Xia Weian certainly knows that Leng Hao is not really jealous.

She was just deliberately irritating Leng Hao.

Sure enough, Leng Hao immediately put on a disgusting expression, "how can I eat your vinegar? Are you crazy? I just care about my third brother. That's why I ask a lot of questions. "

"Chu Hannian and I don't have the kind of relationship you think. Besides, such a man is too far away from Xiusi. Since I have the most perfect fiance in the world, why should I provoke Chu Hannian?" Xia Weian felt that his taste was not so low.

"Is Hughes so good in your eyes?" Leng Hao asked sarcastically.

"Of course, he is the most perfect man I have ever seen, otherwise, I would not choose him." Every time Xia Weian mentioned Hughes, the corner of his mouth was a gentle smile.

"I remember someone's heart for me, but it was full."

Leng Hao is really a cheap mouth. He has to mention the past.

"Oh, when people are young, they always look at the wrong person, but now I know how to look at men. Some people, just from the appearance, seem to be pretty good, but from the heart, they don't know how dark it is. Besides, in this world, there are many good-looking men, and Hughes is not bad."

Xia Weian is very serious.

"Are you so sure that Hughes will always be good to you? I advise you not to be so determined. After all, men will be tired of you. Maybe they are just curious about you for a while, but they will be disappointed when they know your essence. After all, I know what kind of person you are. If other people don't know, I still know. " Cold Hao disdains of cold hum a way.

When Xia Wei settled down, she didn't say a word. It's just boring to argue with such a man. She just shook her head, "whatever you think, I don't care how people talk about me, I won't mind."

"Although I don't know what method you used to attract Hughes' attention, it won't be long between you. Soon this man will give up on you. If you don't believe it, you can wait. A man like Hughes will only find a woman who is good for his company, but that woman will never be you, He's just too young to know what he wants. "

Leng Hao is very clear.

"What you said is just your personal opinion, but Hughes doesn't think so. His power no longer needs the so-called commercial marriage. Even you are. I think Miss Ruyi's identity is not as noble as you said, is it? She just seems to work hard on the surface

At least to Xia Weian's feeling is like this.

In this world, there are more people who work hard, and Ruyi is not the only one.

"You're still hostile to her." Leng Hao put on a clear look, as if, Xia Wei'an has not changed, or as before, full of envy to Ruyi.

"I mean, there are so many people who are better than her." Xia Weian said sarcastically, "also, the woman you want to marry in the future will not help your career. What's the matter? Will you give up Ruyi in the future? So what are you engaged to Ruyi now for? Is it just to annoy me? After all, maybe you're really upset that I'm so close to Hughes, and don't you think you're very dissatisfied with anything I do? You hate me for a long time, but it's the first time that you're so tangled. Are you trying to attract my attention? This is aimed at me. I remember you in the past, but I disdain to tell you this. After all, what kind of person am I? Oh yes, in your heart, I'm just a dispensable trouble. Since you don't want my trouble, it's better to treat it as if you can't see it. Fortunately, tell me that for my good, so let me keep a distance from Hughes. Why do I have to separate from Hughes for your idea? He's the best man I've ever met in my life. His kindness to me is not given by others. Even if it's only temporary, I don't want to let go. "

Maybe in the bottom of Leng Hao's heart, it's stupid for Xia Weian to stubbornly want to catch Hughes, but only Xia Weian knows that Hughes is good to her, which makes her unable to refuse.

When a man is willing to pay for you, and at any time, are willing to appear in front of you, then the woman feels is slowly love, she is not willing to give up.

"I think you are possessed now, and then you will feel that this man's love for you is true. You know, he is still very young, and no man's first love will come to the end. Maybe you have really moved Hughes, but when can this so-called love last? Have you ever seen a so-called rich man marry a common woman? "

Leng Hao asked scornfully.

Xia Wei laughed when he settled down. "What's the difference between Ruyi and me? At least, I still have a family. But Ruyi, just like me, can enter Leng's home. But why can't I be with Xiusi?"

"Because you are different." Leng Hao laughably explained, "she will have her own career, you stand on different heights."

"Oh, I heard that you opened a studio for Ruyi, which you also opened for her. It doesn't matter how much money you spend. Don't you also pave the way for Ruyi?"

Xia Weian deep breathing, everyone is talking about, Xiusi spent a lot of money on her, but lenghao didn't invest for Ruyi?

And she'll find a way to pay it back.

"I just gave her a chance."

Leng Hao opened his mouth in his spare time.

"Then I ask Leng Shao not to forget that I have become like this, and the debts I owe have nothing to do with you."

Xia Wei'an didn't want to speak so harshly, but now, she can't bear it.

Leng Hao was stunned at first, and then looked at Xia Wei'an ironically, "in the end, you are only responsible for what you have become. If you are not so willful, you will not do so much harm to Ruyi. Should you recognize all these things?"

"I think, but at the same time, I also hope that you don't just put on the posture of a judge. After all, I was wrong in the past, but now, I'm not inferior to you. Sometimes I don't want to offend you. I just don't want to have too much involvement with you, but it doesn't mean that I'm really afraid of you. Lengshao, I'm not afraid of wearing shoes, As long as you don't go too far, I will keep the peace with you on the surface, otherwise, I will make you regret it too! "

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