Wearing a black suit on a man, he is still as handsome as ever. The brilliant light is scattered from the top of his head, making the whole man the focus. Even if Quan Yao stands simply, there is a steady stream of people coming to talk with him.

He has money, he has power.

Always, only others flatter him.

"Quan Shao, are you peeping at me and her?" Chu Tian simply broke the words.

An shengxia is shocked. She talks with Chu Tian. What's there to peep at?

"When I look up, I can't help it." A few steps to anshengxia, just a quick glance, then take back his eyes, Quan Yao squint at Chutian, "if you are afraid to let people know, what are you doing in such a prominent position?"

"Quan Shao, you are very busy recently. It's not easy to see you." Chutian said casually.

"Aren't you busier?" Quan Yao sneered, "it's said that you often come to Anshi recently. Zhang Lili's disappearance bothers you. Mr. an, isn't this what you should be responsible for?"

An Sheng Xia stares big eyes a Leng, this man, can again shameless a bit? Don't bother her?

"She's been investigating cases lately. She doesn't even have time for dinner." Chu Tian stands in front of an shengxia and frowns, "less power. If she doesn't say something, it doesn't mean she hasn't done it. Don't look at her too one sidedly, or wear colored glasses."

"But what is the result? However, one person is missing, but it can't be found out for a long time. " Quan Yaowei stares at an shengxia alone, "how many days do you need to solve this problem?"

"For the time being, I'm not sure, but I hope the sooner the better..." after all, Zhang Lili's parents are in a very unstable mood and will make trouble again at any time. An shengxia explains in a low voice, "Mr. Quan, I've applied with the police to find people, and the purpose of my coming here today is to find people. Now I have new clues."

"Well, I thought you were flirting with Chu Shao now." Looking down at an shengxia's short skirt, Quan Yao's throat was hoarse and sour. "Is that how you investigate the case?"

"Mr. Quan, I don't quite understand what you mean?" An shengxia is very angry. He looks at her everywhere today. Is she sick?

"Just to investigate a case, do you need to dress like this, or are you excited?" Approaching one step, Quan Yao disdains the way, "after all, at this banquet, almost all men are peeping at you."

"People want to see me. I can't control that." It's just, why did he notice that?

Or is he peeping at himself?

An Sheng Xia can't help but stare big eyes, "Quan Zong, it's time to get off work, and I'm not a 24-hour dog behind you."

"What's the matter?" As soon as she came, she subconsciously and intimately held Quan Yao's arm. Li Ruoxi was also dressed like a fairy falling from the sky and attracted the attention of a large number of men.

"Miss an, I haven't seen you for a long time. I saw you last time at school." Li Ruoxi eyebrows, "I also heard that you have a little trouble recently, but fortunately, there is Chu Shao in, he is nothing else, is particularly enthusiastic, no matter who will encounter difficulties, can't help but help."

"Well, so I thank him very much." An shengxia is grateful from the bottom of his heart.

"How can you just say thank you?" Li Ruoxi blinked vaguely.

Chutian didn't break anything. Sometimes, it's good to spend so much.

Otherwise, in case you don't even have a friend to be.

"Ruoxi, you don't need to talk like this. I have no purpose to treat her well." Chutian said that, Li Ruoxi only thought it funny.

In those days, Chu Tian saved himself just to get his heart.

But now Chu Tian said that he helped an shengxia without any purpose.

But why?

"When did you come?" Quan Yao finally looks at the woman beside him. His tone is never gentle. At least, it is thousands of times more gentle than when he treated an shengxia.

"I saw you chatting when I came here, so I watched for a while, and then I came here." It seems that Li Ruoxi is not new here.

"Something to eat, eh?" Quan Yao pointed to the delicious food at hand, "is there anything you like to eat? If not, I'll ask the chef to prepare something else. "

"No, I'm not very hungry now. Besides, I'm full when I see you." Li Ruoxi sweetly lowers her head and reveals her own happiness as if no one else.

"What would you like to eat?" Here, Chutian can't help looking at an shengxia, "even if you investigate the case, don't forget to eat. You always have to feel sorry for yourself."

"It doesn't matter. The food here is delicious. I'm not picky." Anson shakes her head.

"Then have some cake." Since Chutian reached out and handed it to him, an shengxia said with a smile, "well, I'm just hungry, and I have an appetite."

"Then you can eat more." Chutian joked, "anyway, you're in such a good shape that you don't need to lose weight."

"Chu Shao, you should like it. Miss an's figure looks forward and backward, right?" Li Ruoxi asked playfully.

In figure, Li Ruoxi really lost to an shengxia.

"Take your time. I'll go to the bathroom." Under the strange atmosphere, an shengxia just wants to withdraw first.

After all, Li Ruoxi's words have thorns in every word.

She can't stay with Li Ruoxi safely.

In the bathroom.

Mercilessly washed the face, wiped off the excess makeup on the face, that face is beautiful more soul stirring, an shengxia to the mirror does not matter a smile.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Chutian is not bad.

She is not a person who likes to make do with. She just has a nice man around her. She also wants to have a try.

However, all of this, we have to wait to find Zhang Lili, she has the mind, calm to think.

Just out of the bathroom, an shengxia lowered her head all the way, facing the white light, but unexpectedly, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

An Sheng Xia is surprised, and finally understands where the pressure that has been forcing her comes from.

I saw the man standing at the corner, which was the only way she had to go!

With a cigarette in his hand, he looks more noble and cool. Quan Yao raises his hand, hands the cigarette to his thin lips, and takes a silent breath, but then sprays it out the next second.

"Cough!" An shengxia is choked, suddenly looks pale, and constantly lowers her head to cough. She raises her eyes angrily and glares at the man in front of her. He is absolutely intentional!

In the face of an shengxia's anger, Quan Yao first squints his eyes and quietly appreciates it. Then he raises the corner of his mouth and suddenly grabs her chin. "Did you kiss her just now?"

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