
The next second, Chu Ge fell down from the horse and fell to the ground. Suddenly, his tears were hazy and his arms and knees were bruised. Seeing a large amount of blood in his palm, he felt dizzy. "Wow, it hurts!"

She just took the opportunity to speed up, but she didn't see Princess Linda's whip. After such a collision, she fell down and said, "little sun, I almost fell to death!"

The man named at the moment in the stands had to walk up and look down at her, "what's the matter?"

It's also a coincidence that just now it was a dead end. The people in the stands didn't know what happened. Princess Linda and an shengxia were still competing. Chuge suffered a dull loss. The most important thing was that the referee trotted over and announced solemnly, "Miss Chuge, get out!"

"Didn't you see that I tripped?" Chu Ge wanted to take out his heart and explained, "someone pulled my horse! It's a foul

"Miss Chu Ge, please come down!"

"Ma Dan, I'll do it. You're blind. It's clear that someone has fouled. Are you illiterate? Or don't you understand the rules? " Chu Ge was not convinced by the referee's kicking and punching.

When he started again, he was intercepted by Quan Yang, "don't make trouble here. It's ugly."

"But I am wronged!" Chu Ge stamped his feet excitedly, "otherwise, we can extend it for another month."

"Your hand is bleeding. If you don't deal with it, it will leave a scar." And she's so ugly.

But Chu Ge didn't care. He still said, "can we extend it for another month?"

"I'm afraid you'll be tired of it in less than three months." Once upon a time, wasn't she the same?

We agreed to be together, but he broke up after playing for seven days.

"I won't get tired of it, absolutely not!" She likes him so much, how can she not want him?

Really not?

Once upon a time, she made the same promise.

Quan Yang simply picked up Chu Ge and said, "let's go and deal with the wound."

"Wait a minute." Dangling his feet, Chu Ge tugged Quan Yang's shirt and looked back at the referee, "just now, sorry!"

The referee said, "it's ok... It doesn't hurt at all, it doesn't hurt... It's very comfortable..."

Tut a, Chu Ge wants to ask, you Ya of owe smoke?

But she doesn't want to make Quan Yang angry, so she cleverly lies in the man's arms, how to think, this fall, good value!

The sound of "Shua" was like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. Three steeds galloped along the track.

But in the blink of an eye, the first two laps ended.

A little ahead was Princess Linda, followed by an shengxia and Han Enya.

According to the results of the first stop, the three people ran to the second stop respectively. There are invisible traps everywhere. They need to distinguish the true and false traps and cross those obstacles.

There is no extra thinking. Ansheng Xiadan is the biggest. He is the first to rush to the second stop.

There is no skill to speak of, the only thought of the mind is: can't fall!

"Princess Linda, I'd rather you win than see an shengxia win over me." Han Enya's jaw is clear, but it's like a magic spell.

Princess Linda tightened the reins. "I just want to win!"

"Don't you think I'm a little perverted?" Han Enya is hook lips, "you don't need reason, in short, I will help you win!"

"Drive!" Han Enya also entered the second stop, directly followed an shengxia's path, and soon caught up with him.

Suddenly catch a glimpse of Han Enya, look up, Ansheng summer closed the reins, ready to rest.

The next second, Han Enya and the horse suddenly fell into the trap of the pit, and both horses fell in!

To avoid the trap, Ansheng Xia wanted to leave like this

"Anshengxia, can you give me a hand?" Lying on horseback, Han Enya stretched out her hand toward an shengxia.

Looking at the mist under Han Enya's eyes, an shengxia only hesitated for a second, then turned and left.

She's not the virgin. Why help Han Enya?

She just wants to win!

"It's a match between you and Princess Linda. I'm just here to make up." Taking a breath, Han Enya continued, "I feel like I have a cramp. You give me a pull..."

"What's wrong with you?" Turning around again, anshengxia rode back to Han Enya slowly, and saw that she was really pale and uncomfortable, as if she would fall at any time.

I've also heard that Quan He has almost no restraint. No wonder Han Enya's face is so ugly.

"I don't know. Just give me your hand... Believe me... What can I do to you?" With a sneer, Han Enya sees that an shengxia has been convinced.

"It's too far. You reach out and I'll... Pull you!" Taking a deep breath, an shengxia raises her hand and is about to hold Han Enya.

But did not expect, chase wind suddenly furious, ferocious leap!

"Stop... It's too fast. I'm so scared, so scared!"

Panic more than, an shengxia holding the horse's neck, suddenly look at the stand, see Quan Yao holding his index finger whistling, is directing his pursuit!

He let her go?

Don't worry about Han Enya?


He made an earth shaking roar, and immediately made a dragon leaping posture. His chin was slightly lower, his eyes were bright, and he kept running in the same place, as if he was crazy.

You know, there are traps everywhere

If we go on like this, if we meet a trap

"Chase the wind... Stop!"

With the constant change of strength and angle, an shengxia tightens the reins, but leads the chasing wind to turn around in the same place more fiercely.

If it goes on like this, either she will be scared to death or mal will die!

There's nothing to do. An shengxia's eyes are red and swollen. He reaches for the horse's back and coaxes Xiaobai. His heart is soft again. "Chase the wind, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't run, don't move..."

He roared again, and there was a gasp in his nose.

Next second.

It's quiet.

I can't believe the dexterity of Zhuifeng. Ansheng Xia grabs the hair of Zhuifeng again, and then he clamps the horse's belly. "Zhuifeng, good, we don't go here, we take a shortcut."

Finally, he pressed his hat, and in his Khaki suit, he yanked the reins and yelled, "drive!"

On the grandstand, the crowd suddenly turned around and rushed back!

The wild horse's hooves crossed the red and blue barriers, bypassed the trap and ran wildly!

Looking at an shengxia's every move, Princess Linda also coldly looks at her eyes and catches up with her!

"I tell you, don't try to surpass me!" The same old trick, Princess Linda at the moment regardless of the dead corner in the stands, waving the whip again, taking advantage of the situation to pull an shengxia's Horseshoe, and then pull back!

Oh, when she's bullying, right?

For the first time, when she was a princess!

But the second time, I want to let her down, don't I?

"Princess Linda, believe it or not?"

With that sneer in her eyes, an shengxia waved her whip and went straight to Princess Linda's face!

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