"What else can it be? It should not be serious. It's a small cold, but I haven't paid attention to it all the time, so now it's a little serious, but I think it's just a small problem."

Although Chu Hannian said so, his cough was loud.

"Do you have any medicine at home? Has the family doctor been here? " Leng Jianjia asked curiously.

"I don't like to see doctors. You know that. I didn't like doctors and hospitals since I was a child, but I couldn't help it. I used to go there for my son's sake... But some people may not be really happy when they see me."

Chu cold year tone indifferent way.

"Hey, I don't think you're fighting with me. I don't think you're fighting with me. Why don't you talk like a machine gun and refuse to let me go?"

Cold Jianjia angry way.

"No, I just feel that, unexpectedly, I'm no different from ordinary people. After I get sick, I'll feel uncomfortable and that I'm a person who nobody cares about." Chu Hannian said sarcastically.

"I don't want to say that you are a big man who will be affected. Is it really good for you to do so? If you look at your son, he won't cry even if he has an operation. By contrast, you really seem useless. "

Speechless Tucao make complaints about cold.

"So now in your eyes, I can't even compare with a child? Come on, you didn't look me in the eye before. You just think I'm a liar. "

Chu Hannian coldly raised his mouth, "I don't know what I am. I just feel very uncomfortable now... "

"Where on earth do you feel sick, you first say it, and then I'll let the doctor come."

Lengjianjia is still active.

Chu Hannian shook his head and said, "it doesn't matter. Anyway, you can't die. You don't have to find a doctor. At this time, the doctor may not have time."

"It's time for you to be so human."

Leng Jianjia is depressed. Chu Hannian doesn't want a doctor. Is he worried about bothering the doctor, or is he naive and doesn't like to see a doctor, worried about taking medicine?

"After a long time, aren't you afraid of taking medicine?"

Lengjianjia hesitated to ask.

Chu Hannian was silent.

"Won't let me say right, you are a big man who is afraid of taking medicine?"

Leng Jianjia recalled that she once married Chu Hannian, but Chu Hannian didn't get sick, so she didn't take medicine. She didn't know.

I really didn't expect that the decisive man was afraid of taking medicine?

"Chu Hannian, you really surprised me. You were afraid of taking medicine. You couldn't even compare with a child. Did you see your son taking medicine?"

Cold Jianjia constantly patted his heart and said, "fortunately, my son is not like you at all, so timid... It's true that people can't look good!"

"Lengjianjia, have you finished your nonsense?"

The voice of Chu Hannian's resentment made lengjianjia laugh.

"Well, I didn't mean to laugh at you, but I really didn't expect that. In fact, we have known each other for a while."

Leng Jianjia found out at the moment that he didn't know Chu Hannian very well.

"In fact, I didn't know much about you. In the past, I probably didn't like you much. It's just a girl. I must want to get something I like. Maybe I just had this mentality at that time."

Every word of lengjianjia, even punctuation, was disliked by Chu Hannian.

"I don't think it's necessary to talk about the past. After all, it's been a long time."

Chu Hannian was almost angry to death by lengjianjia. "You don't know me, and you say I'm just something you used to like. You just want to be angry to death at this time, don't you? I really doubt whether you're here to take care of me or to piss me off. "

"Of course I'm here... At the beginning, I came to see how you are now, but now, I think you are a little poor, so I want to make you something to eat."

Leng Jianjia is honest.

"In fact, you can choose to shut up. After all, my heart is not so strong."

The way of Chu Hannian's mouth twitching.

"Forget it, I'm going to cook for you now. Whether you eat or not is beyond my control."

Leng Jianjia said frankly.

At first, Chu Hannian didn't expect Leng Jianjia to cook for himself, but he didn't expect Leng Jianjia to be a man and cook for himself.

"I didn't expect that we could sit together so calmly. Besides, you're still cooking for me. Don't you think it's like before?"

Chu Hannian asked funny.

"No, I don't remember a long time ago."

Leng Jianjia also wanted to recall carefully, but he found that he couldn't remember what happened so long ago. What's the matter? Do you still have an impression? I just feel like I didn't cook for you, did I? Before me, I was not a good wife and mother. Fortunately, I didn't waste much time on you, otherwise I would be heartbroken now. After all, when a woman wastes all her life on a man, it will become very pitiful. In fact, I tell you the truth, don't be angry, your mother... It's a little sad. "

"So you really know what I don't like to hear the most, though it's true."

Chu Hannian admitted that he just didn't want to continue to hear the truth.

"The meal is ready. You can eat it."

Lengjianjia just put the food on the table and turned around to leave.

"Stay and eat together, or I'll be embarrassed to eat your cooking."

Chu Hannian just said it casually.

Cold Jianjia is shaking his head, "or not, I'm worried about eating with you, will affect my appetite."

"Since it's your cooking, of course I'll see you eat it yourself. Otherwise, I always think you've poisoned me."

Chu Hannian said jokingly.

"If you really feel that I've poisoned you, please don't eat it. It's really kind of you to take it as a donkey's liver and lung."

Leng Jianjia was so angry that she had to turn around and leave.

But just about to leave, the wrist is to let the man viciously pressed.

"I'm sorry, I was just uncomfortable, so I didn't like talking to you. I just feel sick recently. I want someone to accompany me to dinner. In fact, I don't have any bad idea. Besides, I've been like this, and I won't do anything to you."

Chu Hannian's words were sincere and even revealed a trace of bitterness.

Leng Jianjia was silent. After thinking for a long time, she chose to sit down and was willing to accompany Chu Hannian to dinner.

"I'm willing to stay. Don't get me wrong. I'm just pitying you..."

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