Leng Hao stared at her hand for a long time.

It's almost a kind of scrutiny, which she can't bear.

"What's the matter with you?" She coughed and asked.

"Nothing." Leng Hao is still frowning.

Even if it hurts, she won't say it?

He didn't expect that. She's quite tolerant.

It's just the feeling that makes him uncomfortable.

Or is he such a demon like man in her eyes?

"Don't forget to pay back the money." Really not at ease, Xia Weian back to the hotel, again told.

It's not difficult for Leng Hao. He just needs to explain to his secretary, or find an accountant, and then he can directly transfer the money into Xia Wei'an's account.

What's more, he has many companies overseas, and it's a matter of minutes if he wants to get there.

It's a pity that this man's attitude of not getting oil and salt seems not to take the transfer seriously at all.

But you know, she's not really a rich person. Of course, she attaches great importance to money.

"Is that how you love money?" Otherwise, when Wei An and Hughes got engaged in early summer, it was also because Hughes paid a lot of money.

Even helped the Xia family to relieve the crisis.

It seems to hear the deep meaning of the man's words. Xia Wei'an's face turned pale immediately. Fortunately, the dark environment didn't make her lose her face completely. Her face just stiffened for a few minutes and then recovered as before. She just said indifferently, "as a young master, of course you don't know other people's sufferings."

"Aren't you the apple of the eye before?" He's reminding us that they're no different.

Maybe it used to be.

But since she fell in love with this man easily, she has become different.

It is a moment from the sky fell to the ground.

No, even in hell.

If it's just about herself, she won't feel so bad, but dad is innocent.

Think of father, now don't know where, Xia Wei An's heart, then surge a burst of bitterness.

The wrong person is her.

But this man did not let Xia family go.

Xia Weian will never forget how disgusted this man is with himself.

"What are you thinking?" He seems to think that she is not happy, maybe, it has something to do with him.

"No, I dare not. It's late. I want to have a rest." Xia Wei'an's tone is very light, light as thin air.

"Don't you dare to take Joe for me, too. It's bold." Men easily spit out words, but the tone is not very good.

"No..." Xia Wei An didn't know how to explain, but he was always so careful, but it seemed that he couldn't be satisfied.

What can we do?

She would rather accompany him on business as long as it is not her.

"Give me your account number." The man frowned slightly.

"Bank card?" Xia Weian immediately responded, and without delay, he took out his bank card.

Then she turned and went back to the room.

Leng Hao was condescending, staring at the pile of things he bought. Somehow, he felt a little uncomfortable.

He kicked it away at will and picked up a belt at will. It was not his favorite style, but when he bought it, he wanted to try it on immediately.

This kind of thought, he is very rare.

Looking back carefully, this style is really ugly. If he chooses it by himself, he will never buy it.

The next day, Leng Hao put forward shopping again.

Xia Wei'an trembled all over, quietly checked the account and found that the money had arrived. Then he subconsciously asked, "Mr. Leng, what do you buy this time?"

"For grapes." Leng Hao didn't know what to buy for the children. He also bought many toys and models before.

"Do you know children?" He asked casually.

"Little grape is very gentlemanly. I think he will like everything he buys. After all, he has a heart, and he is very sensible and clever." Xia Weian thought of small grapes, eyes overflow gentle light.

"The child is too timid and doesn't like to cry, which is not good." As a child, he has to be like a child. Leng Hao is very distressed.

"Maybe, he is very sensible, so he doesn't make trouble for Jianjia." Xia Weian eyebrows, "perhaps, the child is not so weak as we think, it is because the small grape is too strong and sensible, so it will not cry."

After a pause, Xia Wei'an said in a low voice, "Mr. Leng, do you mean that you used to cry when you were a child, so you think it's abnormal that little grape doesn't cry?"

"Only what are you talking about?" How dare you make fun of him? This woman is really more daring!

Leng Hao glanced at her displeased, but saw the woman's face at a loss, but could not continue to get angry, just Leng hum, "I think he is timid!"

"Definitely not!" Xia Weian did not lose the battle.

At least she is the godmother of little grape, so Leng Hao is not allowed to say that.

"It would be interesting to let your sister know that you said that about her son behind her back." Xia Weian raised his face and asked casually.

"You dare!" Leng Hao can't believe that he can't cure a woman!

"Well, don't you want to buy something?" Xia Wei'an's face is slightly hot. It's really strange that the weather is not hot. He also feels that the atmosphere is a bit strange. He immediately stops talking and goes back to the purpose of shopping today.

"Or, buy a little suit." Xia Wei'an picked up a set and thought it was very handsome. She must look very nice when she put it on.

"He doesn't lack them." Leng Hao wants to buy things that can accompany her children for a long time, rather than clothes. She has to change them before she is a few years old.

"Then buy a jigsaw puzzle. I think little grape likes to make things by himself." Xia Weian suggested.

Leng Hao just thought so, so he bought a lot of puzzles, thinking that little grape would be happy.


The sweet voice suddenly came from behind. Leng Hao casually turned to see Ruyi's face, from surprise to doubt.

Ruyi first looks at lenghao, and then notices that the woman standing beside him is Xia Weian.

Rao is Ruyi, how did not expect, even if we are on a business trip, why do we have to go shopping together?

"I'll buy a drink first." Xia Weian is very self-conscious and doesn't want to be a light bulb.

However, this kind of consciousness makes Ruyi feel uncomfortable.

What Leng Hao likes is such a woman. She is clever and sensible. In the past, Xia Weian certainly didn't have such self-consciousness, but now Xia Weian is

Ruyi always feels uneasy. Her eyes are fixed on Leng Hao's face immediately. Sure enough, she sees the man's eye accident and doubts

Ruyi really wants to know, who is the reason for his accident?

After thinking about it, Ruyi walked to Leng Hao's body in a few steps and said, "it's a coincidence that I only go shopping when I feel bored. Can I have dinner with me later?"

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