Clearly did not do anything, but there is a kind of, was caught guilty feeling.

What's going on?

How did he get it?

It turns out that it's not a good thing to marry a man who is too smart.

Because he had eaten her to the core.

As soon as an Sheng Xia sees Quan Yao's face, she is very counselled. She immediately puts down her snacks and can't wait to ask for help.

However, in Chutian, Chuda and Shao

"Who am I, where am I, where is this? It's so hot..." the contract is closed, and Chutian regards Quan Yao as an invisible man. The duck driver wants to run away!

But was stopped by a man!

"Just eat, eat, nothing else, really..." an shengxia actively jumps to Quan Yao's side, and then takes his hand to reverberate, but sees Quan Yao's face more and more dark.

An shengxia immediately puffed up her cheeks, and Bai Nen's little hand pointed to Chutian and said fiercely, "I was kidnapped and captured by this black hearted boss. He forced me to come out. What else did he say? I didn't agree to sign a contract with me at all!"

Seeing that the man still refused to give a good face, an shengxia continued, "husband, fortunately you're here, wuwuwu, you're right, he's a black hearted villain, a liar, not a good man..."

Chutian, "..." shit! An shengxia, you are a professional dramatist. Do you give me a hand?

"Your wife Jiaquan is too humorous. We are just having dinner. I don't know what the contract is. I'll go first. Goodbye." Any is the audacious entertainment circle, in the guilty scene, Chutian can't get up, the soles like oil, it's too late to run!

"She's not your money making tool!" How cold the words are means how cold Quan Yao's eyes are. As soon as he reaches out his hand and holds Chu Tian's shoulder, he says, "my wife Quan is not a tool. I can sign an Rumo to you."

"I'll take the man." After all, it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to cultivate an Rumo. Chutian is not too poor this time.

However, he finally knew how deep an shengxia was.

It's a strict man at all!

Quan's division.

In the monotonous office.

"Come here." Sitting in the boss's chair, Quan Yao finally raises his head from the pile of documents after an hour's silence and waves to an shengxia like an amnesty.

"I was forced by Chu Shao!" An shengxia walks to the man and pours the dirty water on Chutian.

Quan Yao nodded and reached out to touch the soft and boneless palm of the woman's hand. His brow finally relaxed. "Well, I knew he wasn't a good man, and I knew you were forced. It was me who should pick you up and go to work."

"It's OK. I'll just avoid him later." Seeing Quan Yao believe himself, an shengxia stands on tiptoe.

"If you come out behind my back, anshengxia, we will be finished."

About ten minutes later, Ansheng Xia heard that she had come to her senses. Just because of a job, she played with her?

But feel funny again, an shengxia tentatively asks, "big watermelon, do you want to scare me?"

"I don't scare you. I don't know the importance." The man cold hum, is push her palm away, as if she is not obedient, will not look at her.

He is too overbearing!

I don't know how to respect her choice.

I really want to turn around and leave.

But she didn't want to.

Biting the white corner of the mouth, an shengxia constantly struggles with himself.

She didn't want to listen to him in everything, but she was hopeless.

One step closer to the table, an shengxia's dexterous left hand touches the palm of the man's pen bit by bit. She smiles, "since you don't like it, I won't go out. I'll listen to you. Don't be angry!"

Sure enough, women suffer more in love, don't they?

But she's in it.

She wrote everything on her face.

I don't like Princess Linda, so I accept the competition just to guard him.

If you don't want to make him angry, don't do what you like, just to make him happy.

"Well, the circle is too complicated for you." She is so simple, so simple. Just because she is so simple, she raised two sons five years ago?

No matter how simple the English alphabet is, you can't read a word. Quan Yao simply put down the document and said, "Mrs. Quan, sit up."

"It's better not to let people see... It's not good."

"Mommy, who has two sons, is still so shy, eh?" When the man reaches out his hand, he presses the woman's waist.

The man bowed his head, his eyes fell into confusion, and he was about to kiss

"Quan Shao, this is your lunch..." the secretary who came in was very embarrassed.

"Don't know to knock?" Men don't look good.

"Just now, I knocked..."

It's just that they didn't hear.

"Put things down and get out."


The door was closed again.

"Your lunch, so exaggerated?" It's probably the skill of the five-star chef. The damned fragrance easily reminds an shengxia of his greedy insects.

"Here, open your mouth." Aware that she did not eat breakfast, Quan Yao is willing to feed her in person.

"It's delicious!" With big eyes, an shengxia's excited legs are shaking!

"You are so small." Where's Mommy? It's just a child who hasn't grown up!

Let her whir, Quan Yao's eyes smile, "Mrs. Quan, let's have dinner together every day."

After a pause, he said, "at noon, you come to the company to see me."

"Why didn't you come to me?" When she doesn't have a job, right? Besides, shouldn't it be all men who take the initiative?

"Do you want me to cook for you?" Since we eat together, of course, we don't want to order. Quan Yao holds a woman's delicate and beautiful chin, "midsummer, I'm a man. I need to give my face enough outside."


These two words are very nice.

Because this is the first time that he has called her Sheng Xia so intimately instead of Mrs. quan

Dong Dong Dong.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open again!

When he saw the visitor, an shengxia was still sitting on Quan Yao's lap, but he was not the secretary just now, but a young assistant.

An shengxia is thin skinned. She doesn't want everyone in the company to know that she just sits on his thigh and feeds each other.

When she pushed away the man decisively, she was pulled back by a force!

"Didn't I tell you not to come in again? Didn't you see Mrs. Quan and I eating?" Disturbed again, the man is furious!

"But Quan Shao, there is a Miss Li downstairs who says she wants to see you right away..."

As soon as the assistant saw Quan Yao's gloomy face, she covered the corner of her mouth in fear that she would cry. But Miss Li just said that as long as Quan Yao heard her name, she would see he

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