"Don't just look at me. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can say it directly. If you always look at me like this, I have to think that maybe I'm not good enough at something." Ansheng summer slightly pick eyebrow way.

"How can it be? I still know that my aunt is so kind to me. I just came here for the first time. It's a bit strange and unexpected. I really didn't expect that the residence would be so big. I hope you don't laugh if I do something not good enough." Ruyi is very polite.

"I'm really a good obedient child. Before, I thought there might be some estrangement between us, but now it seems that it's not. It's just that I think too much." Anshengxia's indifferent way.

"Mom, don't scare her when you say that. As you know, she is sensitive and easy to think." Leng Hao, of course, helps Ruyi speak.

"Big brother, it's OK. My mother has a strong mouth, but she won't bully people." Leng Jianjia pulls Leng Hao's wrist. Leng Hao has recovered.

He seems to be in a mess every time he meets the right thing.

Even lengjianjia couldn't see it.

After dinner, Ruyi went to lenghao's room.

"Your room is as big as I think, and the decoration is black, white and gray, very simple, but not simple." Ruyi appreciates lenghao's taste.

"Take a simple look first. I'm going to Dad's study." Cold Hao simply explained a, then turn round to leave.

Ruyi is sitting on the edge of the bed, thinking.

"So are you sure it's her? I won't interfere in your feelings. It's better than liking. I'm still very humane. As for your mother, now she's accepting Ruyi. You can rest assured about that. " Cold night is concerned about lenghao after all.

"Dad, I hope the relationship between them will be better and better. After all, I'm not only the fiance of others, but also a son. I know my mother is worried about me, but I don't think it's necessary. Ruyi and I have known each other for a long time, so I know her character. Besides, even if one can disguise, But it's been so long. Maybe it's the same person. "

Leng Hao's explanation is understood by Leng Ye.

"Well, since you all say that, then I can't say anything else. You can fix a date to prepare for the wedding. Our cold family hasn't held any big feast for a long time. Since it's your wedding, we must hold it in a big way."

Cold night will certainly give my son the best of everything, including this wedding.

"Dad, don't you think you are a little anxious. I think Ruyi still has many things to adapt to. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to mention the wedding at this time?" Leng Hao asked.

"You were the one who was worried at first. Now everyone is worried, but you are not. Leng Hao, you should know that you are already an adult. Do you need me to remind you of this? If you don't adapt, you should speed up to adapt. If you really adapt, if there are other problems, don't you procrastinate? I'll take the third child's affairs into consideration, so you big brother don't always think that you won't get married before she comes home. After all, she has children, but you are different. As the eldest son of the family, you should get married as soon as possible, so that I can rest assured. Maybe I'm old enough to say this, but you have to think about it in your own heart, When I married your mother, I didn't know how early or even gave birth to you. " Cold night is just speechless, as his son, the action is not generally slow.

"Dad, I think you are anxious to have a grandson, but don't you already have a grandson? Why are you still not satisfied? " Leng Hao's funny way.

"Listen, I'm not joking with you this time. You should really think about why you are not in a hurry to get married. If you can think of this problem, then you will grow up."

Cold night said, then waved his hand, "you go down first, I'll talk to old three."

Sure enough, Leng Hao just went out, Leng Jianjia came to the study.

"Dad, you are teaching me a lesson one by one. I knew you would let my mother have more children. In this way, it won't be so early to teach me a lesson." Lengjianjia has always been lengye's favorite daughter, so she dares to joke with lengye.

"When is it? You are still not serious. In fact, I don't want to talk about you any more. You say that you are such a big girl, but you still don't worry about your own affairs. I'm really convinced."

The cold night has been speechless.

"Dad, what's the matter with me? Anyway, I gave you a grandson as soon as possible. But look at my two brothers, one is not in a hurry to get married, and the other doesn't like women. I think they are the ones that make you headache most. Anyway, I've tried, but I was cheated by a bad man carelessly. I may not recover completely now, Is it too much for you to let me choose again at this time? " Cold Jianjia wronged Baba's way.

"It's not that I don't love you, it's because I'm so kind to you that I hope a man can treat you well." Cold night sighs.

"Dad, don't worry. I don't worry about getting married in the future. Besides, I already have sons, and I won't be too sad in the future. Won't you and your mother support me? Sure enough, I've been splashed out by my married daughter, so you won't feel sorry for me." Lengjianjia disguised a very sad and desperate look.

"Look at what you say. I know for myself whether you are good or not." I just feel headache on a cold night.

"Dad, I'll call my second brother to come here now. In fact, I think the most unfilial is my second brother. I don't want to find a partner even though I'm old. I just want to die in a hurry!"

Leng Jianjia's respectful way.

"It's a pity that your second brother is so kind to you, but he's beating other people's reports behind their back!"

The cold night was amused.

"I can't help it, for self-protection!"

Leng Jianjia helplessly spread out her palm, and then continued, "Dad, do you think men will really marry a woman for revenge? If you are a man, will you do that?"

"Why, are you beginning to love Chu Hannian now? No, this man can't The face of the cold night immediately became serious.

"Dad, I'm just asking. After all, I don't know men." Cold Jianjia just suddenly thought of it, then asked, but cold night seems to be misunderstood what.

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