When he saw the identification results exactly, the words seemed to jump in front of him one by one. Chu Hannian only felt that his mind was blank, and he was confused!

"Mr. Chu, what you have in your hand is the final result. Don't worry, I will try my best to keep it secret and won't let anyone know." The doctor said respectfully.

However, Chu Hannian still held the identification book tightly, and his face became vivid gradually, then unbelievable, and finally overjoyed.

The result of identification is that it is a parent-child relationship.

So that child is not Leng Hao's illegitimate son at all, but the seed of Chu Hannian.

Thanks to Leng's family, as an illegitimate child, the child must be surnamed Leng. Since then, he has no relationship with Chu Hannian.

Cold home, right?

Leng Hao, Leng Jianjia

Chu Hannian's excited mood gradually became gloomy again.

How dare they cheat him!

Especially lengjianjia, who broke the contract at the beginning!


The mobile phone rings suddenly.

Lengjianjia is feeding her son. When she sees Chu Hannian's number, she is startled. Then she reacts. She shakes her wrist and picks up her mobile phone, but she doesn't dare to speak first.

"I'm Chu Hannian."

"What can I do for you?" Leng Jianjia coaxes her son and holds her cell phone tightly. She has mixed feelings.

"Child, by your side."

Chu Hannian raised his lips and said sarcastically, "it's just your elder brother's illegitimate son. You are so active. If it wasn't for that year, I saw blood and thought it was your illegitimate son with me."

"Ha ha, you really think too much. After all, you cheated me to get married in those years. Our marriage was a mistake from the beginning, so we should finish it quickly. Maybe God wants us to finish it clean, so we took the child away, so we can be clean."

Leng Jianjia said with a smile, "it's very good for you to be with Xiu Qiqi now. You can save yourself from harming others."

"Listen to your tone. How come you don't have any feelings for this child? It seems that if the child is gone, it will be gone. On the contrary, it's a drag, isn't it?" Chu Hannian tried his best to control his mood, which stabilized the gloomy voice.

"Of course not, the child in my stomach so long, I certainly have feelings for the child, but between us, it is best not to have any ties, you know, between us from the beginning is a joke, a hoax, if there is another child, for you to me is not the best result."

Leng Jianjia put down her sleeping son in her arms and went to the balcony. "It's said that you and Xiu Qiqi are going to adopt a child. At that time, you should be kind to that child."

"You will change the topic for me..." Chu Hannian raised his goblet, even if it was red liquid, he could not calm down.

He never thought that Leng Jianjia would cheat her.

"I still remember that I said at the beginning that if you gave me the child, I would not retaliate against Leng family, but later that child died. Out of my pity for you, I let you go abroad, and I didn't move Leng family."

Chu Hannian half squinted, "lengjianjia, you have no feelings for me?"

"I did like you in the past, but I was just attracted by your appearance, but now I have grown up and don't like men who only have appearance. Besides, you were not the best to me. I watched my parents grow up, and the newspapers all over the world are full of love. I don't have to elaborate with you." Leng Jianjia looked down at his heel and said, "I will find a man who is as considerate as my father."

"Son, it's your brother's... dare you recognize it?"

Chu cold year incomparably peaceful question.

This kind of calm, but is wrapping a layer of dangerous breath.

Unfortunately, Leng Jianjia didn't think about it.

This is not the first time Chu Hannian has questioned the whereabouts of his children.

Leng Jianjia just took two deep breaths, then blurted out, "child... Of course, it's gone, it's gone..."

"I'll ask you again, are you sure?"

Chu Hannian's repressive tone seemed to be repressing something.

Leng Jianjia was a little stunned, and then he insisted, "of course, the child is gone, it was gone at the beginning, so you ask this kind of question again, don't you think it's naive? Chu Hannian, do you think I should cheat you? It was because I lost my children that I went abroad to relax. If you don't believe me, I went to the doctors and nurses who knew me best. Besides, if I had been abroad for so long, it would be inconvenient for me to take my children with me. Unless you show me evidence, I would feel very annoyed if you always ask me this question. Besides, you know, My relationship with Xiu Qiqi is because of you, which makes it embarrassing. If you continue to ask about the whereabouts of my children, I think Xiu Qiqi will only hate me more. I don't want to get involved in your life any more... Chu Hannian, I hope you can become more mature with time, instead of being bored, asking about my children again and again... You are too naive! "

"Leng Jianjia, I was soft hearted to you at the beginning... So you can go abroad, understand?"

Chu Hannian clenched his fist and said, "but I always feel that you don't feel that I pity you..."

"At the beginning, even if you keep me, it's useless. The only relationship between us is the child... So when the child is gone, I go abroad, and you have no reason to stop me... Why, now you want to settle the old accounts with me, and then take revenge on Leng family, right?"

Lengjianjia asked incredulously.

"I said from the beginning that what I wanted was the truth, but you never gave me a satisfactory answer..."

With a cruel smile on his face, Chu Hannian continued to hold down his eyebrow calmly and said, "I always feel that although our beginning is a deception, we've been together for a long time, and people will always tell the truth, but you... Still seem to think that I'm easy to provoke."

"Ha ha, I dare not think so. Once I was in your hands, but I suffered a lot. Chu Hannian, I hope we didn't have to fight each other before. After all, when I was with you, there were so many seconds that were beautiful, but you continue to force me. Maybe those few seconds won't exist, and the rest is only hatred."

Leng Jianjia breathed, "Chu Hannian, don't trouble me any more. I beg you..."

But without waiting for lengjianjia to speak again, Chu Hannian has cut off the call.

Cold Jianjia, right?

I've given you enough.

But you are still cruel and ridiculous to deceive me again and again

Then I will make you regret today's decision!

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