Lift eyes, caught off guard, sink in the man's deep cold eyes, an shengxia's face instantly stiff.

He didn't mean it, did he?

Gasping in anger, an shengxia only feels that the whole body's blood is boiling and burning wantonly!

"Ah...!" There's no time to respond, right Yao that copilot, Li Ruoxi suddenly scream!

It turned out that Quan Yao had a sneer in his eyes. After reversing quickly, he went to the back of an Cheng's car again and hit it hard!


After the violent collision, the whole rear of the car in Ancheng was shrunken, which was a terrible sight.

Bumping people can be so arrogant. Apart from Quan Yao, who else can it be?

The most difficult thing to accept is Quan Yao's rebellious attitude

I saw that he arrived at the intersection of the road with the intact car. Then, regardless of the sound of the car behind him and the public's comments, he looked at Ancheng indifferently and said, "sorry, you're in my way, Mr. an..."

"Mr. Quan, this road is not opened by your family. It's not opened as you want. In case of any danger, can you take responsibility?" Of course, an Cheng is dissatisfied, and he doesn't want to lose face in front of an shengxia. Of course, he has to talk to Quan Yao.

What's more, an shengxia and Quan Yao are separated. At the moment, Li Ruoxi is still sitting in Quan Yao's car, which will only add to an shengxia's disgust and disappointment towards Quan Yao!

"I'm sorry, we didn't see the way just now. He didn't mean it... Can I apologize to you instead of him?" Rao is Li Ruoxi. No matter how generous she is, it doesn't seem convincing.

"Well, I did it on purpose." Not willing to cooperate with Li Ruoxi, Quan Yao every word, stabbed an Cheng as a man's self-esteem.

What about?

The car was crushed, and I didn't dare to get out of the car to have a fight, did I?

If you only use your mouth, it will not be a threat at all.

"Don't worry, I'll make a full compensation. Maybe I can give you some compensation." It is Quan Yao's careless attitude that makes an Cheng look hot.

"Less power, don't think you can do whatever you want if you have some money." Immediately out of the car, an Cheng pulled Quan Yao's collar through the window, "if you have seed, you get out of the car for me!"

"If you fight, you may not be my opponent. It will only be you who are ugly. You have to think clearly." Bending down to get off, Quan Yao's eyes are still just sneering, and he doesn't put the threat of an Cheng in his eyes.

In his view, an Ancheng is not a threat at all.

But even if he thought so, he still lost control.

Out of control and hit the car in Ancheng!

Is he responsible for such shameless behavior?

He has always been too rational

Also don't want to go deep into, why do you want to lose control, Quan Yao lazily break open an City, "sorry, I don't want to fight with you now, I will pay for your car."

"I'm so sorry..." Li Ruoxi stooped and got off the bus. Then she took Quan Yao's arm and apologized to an Cheng. She didn't want to make trouble.

"It's OK. You can get in the car." Patted Li Ruoxi's shoulder lightly, Quan Yao lowered his voice to coax him, and the gentle voice made people laugh.

Even if anshengxia heard it, he was shocked.

How could he have such a gentle side? But when facing her, which time is he passing by?

It turned out that he had been hiding such a careful tenderness, and refused to give it to her.

Seeing Quan Yao in the driver's seat, an Cheng angrily kicked the wheel.

He really can't provoke Quan Yao!

I can only swallow this breath!

However, right when Quan Yao starts the engine and wants to leave

"I called the police."

Soft posture, standing straight in front of the man's car, Anson Xia is sure to raise her mobile phone.

"Really, you want to protect him?" Quan Yao asked jokingly.

At the moment, an shengxia didn't have any extra expression on her face, and she didn't look at Li Ruoxi any more. Instead, she looked straight at Quan Yao. Every word was very clear, and she pulled it out from her teeth. "Quan Yao, I want to sue you for intentional injury!"

police station.

"Miss ANN, we have made a clear investigation now." The policeman said solemnly, "master Quan didn't drink and drive, and didn't violate the traffic rules. Just because of some misunderstanding, he had a quarrel with Mr. an. Master Quan also said that he would make full compensation for the compensation for the car, so..."

In other words, I hope this matter can be reduced from a big one to a small one.

"Uncle policeman, when I was sitting in the car with my friend, he drove directly and hit me. How could I hurt people intentionally?" "I don't think it's a matter of compensation," she said

"Master Quan has also said that he will pay a certain amount of compensation." The policeman frowned slightly. Seeing that an shengxia still refused to let go, he said unhappily, "it's really impossible to judge this kind of thing carefully. Master Quan also paid the deposit. You might as well take the money and leave."

"Midsummer, that's it." Ancheng advised, "he is such a powerful person, we have no way, this time, forget it."

"We can't just let it go." Also know, is oneself implicate an Cheng, an Sheng summer gnash teeth to walk to right Yao in front of, "you apologize with him, this matter can calculate."

"No way." This man never really admits that he has done wrong. Even if he is wrong, he is willing to do it in the end.

"You apologize!" An shengxia can't help but raise her voice.

"You all go out first. I'll talk to her alone." Quan Yao's words are undoubtedly for others to listen to.

"I'll... Too?" Li Ruoxi asked strangely.

"Ruoxi, go out and wait for me." Quan Yao's cold command.

"..." I just think it's funny, but I think that since Quan Yao is willing to divorce and tear his face with his two sons, it doesn't matter that an shengxia is in Quan Yao's heart at the moment. Li Ruoxi finally left.

"Young master an, you also go out."

But an Cheng is worried about an shengxia, "what are you going to do to her?"

"This is the police station..." what else can he do?

The next second, the whole room is only an shengxia and Quan Yao.

"What are you going to say?" An shengxia is not used to being alone with him.

"Are you with a man like Ann Cheng?" Quan Yao sneered, "an shengxia, I can only say that your eyesight is not generally poor. No matter from your family background or from the ability to make money, he is not as good as one of my fingers. Even if you want to find a man, you should at least find someone similar to me, eh?"

"After all, isn't your mouth in my mouth? I think his ability is very poor, especially in that aspect. "

After listening to Quan Yao's words, an shengxia only feels ironic, "Quan Shao, you just feel too good about yourself. I really can't raise any interest in your type. At least, an Cheng is my senior. People know the root and the bottom, unlike those men in the society, who are too complicated."

"But an shengxia, don't you say you don't want to go back?"

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