"Well, you know how annoying you people are. I don't want to go home to see my brother." Cold Jianjia fidgety way.

"I really hate it. In fact, your heart still cares about me. Are you worried that my relationship with Xiu Qiqi is better?"

Chu Hannian just lowered his voice, but the words he deliberately grasped were still very clear, and they went deeper into the eardrum of lengjianjia.

"Well, you may not know how annoying you are, but you can also feel why I would rather live outside than come back, because I really don't want to see some people in the past, how extraordinary their relationship was, and how regretful they will be in the future. In fact, sometimes, I really regret it. I didn't expect that, At the beginning, provoking you will produce so many consequences. At the beginning, I only thought that you used the power of Leng family, but I didn't expect that you hated me so much. If it was simple hatred, it could be resolved, but if you took your mother's leg, I really can't afford it. " Cold Jianjia's mouth, coagulating a bitter, "Chu Hannian, in fact, it's very good now, everyone is well with each other, it's also a good result, at least, it's not too ugly, our elders can almost end."

"Your father didn't dare to touch me. Didn't you understand that at that time, because he knew that you had me in your heart. My uncle was different from your two brothers. They wanted to kill me, but your father still knew that he didn't dare to embarrass me, for fear that you would hate him later." Chu Hannian said at the moment, cold Jianjia also let go.

"In fact, what my father has done is right. It doesn't mean that I still have thoughts about you. It's just that when I was young, people would make mistakes, or take the wrong path with the unsuitable people. Maybe I will regret it later. But maybe this is the only way for people. Not everyone will find true love in this life. In this world, There are a lot of people who are reluctant to get together, but I'm also lucky. I can choose to leave because the cold family has given me such confidence. " So lengjianjia didn't feel poor or helpless. She was lucky enough.

"In addition, when I was young, people were stupid. I already know what it's like to be with people I like. Even if I think about it later, I won't feel regret. I feel regret more or less. I should give my best time to someone who is worthy of it, but unfortunately, I still haven't met such a good person." Cold Jianjia plain road.

Chu Hannian did not expect that lengjianjia could be so insipid, as if there was no fluctuation at all.

In accordance with the truth, lengjianjia is still very young, should not show such a plain face.

Is it because of myself?

Chu Hannian pinched the back of his hand.

"I'll be here these days. If you need anything, just open your mouth. You know it. I'll help you when you are in trouble." Chu Hannian's words surprised Leng Jianjia, but she didn't care.


"They went together, but lengjianjia was the ticket before, and Chu Hannian was decided after. Don't you know the news?" Hughes's unexpected questioning Xiu Qiqi.

"I don't know. I just heard today that Chu Hannian is not in China, but I never thought that he would take his son to see Leng Jianjia. In fact, it's no big deal. It's just a business trip." Xiuqiqi constantly comforts himself, but his face is obviously not good-looking. Lengjianjia is just on a business trip for three days, but Chu Hannian has to follow him. Why? Why on earth is this?

"Do you think that Chu Hannian has become terrible now? If he has to follow lengjianjia like this, the time between them will certainly become more and more, but the relationship between you is still standing still. Even, it is not as good as before." That's what Hughes was worried about.

"You think too much about it." Xiu Qiqi jokingly said, "between me and him, I know in my heart."

"You don't know, maybe you really don't know, what's the weight of that child in Chu Hannian's heart? Maybe therefore, Chu Hannian will try to accept lengjianjia. At that time, Chu Hannian was completely separated from lengjianjia because of Mrs. Chu. I think you still know such a simple truth."

Hughes reminded, "I advise you to care about yourself. Don't always believe in Chu Hannian. This man may not care about you as much as you think."

"So you think Chu Hannian doesn't care about me anymore? It's impossible, even if he doesn't accompany me, Chu Hannian will know that I'm always his responsibility. This responsibility is more terrible than anything. Maybe you don't know that when a person is bound by responsibility, he really doesn't have other thoughts, even if he really wants to be with lengjianjia because of his children, but what do you think, Can he? Does Leng Jianjia agree? Does Leng Jia really agree? If you had imagined these problems, you would not have stood here and discussed such boring topics with me. "

But Xiu Qiqi must admit that Chu Hannian's mind is no longer on her.

"But you're right. It's really inappropriate for Chu Hannian to find lengjianjia, and it's temporary. You see, Chu Hannian has begun to forget her work for such a woman. Do you think that Mrs. Chu will tolerate such a woman to stay with Chu Hannian?"

The answer, of course, is No.

Mrs. Chu would not allow Leng Jianjia to stay beside Chu Hannian, even if she was forced by death. Mrs. Chu had never done such a thing.

At that time, Mrs. Chu did it, and it turned out to be a success.

"So what do you mean, Mrs. Chu, is she going to do?" Hughes questioned.

"You don't need to know this, brother. I hope you don't know some things, because some things are not very obvious. After all, I'm still your sister. I hope when you see me, you will see all the superficial things." Repair seven seven helplessly to lift up the corner of the mouth.

"If you really can't hold on, don't hold on hard. After all, what kind of man you want is still very simple, and you don't have to have Chu Hannian, do you know?" Hughes is still a bitter reminder.

"Well, I know, but I still want to be with him." Repair seven seven is how all can't forget this man, have no way.

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