"But I don't like you, do you understand?" Leng Jianjia, this is a clear refusal.

"It doesn't matter. I can wait until you like me." Chu Hannian was not discouraged at all.

"Leng Jianjia is really drunk.


"I've ordered two tickets. Why don't you go out with me and stay at home all day Lengye offered to travel with an shengxia.

"There are so many things in the company, how can I leave?" Where does an shengxia worry about the company? She is clearly worried. Her son is not sure about Xia Weian. Moreover, Xia Weian's stomach is getting bigger and bigger. As a prospective mother-in-law, she certainly has to make a contribution.

"The children can take over the affairs of the company. As for their feelings, let them solve them by themselves, eh?" Cold night chuckles, "you care about your son so much that you forget to care about me, don't you?"

"No, you're old enough to compete with the children?" Anshengxia covers her smile, how to say? Although she didn't expect that cold night's heart is so small, she can still feel the taste of being loved. She is really happy.

"Yes, I'm just petty, it doesn't matter how old I am." Cold night, unconvinced cold hum.

"Can you wait for a while?" An shengxia's words seem perfunctory to the cold night.

"No, I said it's now, and I've made a reservation." Cold night this is preparation, say to leave, completely don't give anshengxia any chance to consider.

An shengxia can only choose to compromise, who let him be her favorite man in this life?

But I don't want to. On the way to the airport, I ran into Leng Hao and Leng Jianjia.

"..." the cold night pretended not to see, and even had no time to say hello, so she left with an shengxia.

"Leng Jianjia felt that he might have jumped out of the stone!

Leng Hao frowned, "drive back by yourself."

"Well? Brother, are you not going home today? " Leng Jianjia was very surprised, and then asked jokingly, "are you going to find Xia Weian?"

"Ask when you know it." Leng Hao also got off on the way and went to Xia Wei'an's apartment.

Although their relationship is not as close as others, it is still mild.

Leng Hao is hardworking and comes to wash and cook whenever he has time.

Originally Leng Hao wanted to find a servant to take care of her, but Xia Wei'an refused directly, saying that she could do some things herself.

But in the end, it was still assigned to Leng Hao.

"I'll make you what I want to eat today." Leng Hao asked patiently.

"Why don't I come by myself, and you don't come every day. Aren't you busy with your work?" In fact, Xia Wei'an wants to keep a distance from Leng Hao. She knows what Leng Hao's thoughts are, but her acceptance of the child doesn't mean that she also accepts him. She just feels that she is always alone and wants to have a child to accompany her. Even if the child doesn't come at the right time, she is too eager for family affection.

"I'll deal with the work. If you feel in trouble, I can move the work over to take care of you and work at the same time." Leng Hao is not joking.

"I think it's more troublesome. You'd better come over after work." Xia Weian sighed helplessly.

"There's already some clues on your father's side. Don't worry, you'll find them." Leng Hao suddenly mentioned a sentence, although, for the time being just a little clue, but he can't wait to let Xia Wei'an know.

"Really?" Originally, there was no hope. Xia Wei'an bowed his head and touched his belly. "Baby, grandfather will like you, too. I'm sure."

"If there's any news, I'll let you know." Leng Hao can see that Xia Wei'an's face has improved a lot.

"Well, thank you. I didn't expect that you were still investigating, although I also know that the chance to find dad may be rare." Xia Wei'an stops his emotion and expresses his gratitude to Leng Hao.

"Said, his disappearance is also related to me, if not..." Leng Hao repressed his emotions, in the heart is not taste, if at first, not for Ruyi, he will not pursue her father.

"It's all in the past." Xia Weian pick eyebrows, just like she likes him, is also a thing of the past, and people want to look forward.

Leng Hao seemed to be able to hear what Xia Weian said. He frowned slightly and looked down. Then he said, "I'll go to cook first. You sit here and wait for me for a while“

But waiting, Xia Weian is sleepy.

Leng Hao couldn't wake her up either. Looking at the woman's quiet sleeping face, he took out his mobile phone and took a group photo.

It's just that she's asleep and he's smiling.

No one knows how brilliant Leng Hao's smile is in this group photo. It's not like Leng Da Shao, who is usually unsmiling, but an ordinary big boy.

When Xia Wei'an woke up again, it was the next day, but unexpectedly, Leng Hao had been sleeping on the sofa.

Xia Wei'an's nose is sour and astringent. She really doesn't understand why Leng Hao can do it, but they really miss it. She doesn't want to look back.

Otherwise, she is sorry for her father and herself.

"I woke you up?" Xia Weian accident, the man instantly opened the deep eyes, but has been staring at her.

"Are you in a bad mood?" Leng Hao can see that Xia Weian has something on his mind.

But pregnant women in a bad mood, how much will affect the belly of the child.

"Nothing. Maybe I'm hungry. When I see some food in the pot, I'll eat it hot first. If you don't, you can eat it before you go to work." Xia Weian suggested.

"Good." Leng Hao is eager to stay here to eat, and then go to work. Sitting together to eat like this is what he wants.

"I really don't need to go home to work?" Leng Hao frowned, "your stomach is also big. You are the only one at home. I don't trust you. Either you go to the hospital or I go home."

"It doesn't have to be like this. I have a phone. If I feel sick, I can call." Xia Weian said with a smile, "I don't go to work now, but I don't like hospitals."

At the same time, don't you like his company?

Leng Hao's eyes dimmed, "you can call me, at any time, I will answer."

Xia Wei'an's heart was greatly impacted.

"I'm not joking. You keep it in mind." After eating, lenghao washes the dishes first, and Xia Wei'an is not allowed to touch water and work. Xia Wei'an feels like a pig, eating and sleeping.

When Leng Hao saw that she was asleep, he took her briefcase and turned to leave. In fact, he felt that when he got along with Xia Wei'an, he was just like an ordinary husband and wife. He felt very satisfied.

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