"You mean, me and Leng hao? Are you crazy or am I crazy? He sent me in himself. I don't hate him. Thank God, I still collude with him... "

Xia Weian opened his mouth and said, "I have nothing to do with him."

"I don't believe it. You must be hiding something from me. Otherwise, he won't help you."

If you think about it carefully, Leng Hao should not pass by Xiushi occasionally today.

Is he following Xia Weian on purpose?

So, the woman squinted, "I always think he is not simple to you, you have to believe my intuition, but I, a woman, also know men, he should be very interested in you now."

"It seems that you are crazy. Don't you know that he and miss Ruyi are engaged? I think he wants to kill me directly

Xia Wei'an was too lazy to explain, so he sneered, "in a word, it's not up to you to manage the affairs between me and Leng Shao."

"But he told me not to trouble you."

Women just ignore that one million.

I'm afraid Xia Wei'an will poke himself out.

After all, she also promised Leng Hao not to come to Xia Weian's trouble.


Xia Wei'an was stunned. He couldn't believe what he heard.

"During the day, when I was looking for you, lengshao accidentally saw me, and then he came to warn me... I always feel that people also care about you."

The woman touched her chin and said, "I underestimate you... However, it's excusable. After all, you are my daughter and you look good. It's right to seduce men."

"Shut up, I'm not the same as you. I'm with Hughes now, so it's better to say less about your words so that they won't spread out!"

Of course, Xia Weian is worried.

"Why, do you know to be afraid now?" The woman said with a smile, "in fact, men like to pursue a woman. It's not good for a woman to be too obedient."

"..." Xia Wei'an didn't want to talk nonsense, so he just closed his cell phone.

That night, Xia Weian did not open the door.

In the morning, I ran into the woman.

"You finally opened the door. I slept out all night. Now I'm ok. I'll go in and have a rest."

The woman was about to enter.

"If you don't leave, I'll go to the police right now..." Xia Wei'an immediately took out his mobile phone.

"Ha ha, you can really do it. How can you not be afraid that I will continue to ask you for money?" The woman asked sarcastically.

"I never like being threatened, don't you know that?" Xia Wei'an shook his head and said, "the more you force me, the more I won't give you anything. I advise you to leave as soon as possible. I'll treat myself as if I'm jumping out of the stone. In a word, you can do it yourself."

"At least you are your mother. If I didn't give birth to you, you don't know where you are now... You still blame me..."

The woman sneered, "you still refuse to admit your stupidity. You send yourself in for a man... You've really become a joke all over the world..."

In this regard, Xia Weian did not say a word, after all, the fact is so.

"When you've finished, you can go."

Xia Weian directly pushed the woman open and closed the door.

"You can ignore me for a day, but for a long time, I have time to fight with you. Even if it goes to the company, I really don't believe it. Lengshao wants to do something for you." The woman craned her neck.

"Well, yes, lengshao won't trouble you, but you know, Hughes won't let you go. Why don't you know? I've just been with Hughes, and he's willing to give you money. It's very simple to solve you."

Xia Weian's words really scared the woman.


"I heard that she went to your house... Didn't she have a good rest all night? Why don't I see her. "

Hughes held his eyebrows and said.

"If she sees you, she will be more happy. She thinks I can't help it, so please come here. Don't, don't do that. I know her personality too well. She just likes to push her nose on her face. I don't want you to get involved. She..."

Xia Weian shook her head and said, "I don't even want to admit her identity, but I can't help it. The blood relationship is here. Sometimes, I really hope I'm not her child."

"She is very bad to you..." sighed Hughes.

"Well, yes, most of them have been like this since childhood, but I can't accept that she doesn't want my father and follows other men... It's a betrayal to my father... It's also a betrayal to me. If I were her, I would never choose to leave."

Xia Weian touched his nose, "I still can't find dad. I don't know where he is and what kind of life he's living, but my life is gradually getting better. "

"If he knows you're doing well, he'll be at ease."

Hughes comforted.

"Do you want me to find someone to put her in?"

Hughes suddenly asked, "I'm afraid she's always going to trouble you."

"Trust me, you don't need to step in."

Xia Weian just wants to solve it by himself.

"I'm your boyfriend, and I'm qualified to be in charge of it. I want to step in. I want to help you." Hughes explained patiently.

"I know you are kind-hearted, but she will be enthusiastic and even ask you for something. Hughes, I owe you something. I don't want to..."

Xia Weian deep respiratory tract, "I don't want to be unable to lift my head in front of you from now on. Although outsiders don't say it, I know that they think so too. I still hope that I can grow up a little bit, become more excellent, and be worthy of you."

"I see." Hughes nodded, he was not willing to let Xia Weian embarrassed, just reminded, "if you need me, at any time."

Although Xia Weian agreed to come down, he would not easily trouble Hughes.


When Xia Weian was shopping in the shopping mall, she unexpectedly saw the woman shopping lavishly, and they were all luxuries.

Didn't she say she had no money?

Xia Weian immediately went over and asked, "what are you doing? This is Hughes' Mall... You did it on purpose. "

"Let go, I'm rich, don't you see?" The woman said angrily, "do you think only Xiujia has money?"

"That is to say, you have money of your own." Xia Weian nodded.

"Not really..." the woman's eyes were unnatural and ran away immediately.

Xia Wei'an bit the corner of his mouth and thought for a long time. Then he followed and held down the woman's wrist. "Where does money come from? If you don't, I'll have to call the police! "

"What are you doing?"

The woman said angrily immediately, "you can't imagine that lengshao gave me the money. He wants to protect you..."

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