When Leng Zheng first saw Xia Wei'an, he thought he was wrong, but it was really her, Xia Wei'an!

"Why are you here?" Leng Zheng curiously walked over and touched his chin.

"Hello, Mr. Leng, I just came to follow up a case. Is there anything dirty on my face? You've been staring at me. I'm embarrassed." Xia Weian is embarrassed to cough.

"It's really strange. Why don't I know when you come to the company?" Leng Zheng grabs his hair.

"It's Leng Da Shao's order, and it's also the work routine." Xia Weian explained patiently.

"You know, when you are here, you will run into Ruyi. Don't you feel embarrassed?" Leng Zheng feels that Xia Wei'an seems to have changed, but there is nothing wrong with it.

"She doesn't feel embarrassed. Why should I feel embarrassed? Besides, Leng doesn't feel embarrassed. I'm just a nobody. I'll get off work when I see you. Maybe we won't meet each other. " Xia Weian's funny explanation.

"Oh, second brother, I know this news. I don't know how happy I am. It's you. You look like you've eaten dog shit. She's my friend at least. Don't trip her up, do you?"

Leng Jianjia sees Lengzheng standing in front of Xia Weian and immediately jumps over.

"I know you have an affair, but don't you know Ruyi is also in the company?" Leng Zheng turned to Leng Jianjia and said, "you know, Ruyi is our sister-in-law!"

"No, I don't care. You're not allowed to bully people. Besides, this matter is arranged by elder brother." Cold Jianjia grabbed Xia Weian road.

"All right, I can't say you." Leng Zheng really won't embarrass Leng Jianjia and Xia Weian, but he still has to care, "I just think, she's here, really embarrassed, I feel embarrassed."

"Second brother, when do you feel embarrassed? You've been on the scandal, so don't talk about it here. You'd better talk about when you'll take off the bill. " Cold Jianjia white Cold Zheng one eye.

"Well, speaking of this, I really want to say, I always feel that Chu Tiantian seems to have seen her somewhere." Leng Zheng didn't remember that day, but now he feels that something is wrong.

"Come on, you memory... She used to have a boyfriend, but now she doesn't. I think it's good for you to be together." Cold Jianjia smile.

"..." Leng Zheng is really speechless, "I don't want to fall in love with the women of Chu family. It's really distressing. Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"Well, I don't think so." Leng Jianjia thinks, like together, where so much trouble? But Xia Wei'an didn't expect to meet Ruyi at lunch time.

"I know that we will meet in the end. In fact, don't think too much about it. I've asked you for dinner several times before, but I don't think so in the future. After all, we have more opportunities to talk."

Ruyi's funny explanation“ In fact, I was quite surprised. At the beginning, I really felt that you had a lot of backbone. I didn't expect that you would also work here, in his company. " Xia Weian was a little surprised.

"It's the same with you, so you don't seem qualified to talk about me." Ruyi shakes her head funny.

"Well, yeah, I really didn't expect to work with you one day." Xia Weian deep respiratory tract, "don't worry, I won't embarrass you."

"Well, we will be colleagues for the time being. At least, we will meet before the end of your case." Ruyi originally wanted to have dinner with Leng Jianjia, but unexpectedly, Leng Jianjia has made an appointment with Xia Weian.

For a time, lengjianjia was embarrassed, "cough, why don't you eat together?"

"No, I still have a little work." Xia Weian doesn't want lengjianjia to be in a dilemma.

"I know you are friends. You don't have to. You can go to her." Ruyi knows that lengjianjia is very concerned about Xia Weian, as if she bullied Xia Weian.

"It's not like that. I just think there may be some misunderstanding between you." Leng Jianjia still thinks that it's really miserable for Xia Weian to eat alone.

"Maybe it is, but maybe not. Anyway, she and I are just temporary colleagues." Ruyi chuckled.


"Elder brother, I just met Xia Wei'an. I thought you would change people, but I didn't expect to let her in." Leng Zheng's unexpected way.

"You know I like business." Leng Hao frowned slightly.

"I know." Leng Zheng nodded, "that's why it's more unexpected. Don't you hate Xia Wei'an very much? You can bear it. You are so great for your work."

"There's another thing. I think it's like I've seen Chu Tiantian somewhere before. I always think she looks familiar." Leng Zheng felt his head.

"What's the matter? Have you met each other?" Leng Hao frowned, "when did it happen?"

"A few months ago, but I don't remember exactly where I was, like when I was on a business trip abroad." Leng Zheng said with a playful smile, "forget it, if I can't remember it, I won't think about it."

"When are you going to make up your mind?" Cold Hao all anxious, "I really should introduce the woman to you, otherwise outside wants to scribble, you like the man, I am really very nervous."

"Big brother, we all know that you like women. Don't panic about this. I'm your little pet." Leng Zheng didn't feel ashamed at all.

"Leng Hao is really speechless.

"Elder brother, I think she stays here, and Ruyi always looks up but doesn't look down. It's a bit too much." Although Leng Zheng did not specify, he was also talking about Xia Weian.

"You care about that." Leng Hao pressed his eyebrows and said, "it's just a problem at work. I will leave the company in three months."

"Three months, don't you think it's too long? Before this woman even appeared in front of you for a second, you would be angry." Leng Zheng felt very strange, "brother, don't you blame her for bullying Ruyi?"

"It's not the same thing. It's work." Leng Hao explained.

"I always feel that your attitude towards others has changed. I don't think you can treat her fairly."

Leng Zheng's words made Leng Hao very unhappy.

"You mean, I used to bully people."

In fact, Leng Zheng thinks that bullying means the same thing.

From its cold Hao, the attitude towards Xia Wei'an, in fact, is bullying.

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