Chu Hannian immediately sneered and looked at lengjianjia incredulously. "I thought you were just looking for me to eat. In fact, I was really happy. I thought we could ease the relationship, but you just brought me to see this man."

"Chu Hannian, even if you are in the residence, you will run into your uncle, so I don't think you need to be angry about it." Leng Jianjia didn't even sit down, just stood, looking at Chu Hannian like this, "I think sometimes you are really too self-centered, just like at the beginning, you just want to get married, and then divorced, you also feel that you have nothing wrong, you think, the mistakes are other people's, you know, such you, make people very uncomfortable!"

"Do you know why I don't even want to fight for you when I know the truth?"

Cold Jianjia words, let Chu cold years suddenly stare big eyes.

"What are you trying to say?" Chu Hannian asked unexpectedly.

"At the beginning, before I decided to divorce, I still had feelings for you. After all, I knew before I got married that you married me for a reason. So even if I knew that you wanted to divorce, I would not feel very disappointed. Even if I was really sad, I would not feel that I had to divorce. It's just that you treat me as if it would be better without me, Fighting for such a man will only make you and me very painful, so I finally think it's better to divorce! "

Leng Jianjia laughingly said, "you've always been like this. You always feel that it's someone else's fault. You don't feel at all that you are also wrong! You don't even think that you are responsible for hurting me and marrying me. You only think that I deserve to marry you, because you are sure that I only marry you after accepting your bad attitude! "

Chu Hannian's face was so ugly that he even put his hand on lengjianjia's chin. "For such a long time, you finally said what you said in your heart. It's just that you are very disappointed in me. Even if you don't say it yourself, I understand it in my heart. But I didn't expect that you had to say it. Did you mean it on purpose?"

"Why do you think I did it on purpose?" Leng Jianjia gritted her teeth and said, "in fact, I also want to maintain a very peaceful relationship with you, but I think that maybe it's just my personal idea. If you and your uncle refuse to ease the relationship, then I think that when I married you, it was just a joke. After the divorce, everyone would think that it was my mother who did something shameful to your mother, Your mother is very stubborn, don't you know that? That's why you feel that the whole world is sorry for you! "

"Listen, I don't want to quarrel with you at all today, and my son is also here. I think the child will be scared." Chu Hannian eased his temper a little.

"No, I think today, I'd better explain everything clearly, otherwise, my mother will be very uncomfortable. All along, you are targeting my mother, but my mother has never been targeting you. Don't feel that if my mother doesn't speak, it's really a fault. My mother just loves you. She has been separated from her uncle and didn't get a healthy family, but, My mother is not wrong at all

Leng Jianjia is very angry.

"Do you think I really can't do it to women, and do you think I've been really nice to you recently, so you dare to stimulate me like this?"

Chu Hannian's temper really came up. Even he didn't realize it. When he wanted to control it, he felt that the woman's smile was very dazzling.

"Is that what you want?" Chu Hannian finally turned to see Chu Tian, "did you ever find lengjianjia, and then let me come to see you?"

"I didn't." Chutian stood up and said, "I don't want you to quarrel for me at all. Jianjia, I know you mean well, but they are really stubborn, but you can rest assured that I will spend time to solve it by myself."

"Uncle, I really can't see it, and I really want to solve this problem. I don't want my mother to be framed all the time."

Leng Jianjia was so angry that he even held Chu Hannian's wrist. "Chu Hannian, how can such a man who tolerates you and your mother really hurt you? On the contrary, I feel that you are always looking for trouble! "

"Have you said enough?" Chu Hannian gritted his teeth and looked at lengjianjia, "you don't know anything at all. Instead, you talk nonsense here. Don't you think you are not qualified? You and I are divorced, so you don't have to mind my business! "

"I don't want to take care of your business at all, I just want to take care of my uncle's business, because I think my uncle is really miserable. Moreover, my mother has been stigmatized all the time, and I have been cheated. Now I think there must be a saying!"

Lengjianjia angrily looks at Chu Hannian.

"You don't want to talk about it when you divorce. Why do you have to do it now?" Chu Hannian always felt that lengjianjia did not play according to common sense.

Leng Jianjia will not give up the songs of Chu, and what the songs of Chu say is also true.

"What's the matter? Do I have to say it depends on the time and your mood?"

Cold Jianjia a hand, then shake off Chu Hannian, "if you are really a person, I think you should think about it, is not your own wrong."

"You want me to admit my mistake this time?" Chu Hannian asked incredulously, "I just want to treat you. You let me admit my mistake to this man!"

"Chu Hannian, you always feel that you are a victim, but do you think much about it? Why has uncle been suffering from loneliness alone for so many years? Have you ever seen any news about his uncle?"

Leng Jianjia laughingly said, "even with my mother, it's only when my mother is there that I can get in touch with her. But is it damned to get in touch with my friends? Obviously your mother is too jealous of my mother, and now also jealous of me, because I gave you a baby! So your mother can't stand me! Don't you know that? What you know is that you won't admit it! So she always thought, let me leave my child! But I won't! "

"You say me, even if you say my mother!"

Chu Hannian certainly won't give in, but he knows very well that the woman in front of him is the most special one.

Because this woman, no one else, is his ex-wife, and also the mother of his children!

Therefore, Chu Hannian couldn't get angry with Leng Jianjia, or even touch her!

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