"From your point of view, I will only help Chu Hannian to think about it, but in fact, I am the most innocent victim. At the beginning, I was willing to let you together. Did you forget that I am the innocent person?"

Leng Jianjia finally understood that when you give in, maybe no one will remember you, but in case you just fight for the child for yourself, you will be criticized.

"Xiuqiqi, in fact, I just don't want you, but what I do doesn't make you feel bad. But you still don't know how to restrain yourself. You help Chu Hannian to find my trouble again and again, and even talk to my mother. What qualifications do you think you have to find Lengjia with you? Do you think Leng family is easy to bully, or do you think I'm easy to talk? Even if I'm really easy to talk, it's not an excuse for you to open your mouth to me. I think you're too worried about Chu Hannian, so you even forget that Chu Hannian made the trouble from the beginning to the end. In those days, if Chu Hannian hadn't deliberately retaliated against Leng's family and cheated me into getting married, there wouldn't be so much trouble now. Even if Chu Hannian didn't get married, You and Chu Hannian won't waste so much time to get together. Seriously, I really admire Chu Hannian. Since you have been around for a long time, it's a good thing that you mean to be insincere with me. I was really blind at that time, so I would ignore this man's hatred for me. Otherwise, I certainly won't get married. In the end, I'm not an immortal. I really don't know, He didn't marry me for any other purpose, but to destroy me. "

This is Leng Jianjia's first long talk with Xiu Qiqi.

It is also the most unbearable time for lengjianjia.

She really didn't expect that Xiu Qiqi and Chu Hannian could be so shameless and turn to trouble her.

"I'm afraid you think that only you are the victim, but if you had known that Chu Hannian had a purpose when he was close to you, you would have been more rational, and what happened now would not have happened, even if you had to have a child."

In a word, Xiu Qiqi still cares about this child.

"I know you think so. That's why I feel that I can't leave the child to Chu Hannian. Otherwise, it's a problem for the child to stay with you and grow up well. I really can't believe you. Maybe now you feel that Xia Wei'an and I are close, so you feel uncomfortable. But looking back, we used to be very good friends, As for why we have come to this stage, maybe it's all fate. "

Cold Jianjia helpless bite mouth way.

"This time I just came to ask how Leng Hao made Chu Hannian look like this. You can talk and all of a sudden turn back the time. It seems that what I say now is wrong. Sometimes, I just want to discuss the matter on its own. After all, the past has passed. Even if you really take it out again, you don't know who is right or who is wrong."

Xiuqiqi just felt tired. The relationship between her and lengjianjia really deteriorated because of Chu Hannian. But if she could, she didn't want to fight with lengjianjia.

"I still hope we can change, just like before, but I know that this idea may be ridiculous, because we know that everything can't go back. We'll never be what we used to be. After all, it's ridiculous

Xiu Qiqi's satirical way.

"Yes, it sounds ridiculous. I advise you not to say it."

Leng Jianjia didn't want to listen any more.

Now that lengjianjia has lost face, xiuqiqi is too lazy to waste his time.

However, Xiu Qiqi didn't benefit at all when he came here this time.

Originally thought, cold Hao hurt Chu Hannian, how many cold Jianjia will feel guilty.

But who knows that Leng Jianjia doesn't feel guilty. Instead, he feels that Leng Hao is right. Chu Hannian is deliberately looking for a fight.

Xiu Qiqi suddenly felt that his three views had been subverted!

Even feel that the cold family is really terrible, especially the cold Jianjia, it is not!

"So you went to her again? You should be very clear about her personality. She won't make you happy. Why bother yourself? So don't always look for her in the future. "

Chu Hannian looked at the document and said carelessly.

"In the cold year, you should know that when you are beaten like this, I am the one who loves you most."

Xiu Qiqi said angrily, "if I had been there, I would have stopped Leng Hao."

"It's a good thing that you're not here. Otherwise, I believe Leng Hao would have done it to you at that time."

Chu Hannian knew it.

"I just haven't seen lengshao for a while. I didn't expect that he has become so unreasonable now..."

So Xiu Qiqi was very angry.

"That's what he was, isn't it the first time you've heard of him?"

Chu Hannian asked funny.

"But why don't you fight back? Why do you just stand still and get beaten?"

Repair seven seven seven distressed ask.

"Do you think you have to bite back when you are bitten?"

Chu Hannian disdained the way, "I'm just lazy and cold Hao hands just, after all, this kind of thing spread out, I also feel ashamed."

"Then why did the newspaper say you were beaten? I don't know how humiliating you would be if I didn't find someone to press you down. "

I can't figure it out.

"I'm just too lazy to do it." Chu Hannian insisted.

"You don't want to pretend to be a victim and be known by Leng Jianjia. Do you think she will help you? In cold years, you'd better not think so. You know, this woman is not the cold Jianjia she used to be, and she won't fight for children with you because you are beaten now. It's naive of you to think so, you know? "

Xiu Qiqi reminds us.

"Of course, it's not. Do you think I'll take on my face for the sake of lengjianjia? I'm not so boring, but it's you. If there's nothing to do, I want to have a rest. Recently, there's too much pressure at work." Chu Hannian was just an excuse for great pressure, so he let Xiu Qiqi leave first.

Chu Hannian went to the company the next day, but the whole company was talking about it.

Chu cold year is disdain a smile.

Leng Hao let him suffer, of course, he will not be silent, will also let Leng Hao pay the price.

But not now.

"I heard that you went directly to the company. Why, are you afraid that no one will talk about you? Anyway, you should continue to stay in the hospital?"

Cold Jianjia also can't help, this just contacted Chu Hannian.

"Why, are you worried about me?"

Chu Hannian probably didn't find that his deep eyes had already flowed a nervous light!

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