe you more things, you were very helpful to me."

"Ha ha, I don't know whether I should be happy or unhappy when you say that. You don't have any pressure, just take me as your leader. There is another thing, I don't know whether I should explain it to you clearly. I didn't admit the engagement between Yao Molly and me before, not because of your appearance. It was arranged by my family, I think, You can understand me, so I'm not the one who always gives up. "

Hughes kept explaining to himself.

"I know you. You are a good person. As for you and Yao Moli, I won't evaluate them, because I don't know them, but you are not the kind of person I know about you." Xia Weian's serious way.

"Why be so serious? In fact, my biggest wish now is to help you find your father so that you can get together."

Hughes's sincere way.

"I believe dad will come back, and he will be happy to know the news. Even if I have pressure, I can't blame you. After all, you are trying to help me."

Xia Wei didn't know what to say when she settled down. She just felt that she was very flustered and scared, but she didn't know how to repay her. She always knew the gap between herself and Hughes.


"Wei'an, you don't need any pressure when I ask you out this time. I've heard that you and Hughes may be nice together. After all, he's my child, and he's really good to you. He never cares so much about a woman. You're the only one, so I think, You don't have to refuse others for the sake of your uneasiness. Sometimes, you should show your courage. When you pursued my son before, wasn't it very fierce? "

An shengxia is really not open which pot, let Xia Weian strange embarrassed.

"Auntie, I can't answer your words. I know that I used to be too ignorant, but Hughes and I took him as my boss."

Xia Weian was in a dilemma.

"In fact, it's also very good. Two people can work in the same place, so we can rest assured."

An Sheng Xia said jokingly, "besides, can't you see such an excellent man?"

"Aunt Sheng Xia, I really don't think I'm worthy of Hughes..."

Xia Weian bit the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm afraid that I will be abandoned in the end."

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