How cold is it?

Who else is cold?

No doubt Leng Hao!

But how could he come to such a place?

Xia Wei'an suddenly remembered that it was this place

At the beginning, it was in this place

He pulled her out of the car, brought her in, and then turned away in a rage.

He said, let her pay the price from now on!

What's the price?


The last thing Xia Wei'an wants to remember is the time he stayed here.

Here, too, is where she's completely transformed.

Just when Xia Wei'an was stunned, Leng Hao came straight in.

A dark suit makes a man's original handsome appearance more attractive.

The man just came in is the focus of the eyes.

This man has almost everything that every man in the world has.

Power, money, and good looks.

Not only women are attracted, but also men's eyes are attracted for a long time.

"Leng Dashao, what are you doing here this time?"

"Nothing. There's something to deal with. It doesn't affect anything, does it?" Leng Hao didn't seem to see Xia Weian, so he went directly to the office.

But was stopped by a woman, "Leng Dashao, you should still remember me? I'm the mother of Wei An. You've met me! "

Women are very excited.

In this woman's eyes, Leng Hao is like real gold and silver.

"How?" Leng Hao's whole body was full of arrogance and arrogance.

"I'm in a little bit of trouble this time, but I don't think it's anything to you. As long as you can help me, I'll be OK, right?" The woman looks at Leng Hao greedily.

Leng Hao sneered and looked at Xia Wei'an.

"Leng Da Shao, it's none of your business. Go ahead and help you." Xia Wei An's face, it is difficult to see an extreme, blocked in front of Leng Hao, not only Leng Hao or Hughes, she did not want to add any trouble.

"This lady, I warn you, you can handle your own affairs. Don't you like to make trouble? I'll see how you can get out this time! "

After Xia Weian dropped his cruel words, he would turn around and leave.

The feminine spirit immediately shakes hands, but the fingertip has not yet touched Xia Wei An's cheek, but is stopped by Leng Hao's hand.

Leng Hao just frowned slightly and looked at the woman with some discomfort.

The woman was also surprised. Unexpectedly, Leng Hao would help Xia Wei'an stop this slap.

Xia Wei'an himself was surprised for a while, and then recovered. He pushed Leng Hao away and looked at the woman angrily, "what do you want? You think you're still the old lady, don't you? If you think that half a million is not much, you can make money by yourself. Why do you have to stare at me like a vampire? In the past, you gave up on me, so now I have given up on you, and I will not interfere in your life and death in the future! "

"Ha ha, Xia Wei'an, anyway, you were born to me, so you have to pay for me. Now it's time for you to support me. Otherwise, what would I do if I gave birth to you?"

The way that the woman does not depend on not Rao, add those a few clerks also stop, Xia Wei An cannot go out at all.

If ordinary people don't know Xia Weian, but the rest of the police, or recognize Xia Weian.

Looking at Leng Hao, I don't know how embarrassed these people were.

Everyone thought that when Leng Hao would not intervene, Leng Hao just looked in the eye and bowed his head to the secretary.

After that, Xia Wei'an was sent out.

"I don't want her to know about it."

Leng Hao orders to finish, then turn around to leave in a low key.

A woman would never dream that she would be released after being locked up for only three days.

"I knew that you would not really ignore me, Xia Weian. It's OK. I have plenty of time to spend with you."

Rao is Xia Wei'an, also won't think, this woman will come to the company to block her again.

"I really don't want to see you at a glance. Maybe you don't know how disgusting you are."

"I really don't want people to know about our relationship," Xia Weian said with his arms in his arms

"I know that you have been waiting for your father to come back, but maybe that man has long died abroad. Now I am the only relative in your world. How can you treat me better and pay for my regret for your father? Don't wait for me to leave you to know that you have no relatives any more."

The woman laughingly said, "Xia Wei'an, you are born of me. I know your personality. You will keep me for your own face. Otherwise, your perfect image in front of Hughes will be greatly reduced. Isn't that man cheated by you? Xia Weian, other people don't know you. Don't I know you? You, like me, are very vain, but you are still very powerful. You can cheat Hughes to be such a cash cow. "

"If I can, I sincerely hope that I am not your own daughter..."

Xia Weian forced breathing, "I really don't want to see you again, you get out of here! Go away The woman just laughed sarcastically, "you know, this is Xiu's family. How many people are waiting to see your joke. If you want to marry a scholar, you'd better give me a better attitude."

"You are wrong. To me, face is nothing."

Xia Wei'an endured for a long time, but he didn't start at the door of the company. He just took a taxi and left immediately.

After thinking about it, Xia Weian immediately contacted Hughes.

"You helped her?"

After a few deep breaths, Xia Weian bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry, I always seem to give you trouble, but you can't always bother... I'll try to pay you back 500000."

"Half a million?" Hughes asked at a loss.

"Don't lie to me. That woman got into trouble that day. The people at the police station said it would take 500000 yuan to solve the problem. I know that you spent the money, otherwise, she won't be released immediately. Just you know, such a person is a bottomless pit and will never be satisfied."

Xia Weian said with a smile, "the more you give her, the more greedy she will be. I don't want you to be dragged down all the time."

When Hughes heard the words, he just didn't answer.

"I'm with you, I really don't want to get anything from you... I want to be with you in a fair environment, otherwise..." one day, Xia Weian will know what it's like to feel inferior.

"Don't think about it. Since she has something to do with you, I will help you. After all, I can't make it too difficult for you... In a word, I won't let her trouble you."

When Hughes finished, he immediately closed his cell phone.

Maybe only he knows, it's not him.

I'm afraid it's that man.

Is that him?

Leng Hao!

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