"You really don't think you're the one I'm worried about, do you? I'm just worried about lengjianjia... "

Xia Wei'an raised eyebrows and said, "but I'm still surprised that you recognize it. After all, there will be a lot of people talking about you next. But I don't think you are afraid of anything. Maybe my worry is superfluous. I mean, since you have recognized it, it's best not to change your words..."

"..." Leng Hao is no longer words, haughty pursed the corners of his mouth.

"Anyway, I'm not worried about you. I hope you don't think much about it." Xia Weian explained again.

"What else do you want to say besides that?" Xia Weian stopped for a few seconds, then continued, "if not, I'll..."

"You mean it when you're with Hughes?"

Leng Hao is suddenly questioned.

"Of course, he is the best person to me in the world except my father. Of course, I don't want to miss such a person. Otherwise, I will be moved by his spending so much on me." Xia Weian pressed down her eyebrows and said, "I'm surprised that you will care about my private affairs... This is not good. You already have a fiancee. If she knows that you are in contact with me, she may be jealous. After all, my relationship with Ruyi has changed. Seeing her getting better, my inner debt is gradually decreasing. Besides, you have come together, I've helped you. I'm not too bad, am I

"You'll be able to excuse yourself." Leng Hao frowned slightly and seemed very dissatisfied.

"In fact, after I went in, I encountered something, but if I don't say it, it doesn't mean I never met it." When Xia Weian came out, she didn't want to recall, but when she recalled it, she couldn't help shaking all over. Maybe at the beginning, she was too careful and forgot how she had come. Now Xia Weian also didn't want to recall, but she had to say it to let Leng Hao know that she hated him in her heart.

"Don't think that a man really loves you even if he's thinking about you for the time being. Xiujia won't let you in easily. You must be clear about this. Otherwise, you won't know how you will be replaced. Compared with Xiujia's lintel, it's nothing. He's just confused by you for the time being, but do you think he will really marry you?"

Leng Hao shook his head. "I don't think any man with a little brain will really marry you... It's just that if he spends money, it's not a big problem."

"What do you mean by that?" Xia Weian asked funny, unless Leng Hao heard something, otherwise, he would not be so determined, saying that Hughes is not.

"I just heard that the Xius are preparing to arrange a suitable blind date for Xius, so it's only pretending that they are satisfied with you on the surface. In the end, the Xius still won't really accept you, and I don't know what you want to waste time on such a man..."

Leng Hao said with a light smile, "I just want to remind you that a woman's youth is not much. Why waste it on Hughes? Besides, when you are together, it's not long. It's better to break it directly, and save it later."

"I won't believe what you say now, even if it's punctuation, I won't believe it. You never want me to have a good life, which I know better than anyone else!" Xia Weian hangs up immediately.

Leng Hao is unbelievable. Unexpectedly, Xia Wei'an dares to pinch his phone!


"I don't think so. It must be true that Hughes likes you, but the blind date suddenly appears... I don't think it's surprising that they are unwilling to marry, so they have to find a woman to annoy you. However, as long as Hughes is unwilling, it's useless for him to do anything."

Leng Jianjia seriously advised, "I said that you don't look very good recently. It turns out that you know about it. I didn't expect that my elder brother's mouth is so broken. I told you all these things! He probably can't see you. I've never seen elder brother so insidious before. He's really over treating you! "

Leng Jianjia said more and more angry, then took out his mobile phone, "I'll call him now, let him not be so boring gossip in the future!"

"Don't say that, he will only hate me more. Originally, he hated me enough." Xia Weian is just too lazy to contact Leng Hao.

"I know you're in a bad mood now, but life is like this. It can't be smooth sailing without any worries. Congratulations, Hughes really likes you. It's your luck that he treats you so well. You know, Hughes has never taken a woman so seriously, Even if it was Ruyi in the past, Hughes never paid so much. "

Leng Jianjia raised his chin and said, "I think Hughes really likes you."

"The problem is, I always feel that I am not worthy of such a man. At the beginning, I just regarded him as the boss, but he was really helpful." Xia Weian frowned.

"I know you won't give him up." Leng Jianjia complacently said, "if I am you, I will not give up. Why should I give up? Only living with the people I like is the happiest thing. For Hughes, he is also happy in your world. Therefore, you should never leave him or give up."

Under the persuasion of Leng Jianjia, Xia Weian gradually had self-confidence.


Xiuqiqi was also shopping when he ran into Xia Wei'an by accident. He was not happy at first, but when he saw lengjianjia, his face finally became stunned, showing some accidents.

"You have a good relationship."

Repair seven seven pick eyebrow road.

"Well, my relationship with Wei'an is very good. After all, she almost became my sister-in-law, and almost became a family with me."

Leng Jianjia didn't feel embarrassed at all, so she put her hand around Xia Weian's wrist. "Qiqi, you're late. We're ready to go back. Let's go first."

"Jianjia, you still have the same attitude towards me as before. It's not good. After all, our relationship was good in the past. Is it really good for you to embarrass me so deliberately?"

Xiu Qiqi deliberately went to Leng Jianjia and took a deep breath. As if he was making a major decision, he chose words and sentences for a long time. Then he asked, "Jianjia, the exposed child is really your brother's illegitimate child?"

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