After listening to an shengxia's words, Leng Jianjia was very envious, "but not everyone is as lucky as you."


"I don't need to think about it. But don't think that she will agree to you. What kind of man are you? Your heart is very clear. You don't need me to say it directly?" Leng Hao sarcastically looked at Chu Hannian, "a man like you has never been faithful."

"This is my involvement with Leng Jianjia. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to break in?"

Chu Hannian looks at Leng Hao in his spare time, but his words are full of calmness. Anyway, even if Leng family is not convinced, they can't intervene directly. After all, it's the child of Leng Jianjia and him.

"Since it's the third child of my family and the child of Leng family, do you think Leng family will be afraid of you? Chu Hannian, before, just because Lao San liked you so much, he didn't listen to us. Moreover, at that time, I didn't know your background, so I allowed you to be with Lao San. But in the future, it won't happen again. "

Leng Hao, of course, had to protect lengjianjia.

"What a touching drama. It's just a pity that I can't promise you that I won't see Leng Jianjia. Sooner or later, she and I will meet, because the problem to be solved hasn't been solved yet. You should be grateful to me. After all, I canceled the prosecution. Otherwise, your Leng family will be more nervous now, right? Leng Hao, frankly speaking, I really give face to you. But you come to my company on purpose to trouble me. I'm afraid it's not pleasant to hear it out... Do you really think I'm afraid of you? No, I just don't want to make the relationship with Leng Jianjia too ugly. I know very well that she is my son's mother and my ex-wife. I think it's too targeted and not very good-looking. However, it doesn't mean that I really let you bully me... "

Chu Hannian was not timid.

"I knew you would say that, Chu Hannian..."

Cold Hao is two words don't say, stretch out a fist to hit to Chu cold year's face in the past.

All of a sudden, Chu Hannian ate bitterly.

"In fact, I should have given you this fist for a long time, but I don't think it's necessary. However, after such a long time, I finally have a chance to start. Chu Hannian, don't lose the face of men all over the world. When you cheat my third brother, you should think of such a day."

Leng Hao said sarcastically, "in fact, you can't be regarded as a man, bullying a woman, what kind of ability are you? You have the guts to come at me, even if you kill me, but you bully my third child... You know how terrible it is for a woman to have a baby. I think you should ask the doctor who delivered my third child in those years, and then consider whether you really want to fight with her for children... I forgot to tell you that when she gave birth, she was not old, and, Because I didn't protect myself before, I almost died on the operating table. At that time, I think you saw that there was a pool of blood on the ground. Where do you think the blood came from? "

"It's said that it hurts to have a baby, but I don't want to... As for the blood, who knows how it comes from, I don't know at all. Moreover, it's all old things. I didn't make it clear in those years, but now I'm in trouble. Leng Hao, don't you think you're too smiling? Even in court, it's not easy to get evidence, is it? Leng Hao, do you think I'm stupid now, that I can play the emotional card so speechless? "

Chu Hannian just reached out and touched his face. He didn't feel any pain. He just felt that his whole body was cool.

If it is what Leng Hao said, then he is really shameless.

So indifferent to life, also do not know, cold Jianjia exactly experienced what.

He even wanted to sue Leng Jianjia with a contract.


Chu Hannian unconsciously stepped back, but his words were still sharp. "Leng Shao, I think you should go back, don't stay and continue to make trouble, because now that I am injured, I can call the police and catch you. How about Leng Shao, do you want to go in and have a cup of tea? I know that your power won't really happen. It's just that if someone knows that you've been in... It's really interesting. I remember that you personally sent Xia Weian in that year, but now that you're sent in, it's really wonderful, isn't it? I think now, I should contact Xia Weian as soon as possible. I think she would like to see you when you go in. "

"Chu Hannian, you really don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin."

Leng Hao is not afraid of anything.

"Why, Leng Shao, you're addicted. You still want to hit me in the face, don't you?"

Chu Hannian put out his hand to stop Leng Hao, "but I don't want to hit people in the face. Now I'm going out. Everyone knows that I've been hit by you, so my face is not good-looking. Leng Shao, should you save some face for me?"

"After all, I beat a beast. Now go out and ask. It's not against the law to beat a beast, is it?"

Leng Hao tilted his head and licked the corner of his mouth again. "Oh, my third brother is absolutely blind and will take a fancy to you scum."

"No way, you don't see. Your sister doesn't know how much she likes me. She clearly knows whether I cheat her or have to marry me. Ha ha, I really haven't seen such a stupid woman. I easily hook my fingers and would like to be with me. Don't you think she is too stupid to give me this opportunity to cheat her?"

Chu Hannian spread out his palm, "if I do it again, I think this woman will still be cheated by me."

"You're still human, you don't have the slightest repentance, you don't feel wrong at all."

Leng Hao wanted to beat the man to death, but at the same time, he was rational.

"I won't kill you, because I want to see you regret so much at the end. Chu Hannian, people will get retribution. I believe that your retribution should be on the way. It shouldn't be too long. You will know that people always have to pay for what they have done."

Leng Hao put down the cruel words and then turned to leave.

Leng Jianjia got the call all of a sudden.

"What? My elder brother beat Chu Hannian? " Lengjianjia didn't know it at all.

"Don't tell me, you really don't know. Leng Hao also said that he would fight every time he saw Chu Hannian. But do you know that Leng Hao really hit hard, but Chu Hannian didn't fight back. Is this the situation you want to see?" Xiu Qiqi asked angrily.

"But I really don't know... And maybe he did something to offend the Leng family. After all, my elder brother won't be so impulsive..."

Leng Jianjia deeply breathed, "it must have been Chu Hannian who did something shameful, which made my elder brother angry..."

But Leng Jianjia didn't know. These words came out of Xiu Qiqi's mobile phone through the earpiece and completely disappeared into Chu Hannian's eardrum

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