"Don't you think about not having this child?"

Chu Hannian asked curiously.

"At the beginning, I really thought about it, but later I thought that it was us who were wrong, but the child was innocent. So I thought, it's better to stay. Anyway, the child grew up in my stomach. I thought, you won't accept it, so I can just stay. But I didn't expect that, after you know, I can't believe that I like this child... Chu Hannian, you really surprised me. "

Leng Jianjia only feels ironic.

She knew at the beginning that Chu Hannian wanted children, not her.

Moreover, they were divorced at that time, and their only connection was a child.

"In fact, every mother will accept her own children, and will not give up her own children. At the beginning, I didn't understand why, but later, when I became a mother, I could understand it. In fact, there was no other reason, that is, I was born like this."

Leng Jianjia pressed her eyebrow and said, "if it's possible, I think it would be good if aunt and uncle were separated, but maybe it's not a good idea..."

"They haven't been in touch all the time. Although they have marriage certificates, they are even stranger than strangers. It's better to separate and clean than to be together."

Chu Hannian sneered, "I just wait. When he was old, he knelt down on the ground and asked me to forgive him."

"In fact, you still want to be close to your uncle, but you don't know in what way... Because when you chat, the topic always revolves around your uncle, which proves that you care about him, but you don't know if he also cares about you, so you are very uncomfortable and tangled, and finally become hatred, You hate this man who didn't want you when you were young, but maybe it's because the relationship between him and his aunt has become very delicate, so he doesn't know how to approach you... Of course, it's just my personal idea, maybe it's not true. I hope you don't want to think about it. I'm not here to help my uncle speak. The only thing I can be sure is, My mother and uncle are just ordinary friends. People all over the world know that my parents don't know how much love they have. At the beginning, my mother didn't stay with my uncle, and now it's even more impossible. "

Leng Jianjia raised his chin haughtily and said, "Chu Hannian, you never doubt whether what you did is right or not, because you dare not recall."

"What else do you think I dare..."

Chu Hannian joked.

"If one day you find out that you are really wrong, I think the scene will be very funny."

Cold Jianjia indifferent way.

"Maybe, there won't be such a day."

Chu cold years disdain of cold hum way.


"I didn't expect you to come to me. What do you want to say? It should be something big. Otherwise, according to your personality, you won't find me easily. "

Chutian did not expect that Zhang Huifen would take the initiative to meet him.

Since that year, the relationship between him and Zhang Huifen has become worse and worse. After that, they almost never meet.

Chutian also can't bear this kind of repression, coupled with the tedious foreign affairs, he lost contact with Zhang Huifen day by day.

In the end, it almost became a separation.

"I've seen you in the past few years, talked to me a lot, and even mentioned you. I just feel that I have the obligation to talk to you so that you don't know anything."

Zhang Huifen said with a smile.

"For so many years, I haven't seen you ask for my advice when you do things, but today, it's different... Zhang Huifen, what do you have to say? You can say it directly. It's so surly. You know, I don't like detours. You should understand my personality... Oh no, you just like to disagree with me, Zhang Huifen, You don't feel tired after all these years, do you? "

Chu Tian asked sarcastically.

"Maybe it's because I don't like you, so even if I talk to you head-on, you feel redundant."

Zhang Huifen pressed her eyebrow and said, "besides, you are usually so busy, even living abroad in order to avoid me. What else do you think I can do to trouble you? If it wasn't for this time, it was my son who threatened me. In fact, I wouldn't look for you. "

"So what do you want to say?" Chutian was almost dazed by Zhang Huifen.

Well, how could Chu Hannian threaten Zhang Huifen?

"This son usually likes to face you. I don't know how filial he is. How can he threaten you..." Chutian said unexpectedly.

"How can I know who he learned from and used that child to threaten us to divorce..."

Zhang Huifen hummed coldly, "but I won't let you do what you want. You mentioned divorce before, but I refused. So Chutian, I'm serious. I want to pester you all my life to make your life worse."

"You always like this. You don't let the people you hate live a comfortable life. At the same time, you lose yourself. Do you think you can take advantage of it?"

Chu Tian asked laughably.

"I just want to see you suffer a face. I just want you to have such a married identity all the time. I know that maybe there were some situations in your years abroad, but I just want you to be unhappy in your life."

Zhang Huifen's proud way.

"It's really your personality, and only you can do it. I didn't expect that in order to revenge me, you were so reluctant to divorce me. In fact, our marriage had ended a long time ago. If you hadn't kept so much pressure, we would have separated." Chu Tian just shook his head.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhang Huifen asked unexpectedly, why did Chutian smile when it was such a time? What are you laughing at, her or yourself.

"I just didn't expect that we would come to this point in the end... OK, I know. Since you don't agree to divorce, I won't take the initiative to mention it. Unless one day, you take the initiative to mention it, I will let you be free and promise you. At that time, you should be very grateful to me."

Chutian single hand holding trouser bag, a natural and unrestrained appearance, years, and not in this man's body flow too many traces, and even put on a layer of mature coat, such a man, it is difficult not to be fascinated.

"When you hurt me, I said that I would make you regret all my life. I want you to stay by my side all your life and be forced to die by me..."

Zhang Huifen looks at Chu Tian's back and settles a vicious curse.

Chutian just had a little meal, and then went on.

Dying in the palm of this woman's hand, maybe, is not too bad.

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