And she expected, completely different, Lingxi is not the so-called poor boy.

In this case, Ling Xi didn't marry her for Xiushi.

So why did he marry her?

Fix seven seven think about it, Ling Xi suddenly broke into her world.

Before that, she was sure that she had nothing to do with the man, and she was confused.

After all, Ling Xi has more choices than her.

"Maybe I just met you." Ling Xi's response is neither cold nor light, but makes Xiu Qiqi extremely surprised.

What is just meeting her? It seems that they have known each other for a long time, and he really has her in his heart.

I do not know why, repair seven seven suddenly feel confused, always feel, Lingxi seems to come to her side on purpose.

"Is there really no other reason why you married me?" Xiu Qiqi asked curiously.

"Why, what else do you think besides the need to get married? I said I love you for a long time, but do you believe it?"

Ling Xi's voice just fell, but Xiu Qiqi suddenly laughed.

Of course she didn't believe it. The man looked for her for a long time, or loved her for a long time.

"Of course, I don't believe it. There's no such beautiful thing in reality. Besides, how long have we known each other? Don't deceive me as a three-year-old. Besides, men have few good things. They are all pig hooves." Thinking of Chu Hannian's unfeeling, and even finally transferring her feelings to Leng Jianjia, Xiu Qiqi only thinks that maybe there is no so-called love in this world. If there is a pity, she has never met her.

"If you can be so realistic, I can rest assured. I'm really worried that you will ask me for love. I can't afford it." Ling Xi laughs sarcastically.

"You say that like I'm forcing you to get married. After all, you didn't object to our marriage, did you?" Xiu Qiqi asked funny.

"Yes, I'm not against it. I'm glad to marry you." Ling Xi's words once again confused Xiu Qiqi.


"If someone tells you that he is very lucky to marry you, does it mean that this man likes you?" Xiuqiqiduan is sitting in the coffee shop gracefully, but his mind is a little broken. He eagerly holds Xia Weian's hand and asks.

"I can't really drink coffee." Xia Wei'an changed herself into juice, and then reexamined Xiu Qiqi. "As soon as you saw me, you said that it was your friend's private affair, but how do I feel that you are not helping your friend to analyze it, but helping yourself. Did Ling Shao say something strange to you? I always think that he likes you before, otherwise he won't marry you directly. You know, a marriage is also a responsibility for a man, and his own conditions are not bad. It's not difficult to marry a woman... And I've heard about what happened between you... Ling Shao has been following you secretly before... To be honest, Have you met each other? "

"I haven't met him, except Chu Hannian, I don't remember who I knew... And he came back from abroad."

Xiu Qiqi scratched his head and finally shook his head. "I'm sure I don't know him, but when he saw me, he said," I don't remember him! "

"So he must know you, but you don't remember him!" Xia Weian patted his head, "if it's true, it's quite romantic. It proves that he has you in his heart, so he decides to get married."

"His external conditions are not bad, if I really know such a man, I will definitely have an impression, so I always feel, very strange!" Xiu Qiqi couldn't understand his mind! The whole person is extremely confused!

"Don't feel strange, people may have seen you somewhere, and then they have been investigating your news. Maybe, before you and Chu Hannian had a good relationship, he didn't dare to approach you. After learning that you and Chu Hannian were separated, he felt that he had a chance. If you don't believe it, you should think about it yourself. It's a good time for him to appear around you!" As a woman, Xia Weian is still very sensitive!

"So... It's really possible... He always wanted to deal with me!"

Repair seven seven suddenly open, feel oneself discover not big event!

"So in this world, there is no coincidence at all, but he deliberately returned home to get close to you. After that, you want to get married. It's just his intention. Don't you think it's a good match for you to stand together?"

Xia Wei'an thinks so, "moreover, you are also well matched. In the eyes of outsiders, you are a pair of golden girls! It's best to get married together! "

It's rare for Xiu Qiqi to say what he thinks. Xia Weian didn't expect that he could sit quietly with Xiu Qiqi and talk about private affairs. He felt like a friend he had known for a long time.

"Is it?" Xiu Qiqi doesn't know how well she matches Ling Xi. At first, she just wants to annoy Chu Hannian, but unexpectedly, Chu Hannian doesn't respond at all.

She miscalculated!

But I don't regret it!

Maybe he thinks that Ling Xi has some ideas about himself. He always feels uncomfortable when he comes back to his apartment on the same day.

"What did you do during the day? They all said that you were not in the company. When I went to pick you up, you were not there, and your mobile phone was always turned off."

Sitting on the sofa, Ling Xi frowned fiercely and looked very unhappy.

"You went to the company to see me?" Xiuqiqi was very surprised. "I have my own car and I can get off work by myself. You don't want to pick me up. When people see me, they think we have a good relationship."

"We are already married. How many times do I have to say that before you can be married?" Ling Xi pressed the center of his brow and walked a few steps to Xiu Qiqi. "Why did you go after work?"

"Why, investigate me?" Xiu Qiqi asked funny.

"Well, you are my wife. Of course, I have the right to know who you met after work, whether it was a man or not." Ling Xi extremely mind this.

"Having dinner with a friend." Xiu Qiqi raises his chin, and his eyes are full of cunning. I didn't expect Ling Xi to be jealous!

"And the girl!" Xiu Qiqi subconsciously added this sentence.

The man's face, which has eased, "next time you eat out and say hello to me, almost my wife disappeared, I will go to the police."

"..." Xiu Qiqi was slightly surprised.

The feeling of being cared for made her feel uncomfortable.

"I didn't lose it." Repair seven seven stubborn way, and then fold to the bathroom, seriously look at themselves.

She has always felt that she is the woman of Chu Hannian. In her life, she can only marry Chu Hannian and fall in love with him.

At the moment, however, she was in confusion.

"Open the door!"

The man's low voice came into her eyes.

Ling Xi impatiently asked, "you go in so long, is not where uncomfortable?"

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