"See, people don't want to eat with us at all, so forget it. Even if you are kind, people will misunderstand you. " Leng Hao looks at Ruyi, but his words make Xia Wei feel uncomfortable.

"Leng Shao, when did your mind become so small? She just likes to eat alone with me. Isn't it because some people think more? I feel so good about myself that women all over the world have plans for themselves. " Of course, Hughes won't let Xia Weian suffer.

"In fact, we all know each other and are friends. It's nothing to eat together." Ruyi lifted her hair and said, "I just don't know. If you want to date alone, I don't have much eyesight. Don't aim at it."

"Well, let's eat together. I don't think it's anything. I just don't want to disturb you. Since you all say that, if you don't mind, I'll accept it." Xia Wei'an took two deep breaths, but she was very generous. She just didn't want to interfere between Ruyi and Leng Hao, for fear that Ruyi would be jealous. But since Ruyi didn't think much, maybe at the beginning, she thought Ruyi would mind, and even thought that eating together was just a joke or a kind of temptation.

But now, Xia Wei'an is just a meal. There is nothing to hide. He has a great chance to meet Leng Hao in the future. He can't hide all the time.

"Forget it, I don't have much appetite. Let's go."

Leng Hao turns around and leaves with Ruyi.

"That's what he looks like. He doesn't like to give people face. Don't worry about it." Xiusi was afraid that Xia Weian would be embarrassed.

"I know, he always has a lot of opinions on me, but I don't care." Xia Weian said casually.

"There's no connection between you." Hughes, as he said casually.

Xia Weian is aware that the man said, "Hughes, you seem to have something to say to me, or... Have you seen that woman?"

Seeing the quick change of Xiusi's face, Xia Weian shook his head, "do you really believe that woman's words? Don't you know what kind of person she is? She always likes to make trouble. You don't need to believe her words. Leng Shao and I are clean. Otherwise, I won't accept your kindness. You can see his attitude towards me. It's typically nothing to look for trouble. "

"I don't believe it. I just think it's a surprise." Hughes was relieved.

"Don't say a million, he won't spend even a cent on me. You should be very clear about this. That man wants me to go to hell for my own good fortune."

Xia Weian shrugged and said, "now that Ruyi has become the same as normal people, my inner guilt has been reduced. I have paid the price for myself in the past, as if I am not losing, right?"

"It's just you in the past, it doesn't mean you are now, so don't think about it any more, or you will never come out. Why?" Hughes stretched out his hand and pressed Xia Weian's chin. "I'll be responsible for you in the future."

"Thank you, Hughes. Thank you for staying with me. I think my father will be very happy to see you." Xia Weian only asks that his father can return home as soon as possible.


"He doesn't admit it, so don't come to me often in the future. After all, she is also your daughter. Don't trip her all the time. Of course, you can tell me any difficulties." Hughes made an appointment with the woman.

"Ha ha, I know they won't admit it. Since it's a secret relationship, it won't be disclosed easily. I'm just curious about what means she used to let lengshao help her... Maybe it's because that Ruyi's body has recovered. It's easy for men to make mistakes."

The woman touched her chin and said, "Hughes, you can't believe it now, but after a long time, you will know that all this is not groundless."

"Compared with your nonsense, I still believe in Xia Wei'an more. Her character is better than you at least. A person who even refuses to let go of her daughter, how do you want people to believe?"

The most ironic way of Hughes.

"Hughes, you are still too simple, you may not know the complexity of human nature." The woman had no choice but to smile, "I just want to wake you up. Don't be cheated by Xia Wei'an's simple appearance. After all, she has been in. If you are together, you will be ridiculed. I don't believe that you can really accept Xia Wei'an. You are destined to separate. I do it for her good. She should find the right one for herself, At least the right family. Now she really doesn't deserve you. I also want to find a suitable family for her. "

"I think it's entirely for your own sake. It's equivalent to selling Xia Weian. You can get some benefits from it. After all, that's what you think. If you really care about her, you don't have to belittle a person like that."

So was Hughes.

"Mr. Xiu, let's wait and see."

The woman turned away with pride.

Although Hughes didn't believe it, his intuition told him that Leng Hao was indeed a threat.

"I was embarrassed about the situation that day, so I came to you for tea." Ruyi took a look at Xia Weian, and then continued, "but now, you and Hughes get along so well, and I'm very happy. Maybe you don't know that Hughes and I had a good relationship in the past, but because of Leng Hao, we became indifferent. Leng Hao is very strong and possessive, even if I have a word with Hughes, He will be angry for a long time, so last time, in fact, Leng Hao was aimed at Hughes, not you. I hope you don't take it to heart. "

This sound no problem, in fact, is to reveal that the relationship between Hughes and Ruyi in the past is not simple, just like the outside world.

"I don't care about the past. As for Leng Hao, he has a problem with me. I know that, but it doesn't matter. I'll just avoid it in the future."

Xia Weian's attitude is very cold.

"Maybe you don't know that Hughes and I were close to each other before. So I hope that if you really like Hughes, you can treat him better. He is a sincere person."

Ruyi emphasized that.

"He is so good to me, of course, I will be good to him. After all, in this world, there is seldom such a person who is good to me."

Xia Weian is very contented.

"I hope you can really do it..." Ruyi said in a trance, "Xia Wei'an, do you really forget Leng hao?"

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