Give him a daughter?

If before, an shengxia would not hesitate.

But maybe it's a woman's sixth sense. She doesn't dare now.

I thought about it for a while, waiting for their relationship to be stable.

Wait, Li Ruoxi exits automatically.

After that, she decided if she was going to get pregnant.

Because she, like him, wants to have a daughter.

But she didn't want the baby to be a mistake from birth.

"Here comes the company."

Hearing his warning, an shengxia suddenly looked out of the window, "is it convenient for you to send Xiaobai and Dabai to school today?"

"I've had the driver deliver it." At least it's his son. Can he not care?

What does she mean by such a polite tone?

"This Saturday, Xiaobai and Dabai are going to perform a stage play. Can you spare that day?"

But in fact, there is no need for an shengxia to remind him that he even sponsored the performance.

"We'll go together then." Then he reached for her hand and tightened it again.

"That's good!" Looking down at his hand, an shengxia smiles like a flower.

"Mrs. Quan, it's easy for you to be satisfied." He sighed.

"Because I'm just an ordinary person." What she wants, maybe a lot, maybe not much.

She wanted a complete home, his love and his love for her sons.

"Big watermelon, drive carefully." After pushing the door to get off, Ansheng Xia waved to him, "slow down on the road."

Just like a good wife.

"Good." In an instant, the man and the car disappeared from his eyes.

Just the next second, dazzling red Ferrari, arrogant to stop at the foot of an shengxia.

"I'll give you three seconds now. If you don't eat, I'll throw it away." In his hand, Chutian looks at an shengxia with a fresh wonton. He is laughing.

"How much is it?" My stomach is growling. An shengxia has no backbone to ask.

"I saw him send you to work just now. How about persuading him to sign a contract?" Chutian pick eyebrow, "anshengxia, you don't come out, but your loss."

"Why?" An Sheng Xia doubts.

"Because I'm willing to package you, make you red, and even surpass the previous anrumo." Chutian's words make an shengxia a little excited.

"I forgot to mention it last night!" A pat head, anshengxia chagrin himself, why so silly!

After all, when he is intimate, maybe he can promise

"Forget it. It's free. Eat it." Chutian then picked up the packaging bag in his hand, "hot wonton, if you don't eat it, it will be pasted."

"How do you know I like this?" An shengxia wants to eat, but he doesn't dare to say, "my family has less power and won't let me eat your food."

"He's not here, and it's just a meal. You can eat. No one will see you." Chutian's sincere advice.

An shengxia retreated again and again, "no, I promised him to stay away from you!"

"Is it too much for you to say that in front of me?" Does anyone speak ill in person?

Chutian speechless, depressed to drive away the car, but slowly rising mouth.

An, Sheng, Xia

Can you help me forget Li Ruoxi?

I'll be good to you, too.

put one's heart and soul into.

After working overtime to 10 o'clock, an shengxia was already tired and restless, but unexpectedly received a text message from a strange number: Emperor private room, you want a surprise.

Is the mobile phone exhausting?

At first, an shengxia only regarded it as a prank.

She has received similar inexplicable SMS before, including gambling and money fraud.

After leaving the company, the car drove in the direction of Quan mansion.

Head on, someone turned on the flash!

"Ah Suddenly brake, anshengxia screamed!

"Anshengxia, I know where he is." Sitting in the driver's seat, Chutian leaned out of the window slightly, then gave a cold smile, "right now, I'm not at home."

"Where did he... Go?" But think of, just received the mobile phone message, anshengxia lonely stare big eyes.

"I'll take you there and get in the car." Pushing the door open, Chutian calls the trailer company and asks people to drag an shengxia's car away first, then holds her wrist and throws it into the car.

"Where are we going?" After getting on the bus, an shengxia always feels uneasy.

"Less right to see."

ten minutes later.

Standing outside the private room in silence, an shengxia raised her hand several times, but dropped her arm again.

However, the door did not close directly, and there was a crack in it.

I can hear someone talking

"He's in there. Dare you go in?" Chutian suddenly grabbed her hand!

"Get out of the way. I'll go in myself." At the bottom of his eyes, an shengxia revealed his determination. After the liberation of his fingers, he reached out and rang the doorbell!

Wearing only a white bath towel, Li Ruoxi pushed the door open with a smile. She could see that an shengxia and Chutian were slightly chapped and seemed to be surprised. She stepped back step by step, "miss an, what are you doing here?"

"May I go in?" Axen Xia saw a pungent aroma, which was Li Ruoxi's perfume.

"I'm afraid you'll misunderstand when you go in, an shengxia. Are you sure you want to come in?" Li Ruoxi lowered her eyelashes and asked!

"Well." An shengxia nodded, "you are his friend, that is, my friend. Can I go in and have a cup of tea?"

"..." it seems that there is no reason to refuse again. Li Ruoxi turns around and lets an shengxia and Chutian in.

The bright light poured down from the Crystal Princess chandelier on the roof.

The room is beautifully arranged.

A man was sitting on the sofa, rubbing his cell phone.

It's Quan Yao!

So, it's so late, but he's in Li Ruoxi's private room?

"Mrs. Quan, why are you here?" Then looking at Chutian, Quan Yao already knows the answer.

Didn't he tell her to stay away from Chutian?

She didn't!

"I met a car accident on my way home, and then the car broke down, so I asked him to take me home..." at the right time, Li Ruoxi finally explained.

An shengxia immediately retorted, "Miss Li, don't you have any family? Generally, when you have a car accident, you should find your family, then the insurance company, not him! "

"I'm sorry..." like frightened, Li Ruoxi seems to feel cold. She reaches out her hand and hugs herself, but makes an shengxia notice again that Li Ruoxi is wearing a bath towel at the moment!

Well, Li Ruoxi certainly didn't wear anything inside!

An shengxia's eyes tightened!

The pale Li Ruoxi bit the corner of her mouth and continued to say slowly, "I was scared at that time. The only thing I could think of was him... Yao, I seem to have caused you trouble?"

"For him, for me, of course, you are just a trouble..." I wish I could give Li Ruoxi a slap and let her know how to write the word "integrity". But an shengxia sneered and did nothing.

"Quan Yao, please comfort Miss Li slowly. I think she's scared now. I'll go home first."

An shengxia's voice has just dropped, and the man who has been sitting on the sofa has finally responded!

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