Chu Tiantian took a few deep breaths, then said weakly, "I did have a boyfriend, but after that day, he suddenly disappeared."

"What do you mean, after you give yourself to him, he will run away for you?" Seeing that his younger sister was wronged, Chu Hannian was crazy. "How can you be so stupid? This man hasn't brought it home to show us, so you make your own decisions?"

"Well, I didn't expect that she would cry. Maybe that man's mouth is too deceitful." At this time, it doesn't make much sense to tangle right and wrong again. Leng Jianjia helplessly looks at Chu Tiantian, "do you know why he left? Will you come back? "

"I don't know, but he proposed to me before, but after that day, he suddenly left. In fact, it's my first time, but I don't know why. I can't see anyone after waking up."

Chu Tiantian said, "he told me to wait for him not to get married, but after three months, he still didn't come to me. I knew I had been cheated, so..."

"Why don't you say it earlier? I didn't ask you this time. I'm afraid you won't say it?" Chu Hannian was very angry.

"Elder brother, I'm just worried that you will scold me. After all, I know that you are worried that I will suffer losses, but I was really happy when I was with him at that time." Chu Tiantian lowered her head and looked honest. Next, she didn't dare to say anything, and even more she didn't dare to eat.

"You are so naive, there must be a lot of scum men who want to cheat you. Now it's too late to say anything. You'd better find the people quickly. If you can't find them, you'll suffer a loss and buy a lesson. When you see this kind of scum man in the future, stay away." Cold Jianjia is open to see, it is estimated that he had been fooled by men.

"Sister-in-law, you are kind. Unlike my brother, you know how to teach me. In fact, I don't know that he would treat me like this. When he was with me, he was really good to me." Chu Tiantian's last resort.

"What's the name of that man? I'll try to find him for you and let him marry you." Chu cold year fidgety way.


"What's the matter?" Leng Jianjia asked unexpectedly.

"I don't know his name. When I was with him, he used his English name. It seemed that he was a half breed. All I knew was that he had a brother. I really didn't know anything else."

When we were together, Chu Tiantian didn't care so much. She just felt that she liked each other and was together. Who knows, in the end, the man disappeared so clean, as if he didn't exist.

"You really..." Chu Hannian was speechless. "How long have you known such a man you don't know?"

"Chu Tiantian was too depressed to speak.

"It turns out that you are guilty, so you dare not tell me when you return home. Instead, you come to trouble lengjianjia." Chu Hannian really can't eat. He immediately drags Chu Tiantian and says, "go back with me. I want to know who that man is."

"Brother, even if you ask me, I don't know. Besides, I can't find people now, so don't embarrass me. I want to forget this as soon as possible, otherwise, I really don't know what I can do." Chu Tiantian broke down and cried.

"Well, didn't you think she was scared by you?"

Leng Jianjia also couldn't see it, so he reached out and stopped Chu Hannian, "if you don't worry, let her follow me these days. If she wants to tell me then, I'll tell you who that man is."

"It's very kind of you, sister-in-law." Chu Tiantian simply hid behind lengjianjia.

"At this time, you want to cover up that bastard man!" Chu Hannian is really going to die of anger.

"Anyway, I don't know what you ask me. I'm in a mess now. If I think of anything later, it's not too late!" Chu Tiantian's timid cold hum.

"Now you think I can't control you. I've learned nothing from my father, but I've been taken advantage of." Chu Hannian reached out and pressed the center of his eyebrows, but he felt a headache.

"I'm sorry, brother, but I didn't mean to make you angry. Besides, I have the freedom to fall in love. Besides, my sister-in-law said that the man is too deceitful and I'm innocent. You can't blame me." Chu Tiantian stressed.

"I think you are too bold now." Chu Hannian had to send Chu Tiantian to Leng mansion.

"You really pissed your brother off this time." Leng Jianjia has his own brother, so he can see it.

"Don't say that, sister-in-law. I'm sick to death. How can I know that man will cheat me?" Chu Tiantian's speechless way.

"I know, it's not your fault, but why don't you even know the other person's name?" Lengjianjia died speechless.

"..." Chu Tiantian lowered her head, "anyway, I really don't know, but he is really good to me."

"Well, I've lost to you." Lengjianjia shrugs helplessly.

"Uncle Chutian's daughter?" Leng Hao was surprised to see Chu Tiantian, "are you so good?"“ Something happened to her, so she lives here for the time being. Brother, you won't object, will you Cold Jianjia a guilty smile.

"Of course not. After all, it's the one you brought back." Leng Hao shook his head indifferently.

"It doesn't look like Chu Hannian at all." Leng Zheng touched his chin and asked, "aren't you Chu Hannian's sister?"

"Of course I am." Chu Tiantian is very cold. Now he is afraid of all the men except his brother.

"Don't scare her." Leng Jianjia felt that she had the feeling of being a sister, so it was amazing. Instead, she felt that her parents didn't give her a little brother or a little sister?

"I see. Don't scare." Leng Zheng shook his head helplessly.

"Sweet, right? I saw you when you were a child." Anshengxia came down the stairs gently.

"Aunt Sheng Xia, wow, you are so beautiful." Chu Tiantian's eyes were amazing. "I know you. You are my father's good friend."

Chu Tiantian is different from Zhang Huifen in that she is not hostile to an shengxia.

"Well, it's rare to come here this time. Stay a few more days. I'm happy to see you, too." An shengxia said.

"That's too much trouble." Chu Tiantian is a little embarrassed.

Back in the room, Chu Tiantian lay on the bed of lengjianjia, "I want to sleep with you, because I'm very afraid now. I can think of it when I close my eyes."

She couldn't figure out why the man would suddenly disappear after she wanted him.

It's her first time.

Did he suddenly find that she was not his type, so he didn't want her? Thinking about, Chu Tiantian's innocent eyes are full of endless sadness and disappointment.

"Don't think about it. Maybe it's because of something." Cold Jianjia patted Chu Tiantian on the back.

Chu Tiantian fell asleep.

Lengjianjia is just ready to rest, but her mobile phone rings.

It's him.

Chu Hannian.

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